
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Amy and Michael have their back facing towards each other. Both gasping for air with their gurds up. Both are cover in dirt, sweat, broken clothin and wounds. Michael had on red leather gotlets with sharp studs for each knuckel. Amy had two her wooden katanas and on it was demon incantations written in blood.

"Hey Amy, do you think Donzo's punishment is as bad as our?"Michael asked sarcastically

Amy giggled and said." Even if he did. They how would you explain how weak he was."

" You got a point there so now lets finish this."

Michael and Amy was surrounded by a heired of Demon beast. Each one from a different race of Demon beast and each as big as a first floor apartment building. Each one was at king level. Michael and Amy used quick step to disappear. Michael appeared in front of a Demon king lion. It Roared ferociously but Michael puched it's Chest. Break it's bones and vomiting blood. He disappeared again grabbed and giant Demon bull by one of its horns. Michael's force of his speed gave him momentum. Using this method he tackled it to the ground. Before the beast knew it Michael threw destructive punch against its face. The force was so strong that he crushed the bull face inward.

Amy ran in all different directions. Slashing different beast from all directions. Amy jumps in the air and chops off the head of a Demon Dear. Then in mid air, without saying anything a spell casting seal appeared while she was upside-down. She used it as a stepping shone and ferociously jumped downward. Amy charged both swords with the incantations lighting up. Black lighting on the left red lighting in the right. A Demon Snake Roared because Amy was aming for it. It was hopless as the impact rendered the snake headless and from the smoke Amy rised from the grown stronger and her eye glew Red. In the air a Demon blue lighting harwk appeared in the air and shot the most furious blue lighting that the other Demon Beast woukd avoided it. Amy did not flich, she just spun her swords together so fast you could only catch a glimpse of it. Then came the attack came towards Amy. As it hit Amy was able to hold back the attack with the spinning of the two katanas.

Amy was able to counter the force and tranfer the energy of the attack, storeing it within the incantations upon sword. When the attack subsided, Amy had stopped spinning her katanas. Each incantation started to glow in different colors and blue lighting began to flow out of the each katana.

"Demon Art Twin Sword Dance/Deadly Countor"

Holding her arm in an X postion. She swiftly moves both katanas to create a crescent moon shaped energy out put that was triple the amount of energy that the demon gave. The attack killed the Demon lighting Hawk and 50 Demon beasts.

Outstide of the battle zone, watching was Drake and Principal Lee. Drake was sitting in a king thrown made out of Shadow. Legs cross and head resting on his fist. Principal Lee preferred to stand and watch.

"isn't this a bit much? It's already been seven years." said Principal Lee while stroking his beard and one arm behind his back.

"if they can't survive this. The what was the point in these 7 years." Drake replied while looking bord.

Futher across the open field, in the tree Teacher Chu was watching the punishment she heard about.

'OMG, this basically feeding those kids to the beast. This is not any punishment that I've heard of.'

" Do you sense it too?" Drake asked

"Yes someone is watching us." said Principle Lee

"Should i go get her for you Master Drake?"

"No need." Drake just waves his hand. Miss Chu, without her noticing and Dark void silently appears behind her. Arms of Shadows emerge form its and gabbed her mouth and restrained her body. The shadow arms then dragged her into the void. On the other side of the void, Miss Chu was stap out. As she got up she realised that she is now standing in front of Drake and Principal Lee.

"Miss Chu, isn't it rude to spy on people."Drake said bashfully to Miss Chu. He looked in her eyes and she blushed.

" i wasn't spying. I was just observing."

The Principle laugh for a short moment and said

" Miss Chu knowing my friend here he probably hasn't introduced himself. His name is Master Drake and i can not tell you more."

Miss Chu was even more curious about Drake and he maybe handsome and seem to be well mannerd. she can not seem to measure his strength.

"Principal Lee, why can't you say more?" Miss Chu asked. Intentionally trying to pry information out of him.

Principal Lee laughed yet again.

"well simply put it. If i did I'm afraid I'll be killed in mere seconds." Principle Lee said and laughed it off.

'what? But the Principle already king-realm-peak- level and he would be killed in a second. Just who is this Man? "Miss Chu thoight to herself.

Drake sites up in his thrown and askes. "Miss Chu "When you look at those two fighting over there. What is it that you see?"

Miss Chu looks and sees Michael and Amy struggling in the fight.

"well if i had to say. I see two kids fighting for their lives." she says

"well thats what you see. Do you want to know what i see?" Drake says and stands up. He the walkes to stand next to Miss Chu to watch.

"what i see is two Children that have never had an easy day in their life. Children that have taking the saying 'work hard' to another realm. If you look into their eyes you won't see the eyes of children but Warriors. When i look at them i don't even see children. I see two warriors fighting, showing no sign of giving up."

Drake the rases his arms as if he was showing off their power and Miss Chu began to open her and released what he saying is true.

"The two of them complete each other for there strength and weaknesses. There team work is born out of blood and near death experience everyday for the past 7years. Together the are 'THE BEAUTIFUL & DAMNED'" Drake said passionately

Drake drops his arm and a cold wind began to blow. The weather itself began to change. Clear skys began to turn dark and the cold wind begain to get stronger and stronger.

" Michael, Amy...hear my comade."

During the fight Amy and Michael looked at his direction.

"LIFT 5TH SEAL!" Drake shouted,

instantly chains of gold and black broke off Amy and Michael. as if their strengths have now released. Michael felt his body lighter and Amy grip on her swords became stronger.

Michael made his first move. He was so fast that he hit all the demon beats that were on the ground up in the air at the very same time. Breaking the ground below his feet under each Beast.

all the Beast eventually were in the air. Amy was already there, waiting for her moment strike. She Focuses the power within her intothe Kendo sticks. clouds began to circle but Amy was in the centre of a storm. lightning rain down onto her given power to the Kendo sticks


This skill was so Ferocious that all you could see was red and black lines within the sky. Dismembering each Demon beast over 100 times. As Amy landed on the ground she stood up and looked up in the sky. Demon beast body parts still remaind in the air, then shattered into millions of pieces. Blood began rain down onto them. the ground itself and could not see it because it was now a pool of blood. Michael looked at Amy. she was looking up in the sky. her face was a little sad that she did not want to go that far. Michael can tell what is going on through Amy's mind. just by the look on your face he can tell that she did not want to release the seal. She wants to be strong enough that she doesn't need to release it. All Michael can do now is go behind Amy. He puts his arms over her shoulders and cross her breats. He then holds her tightly, with her back against his chest. Amy felt comfortable like this and came back to her senses.

"hey I'm okay now Big Bother." she says softly.

"Do you want me to let go?" Michael whispers in her ears. Amy holds his four-arm and drops her head. "Maybe you can hold on to me a little longer." Amy wispers back at him.

Miss Chu watched that moment and know what Drake ment by THE BEAUTIFUL & DAMNED

'those two are perfect but at what cost has it taken them.' Miss Chu thought feeling great full for their strength but sad to see the young having to have sacrifice so much.

The two waked back laughing at each other. Commenting each other on their strength and weaknesses.

As the step in front of Drake they with respect. Drake smiles

"you have passeded first test. Later tonight me and Michael will i go out for the final test and only you can do this." Drake said with pride in his voice.

"Amy, Principal Lee and Miss Chu will have dinner together and also keep an eye on Miss Chu for being too nosey" Said Drake but look at Miss Chu's direction

"hump... I'm not nosey. I was just curious."

Drake turns to Amy and say "Amy you're hiding your kendo Stick from me again."

May was very reluctant to show him the condition of the sitcks. She holds them lying in both hands.

The hilt is crushed ans the incantation were burned.

'what are those writing on those sticks

"I'm sorry Mater, i know you worked hard on making me a new set again."

Draked loughed. "Amy there just sticks and you incantations are perfect. You don't need to worry." Drake said gently to her.

The out of thin air, Drake's long shadow lether jacket appears on his body like smoke. He then reaches deep inside the jaket pulls out two katanns. One is white with and Golden dragon running from the tip of the sheeth till the hilt. The other had the same design and golden dragon but in Black.

Amy's eyes grew big and her heart began to race. Maybe a bit of drool come from mouth but she did that well.

"Amy this is for you. You deserve them. They are an ancient Japanese twin swords of Izanagi Asi. Hone their power and that will protect you." Drake said and handed them to her. Amy respectfully takes the swords and bows with a thank you.

"Congrads Sis." Michael congratulate's her. Putting his arm around shoulder bringing there cheeks together smiling and her blushing.....

'I hope you can carry the weight that tonights test will give you.' Drake though while looking at Michael smiling care free

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!