
Revenge for Lost World

In a world ravaged by a devastating virus, Ethan, shattered by loss, seeks vengeance against Dr. Alexander, the scientist behind the catastrophe. Alongside resilient leader Cassandra and a group of survivors, Ethan's pursuit of retribution transforms into a quest for redemption. As they uncover secrets and remnants of hope, their mission evolves into finding a cure—a chance to heal a shattered world and inspire renewal amidst chaos.

Shade_007 · Action
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11 Chs

The Fall

In a bustling city that once thrived with life, Ethan navigated the chaotic streets, trying to comprehend the unfolding nightmare. The news spoke of a mysterious outbreak, but panic had already gripped the populace. As sirens blared and people rushed in fear, Ethan's heart pounded with unease.

Racing home, Ethan found his once vibrant neighborhood plunged into chaos. Houses stood abandoned, the streets eerily silent. Panic seeped into his veins as he burst through the front door, calling out for his family. But the haunting silence that greeted him was suffocating.

Rooms lay in disarray, belongings scattered—a snapshot of the suddenness of the disaster. With trembling hands, Ethan dialed his parents' numbers, but the calls went unanswered. His little sister's favorite toy lay abandoned, a stark reminder of the life they once had.

Fueled by a desperate hope, Ethan scoured the city, but the devastation was overwhelming. Hospitals overflowed, streets became graveyards, and the once bustling metropolis now resembled a ghost town. Tears streamed down his face as he realized the enormity of his loss. His family, his friends—gone in an inexplicable tragedy.

With a heart weighed down by grief and regret, Ethan sought refuge amidst the remnants of the city. He scavenged for supplies, surviving day by day, haunted by the memories of his past and the burden of not being able to protect those he held dear. As nights fell, the city echoed with his silent screams of anguish and the pangs of unfathomable regret.