
Revenge and Kill

Driven by vengeance, Damon embarks on a perilous journey, consumed by a singular purpose: to exact revenge on those who killed poki, his childhood friend. Along the way, he faces harrowing challenges, testing his resolve and morality. His journey will be more challenging and fierce.

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6 Chs

Hunter Appears

Damon: Sani, I've been haunted by the memory of the person from the Carang Gang who took away my childhood friend Poki. I want to find them and make them pay for what they've done.

Sani: Damon, who was Poki? You speak of her with such determination and pain.

Damon: Poki was my childhood friend, Sani. She was a bright soul, full of life and laughter. But the Carang Gang took her away from us. They ended her life, and I can't bear to let her memory fade into darkness.

Sani: Damon, after hearing her story, I can't help but feel a deep sense of sorrow. How cruel and heartless the Carang Gang must be to have done such a thing to an innocent life. It's unfathomable.

Damon: Yes, Sani, their actions are beyond comprehension. But that's why I must stand up against them and ensure that no one else falls victim to their cruelty. I will fight for justice and make sure Poki's story is heard.

Sani: Damon, I understand your pain and your desire for revenge, but sometimes seeking vengeance can consume us and lead to even more suffering. Perhaps it's better to focus on justice and finding a way to prevent others from experiencing the same tragedy.

Damon: I hear what you're saying, Sani, but the thought of letting the person who took Poki away from us go unpunished is unbearable. We need to hold them accountable for their actions.

Sani: I know it's difficult, Damon, but we have to be careful. The leader of the Carang Gang is named Dorje Kale, and he's not someone to be taken lightly. He has five commanders who are incredibly strong, capable of causing immense destruction. It's like they could single-handedly destroy a country.

Damon: Destroy a country? That's astonishing. How did they become so powerful? Sani, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of these commanders and their incredible power. How did they become so formidable?

Sani: Damon, there's a hidden world of power that most people are unaware of. It's called the "Gufa," also known as the cave. These caves appear in various locations across the world, each with a different set of trials.

Damon: The Gufa? I've never heard of it. What kind of trials are these?

Sani: When someone enters the Gufa, they're tested to determine if they're worthy of acquiring a unique power. These trials challenge one's character, strength, and resolve. It's a way to sift through the worthy and eliminate those who may misuse the power.

Damon: So, the commanders of the Carang Gang have passed these tests in the Gufa?

Sani: Yes, that's correct. Each of the commanders has faced the trials and proven their worth. They've gained incredible abilities that have contributed to their power and influence.

Damon: This is extraordinary. I had no idea such a world existed. But how do we even begin to access the Gufa and these trials?

Sani: It's not an easy task, Damon. The Gufa appears in secret, hidden locations, and gaining access is challenging. It requires deep knowledge, connections, and often risky endeavors. We must find those who have successfully entered and emerged from the Gufa to guide us on this path.

Damon: It sounds like a dangerous journey, but if it means acquiring the power needed to face the Carang Gang and bring justice, I'm willing to take the risk. We can't let them continue to wreak havoc unchecked.

Sani: Damon, I admire your determination, but remember, the Gufa tests not just strength but also character. It's important to remain true to ourselves and our mission. Power can corrupt if not wielded responsibly.

Damon: I understand, Sani. You're an incredible source of knowledge for someone so young. You really know all this stuff, huh?

Sani: Of course I am smart, you don't have to say that(feeling proud), but I want you to know that I'm not just a little girl. I'm almost 11 years old!

Damon: (Chuckling) Well, Sani, almost 11 is still just a kid's age.

Sani: (Playfully indignant) Hey, being almost 11 is a big deal! I'm not a little kid anymore. I can handle myself and contribute just as much as anyone else.

Damon: Sani, you seem to have quite a wealth of information about the Carang Gang. How did you come to know so much?

Sani: Well, Damon, I'm from Pathrim, and every year we have a tournament where all seven gangs from different places, including the Carang Gang, participate. It's a fierce competition, and each gang fights to prove their strength and dominance.

Damon: A tournament? I had no idea such an event existed. So, there are six other gangs besides Carang Gang? I didn't realize the extent of their influence.

Sani: Oops, I forgot to mention the other gangs, sorry, Damon!

Damon: Oh, no worries, Sani. It's like you unleashed a hidden surprise. Six more gangs, huh? We're in for a wild ride!

Sani: Yeah, my bad! Buckle up, Damon. It's going to be one epic adventure!

Damon: This is astonishing. I never imagined there would be other gangs of such magnitude besides the Carang Gang. It just goes to show how deep-rooted their influence is.

Sani: It's definitely eye-opening, Damon. These other gangs have their territories and power bases in different parts of the world. The tournament brings them together in one place, showcasing their strength and giving them a chance to settle disputes or vie for supremacy.

Sani: Oh my, Damon! How could I forget to mention the most important part? Listen, there's someone even the seven gangs don't dare to mess with. They call him "Hunter the Moon Cutter." He wears these greeny samurai-type clothes and randomly appears, targeting and eliminating the bad guys. But he never harms the innocent.

Damon: Hunter the Moon Cutter? That sounds both intriguing and mysterious. So, he's like a vigilante, taking justice into his own hands?

Sani: Exactly, Damon! He's like a force of nature, striking fear into the hearts of the gangs. Rumor has it that he possesses incredible skills and unmatched precision with his blade.

Damon: That's astonishing! To command such respect and strike fear into even the most ruthless gangs is no small feat. It's remarkable that he fights for justice and protects the innocent.

Sani: Indeed, Damon. Hunter the Moon Cutter is a symbol of hope for the people, especially those victimized by the gangs. They look up to him as a savior, a guardian who brings balance to the chaos.

Damon: I can't help but admire his dedication to upholding justice. It's incredible to think that amidst the darkness of these gangs, there's someone like Hunter, fighting to make a difference.

Sani: Absolutely, Damon. Hunter's presence alone sends a powerful message, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, there are those who refuse to stay silent and fight for what's right.

Damon: We should seek out Hunter, Sani. If he's willing to take a stand against the gangs, he could be a valuable ally in our quest for justice.

Sani: Are you stupid, Damon? We can never find Hunter, and those who tried to recruit him as an ally were all killed. Let's stop thinking about that and focus on our journey. We should head to Pathrim, above this waterfall.

Damon: You're right, Sani. I shouldn't have suggested it. Let's focus on what we can control. Pathrim it is. But before we go, I need to take care of something. My grandma won't allow me to embark on a dangerous journey like this.

Damon quickly returns to his village, rushing to his grandma's house. He writes a heartfelt letter, expressing his love and leaving it on the table where she'll find it. He adds a note saying, "I'll be back. Take care." Knowing she may not approve, he runs away without looking back.

In the forest near the waterfall, Damon reunites with Sani. They stand together, ready for the journey that lies ahead.

Sani: Are you ready for this, Damon?

Damon: Absolutely, Sani. Let's do it.