
Revenge for being caught in a cold doorway

It's a very scary novel and it's brutal

Humanization365 · Horror
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40 Chs

Knife Dance


Choi Sun-mi has been able to exploit loopholes in South Korea's birth registration system to keep receiving new children. 

For example, they bought children from a trusted broker for money and kept the girls on birth control pills to make it impossible for them to get pregnant. 

They also bought doctors to perform illegal prescriptions and surgeries. 

It's safe to say it was a human trafficking den. 

I'm sure there are children who have been sold. 

Because they're not registered. 

The state doesn't even know they exist. 

The long horse arrived in front of the orphanage. 

"Ah, hello~"

Hats and T-shirts with blue water purifier logos

 Disguised as a knight, right down to the thick horn-rimmed glasses I wear to cover my face, I take a second look inside with the ledger's location guide. 

Of course, I'm wearing long arms and long trousers to cover my tattoos. 

I feel guilty. 

If I open that door right now, there are children locked inside, children shivering, and this moment I have to endure for my revenge is tormenting. 

The 'nursery' has a total of two water purifiers. 

Strangely, these children are not fed, but watered with plenty of water purifiers. 

This is probably due to the torture of not feeding them or letting them sleep, so they have to spray water or just give them water. 

I am shown to an empty room where the water purifiers need to be checked, and the chief leaves. 

The bookshelves are filled with books from the 731st. Disgusted. 

"Yes, just check here and the next room. Sir."

"Would you like a drink, sir? It's a speciality drink."

"No problem, I'll check it out now"

Apparently these bastards are still giving the kids the drug soda. 

Under the guise of checking the water purifier, they secretly attach cameras and bugging devices to chairs and microwaves. 

I'm actually bothered by the fact that it looks like someone is entering the house in the middle of the meter reading. 

Suddenly, my mobile phone rings. Hmmm. 

"Hey, are you free this evening?"

The nursery was equipped with two water purifiers, one in the living room and one in the conference room, so I could only put a bug in the living room. 

The small camera would be picked up by these suspicious children. 

If so, I would be the first to be suspected. 

"Thank you for the inspection, the next meter reading is in three months, right?"

"Yes, sir, would you be available for the 1st of December?"

"I'll do it again at this time, thank you for your trouble."

I want to talk to the director. 

By then, this nursery, you, your staff, and I will be long gone from this world. 

Life is impermanent, as the Buddhists say. 

There are no permanent perpetrators and victims, no permanent winners and losers. 

A comedy is not a comedy until the end, nor is a tragedy. 

It's time to use our heads. 

The preparation of the bomb is smooth, and how it will end must be studied meticulously. 

'I can't believe it takes this much effort to die'

'There's a song about a hot goodbye'

In a way, I needed a mercenary. 

A mercenary to die with me. 

Ji-hoon, Min-jae, and Ji-hyun. 

Actually, the punishments I have in mind are not all of equal weight. 

They are all more beautiful when they suffer various forms of retribution. 

That's why the sentence of sin and the sentence of suffering are directly related to me. 

The choice is between dying and going to hell or staying alive and living like hell. 

I don't think it's appropriate for the three people mentioned above to be punished together. 


I don't necessarily want to kill them all.


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

We need a better phrase than this

I have a headache. 

I have to wash my clothes every time I go to the nursery because of the smell. 

I feel dizzy and sleepy. When I get home, my dog greets me.

"Cheese, it's just you."

He wags his tail in my arms, as if he doesn't know how much I love him. 

It was a rainy day a few months after Chulwoo saved me. 

I was standing in the rain in front of my house, and I brought him in without thinking. 

I couldn't go inside without noticing him shivering in the cold. 

A short note. 

I don't feel sorry for you because you look like me, and I don't feel sorry for you because you've been abandoned since childhood for no reason or meaning. 

I don't know if it's because I've grown up and realised that I can hold someone now. 

As for the origin of your name. 

I named you cheese because I wanted you to always be smiling. 

I couldn't call you Kimchi because of the trauma of my dad throwing kimchi at me. 

What can I say? 

I raised you for about five years, and I can't tell you how much pain and upset I felt during that time. 

I've yelled at you a lot. 

I know it was really tiring and you didn't want to hear it, but you're the only creature in the world who understands my plans and my heart.

So I want you to be taken care of by Dahae. 

I don't want you to feel abandoned, to feel abandoned, because that's the real taste of rice, so Cheese, I don't want you to feel too upset. 

Please understand my feelings. 

Even if I'm not Dahae, I'm not going to leave you behind, but I don't know who is. 

I pray that this is your last life too. 

I should write down what you like and what kind of snacks you like. 

You've never said a word, just listened, and you've been my best friend, thank you. 

Cheese. Always smile.

"Hey, you're looking pretty good today, aren't you?"

"Then it's good to see you."

"I love that you seem to be opening up to me more and more."

"What was the reason you wanted to see me today? Nothing really."

"I don't have work tomorrow, and I've been practising cooking for you. I'll make you a midnight snack later."


"Come over for a midnight snack. Are you working tomorrow?"

"I don't have any plans."

"Why can't you understand me? Let's have a housewarming party tonight!"

"Can I go or not?"

Her eyes widen. 

"Sure. You can come anytime."

"Well, I don't know about anytime, but I have something to tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to walk right now, Dahae."

"You know those sounds you're hearing, people walking past us?"


"Do they know? That the moment they see us is the last time they'll see us, and every moment."

"You sound like you're leaving. Do you have a warrant?"

"I'm gonna wait for you, for the record. 

"Leaving is wrong because it assumes I'll always be here."

"Dahae, I want you to remember this: my feelings and my heart don't change."

"When I look at you, I feel like I've found a pearl in the mud."

"But the fisherman throws the pearl back into the mudflats."

"I'm so miserable. I come to catch fish, and suddenly I'm given something sweet and noble, and I don't want to be miserable again, so I throw it away."

"But the fisherman doesn't dislike or hate the pearl, he just prays that it will find a better owner than me, that it will shine in a brighter place."

"What does that mean?"

"I really like you, more than you realise, and I don't want you to forget that, even if we inevitably part or drift apart in our lives."

"The sounds and feelings we have now. Nothing can last forever and stay the same."

"Neither do you, and neither do I. But I still love you because you're a part of my life."

"This is so hard."

"It is. I am." 

"Let's have dinner. I'll buy it for you."

"Okay, I'll go to Mount Kumgang afterwards!"

"You have good air conditioning in your house, don't you?"

"Of course! I get so hot!"

"How much money do you need to do something like this after school?"

"I think I need two or three thousand. I don't know. I don't know."

"Okay. Let's eat some meat."

"It'll be digested and gone anyway, but for the taste and smell of the moment."

"Did you get in trouble today?"

"I'm serious."