
Revenant: Reborn as a Ghost in an Apocalypse

In a post-apocalyptic world caused by a mysterious being classified as "Alpha". its spawns overtake the earth's surface, force humanity to create underground havens, and fight to reclaim the surface world. This is the story of Leon Silvius, once a member of one of the richest households in this new reality, who loses everything in an unfair game with the gods, becoming a ghost in the process. Unable to comprehend his predicament, Leon stumbles upon a stray god whose motives align with his own: revenge. Together, Leon and the stray god strike a deal to exact vengeance upon the gods, with Leon as a ghost wearing nothing but boxers. This is the tale of a man's journey from loss to anger, betrayal to retribution, in a world on the brink of destruction.

Sleepless_Sin · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Disgrace of the Silvius family

"Who are you?"

The supernatural being sets his wager and Leon looks at him and chuckles," It's a done deal". He opens the bowl to see the results.

Leon lost as both the coins showed tails, meaning it got at least one of her bets right.

Leon cursed in his head imagining the smug look on the genie's Imaginary face.

The genie giggles and pats his shoulder "It's alright, beginner's bad luck!~". Leon sighs and looks at it" Okay I'll do my part of the bet"

He straightens his back and starts his tale "Well you already know, My name is Leon Silvius, the second son of the Silvius family. My father is a retired Lieutenant of Cocoon 5 and is a Business partner of a Mining company. I have an elder brother who is 5 years elder than me and a younger sister who is three years younger than me. That should be enough information about my personal life right?"

Genie nods "Not bad, I bet both are tails this time and I want to know about how you ended up here"

"In the Infirmary?" Leon blinks and asks which genie nods in reply.

"Alright then, I'll keep the same bet, my coin goes heads and you tell me what you are and also add in why are you here playing games with me" He cracks his knuckles in a stretch and picks up his silver coin.

"Very well then, flip it" They both flip the coins and close the outcome with the bowl.

"If you want to change the terms, now is the time," Genie told Leon in a monotonous tone.

"Just open it" Leon whispered as he looks at the clock behind her which showed the time was 2:00.

Genie takes the bowl off and the results were again in Genie's favor! The gold coin was Heads and the silver one was tails.

'For Fuck sake! I knew my gut told me to bet on her coin! Shit!' he cursed inwardly as Leon frowned at the results and picks up the coin and starts examining it.

'Is this game rigged?' a thought came into his head but was immediately dismissed as he shook his head 'There would be no point of it manipulating if it's just asking my personal life'.

"So spill the beans ~" Genie was rocking sideways as it hovered in the air excited to hear the story.

Leon just gave up questioning its actions and started to do his forfeit.

" I am a private ranked Rookie who Joined the force 7 weeks back, and I am not the best, I'd give it a modest average rating and training was stressful for the first 5 weeks."

"I said answer honestly." She stressed on him with a cheerful smile making him gulp.

"O-Okay... I was below aver-.."

"You were shit" she corrected him bluntly and he nodded while looking down with embarrassment.

"I-I was shit.."

"Okay now go on" She urged him to continue.

" Ah... so the cadets were split into a Team of 3... you know for team building.. and sorts..,

my team consisting of me, a guy named Luke, and a girl named Alice who I'd say is the class Idol of sorts. you can think of her as a princess with a political background with immense wealth similar to my family.. and as you'd expect. Many guys were hitting her..."

"OOoo~~ Boy's got a crush~" the Genie teased making Leon blush.

I-I'd be lying if I say that I didn't get a bit Infatuated with her during group training, I mean the three of us do it together most of the time. I did make a bunch of colleagues along the way till the day that everyone was waiting for happened."

"Trait Manifestation Ceremony which took place on the 5th week Wednesday." He put his head down with a wryly smile.

He sighs, holds his wrist, and doesn't make eye contact with Genie and was going to continue but was interrupted

"What does that ceremony do? do you do sacrifices?!" The Genie Questioned excited as the red circular eyes turned into star-shaped eyes.

"I was getting to that, To put it in simple terms, NO!, They DO NOT do sacrifices!!"


"It is far more boring than that, It basically works with a machine that checks an individual's bloodline for Inherent traits and sees their compatibility for any acquired trait."

" My elder brother and my father had an Inherent trait of eagle vision which helps us see Long distances and we humans can only hold in 3 traits at most including our inherent trait, so I already expected that I would get the same and bragged about it to my colleagues as I was proud of my Brother and father's achievements."

"but you are still shit" Genie commented as if she shot an arrow to where it hurt most.

"Well, as the saying goes, my pride led to my downfall as the ceremony official told me that they couldn't awaken my bloodline as there is "nothing to awaken."" quoting what they said with his hands. Leon sighs and puts his palm on his forehead and stretches his neck as he rolls his head back and closes his eyes.

"Well as any other sensible man would do, I demanded an acquired trait serum which they refused!

I Have all the money my family can provide, My brother was down for the support and I am prepared for any procedure! but then they REFUSED!."

Leon slams his fist onto the bed in anger as he continued to speak

"All because they couldn't find a single biomarker on me for which they could make the Infusion work. I was an anomaly and they took a blood sample of mine and they sent it to research.

I was desperate, trembling with anxiety, and stressed about what was about to happen to me.

As I was seeing my whole life collapsing on me right in front of my eyes, especially when they told me that they were going to inform my Father of what has happened."

Leon sighs and looks up at the ceiling with a wry smile.

"I panicked and told them not to and ran out of the room and went straight to the washroom to wash my face and calm down in the cubicle till the event ended, embarrassing to say but I did have a breakdown at that point."

"Now you are a crybaby shit"

"Would you stop calling calling me shit.. It hurts you know."

"It is what it is" Genie grins while Leon gritted his teeth.

"Soon after the ceremony, I started to receive the 'stares' as if I was a freak as I walked down the hallways and heard their whispers and enter my dorm to see my stuff was thrown around and my room vandalized.

The Hazing had begun, It wasn't even an hour after the announcement and the people I befriended turned on me.

I was confused about what was happening and then the truth was revealed to me.

my Bunkmate Hiro, a good colleague of mine consoled me with that pitiful look on his face, I appreciated the support but I didn't need it then especially since I didn't know who to trust at this point I figured it out.

Someone got to know from the inside and spilled the beans to the rest of the group."

" the next day my rank stuck to the bottom as the rest of the class started to practice their manifested abilities, for one which I don't have.

my hopes of rubbing my skill onto their faces were all gone, even with all the money I've had.. the dignity and respect I had cultivated during those weeks.. It was all gone!."

"I was stubborn and tried to keep up and ended up being a burden to my team. but the worst was yet to come..

That evening I get a call from my sister telling me that I shouldn't talk with my dad anytime soon."

"Ooo~ the rich daddy is mad at you eh" The genie giggled and spun the coin on her finger tip.

"You could've gone and used your money's influence on the camp you know" the Genie suggested but Leon smiled.

"I wish I could but I couldn't" 

"But you were Shit rich!~" Genie complained but at this point a vein was popping up on Leon's head.

" It was because a week later, as my rotten luck got worse, and during one of the training courses, I accidentally tripped and ripped Alice's shirt off while I was holding a military training blade exposing a side that shouldn't be seen by others."

"You basically stripped her up in public."

"Not on purpose! OBVIOUSLY!

But this enraged Luke, which then led to me ending up in a near-death coma after a beatdown I received from Luke and his mates. which lasted for a week."

"Looks like he has the hots for her huh, you really do have shit luck." Genie commented with an eureka face.

" When I woke up, I was right here like now in this bed healed up and nursed by Dr. Maria. She informed me of what happened."

"Luke was put into disciplinary training while I was medicated, His other mates were not caught and punished, and Alice was transferred to a different team."

He smiles wryly till he looks back at Genie and continues "But what I was worried most was what my father would say and sure enough… my worries started to turn into reality"

" later that night my father called me and told me not to return home as I was a disgrace to his name and Legacy, Thus I earned a title in the public eye and the military…"

"The Disgrace of the Silvius Family"

"Luke's mates keep finding ways to break me down as they continue to find ways to physically hurt me and psychologically cripple me by taking away my bed and ruining it and destroying my meals and that became more radical this week and here I am."

"The skinny weak useless shitty disgrace of the Silvius family." The Genie ended the story.

Leon then frowned as looks at Genie just spinning the coin in the air and staring at it which popped a vessel on his temple and made his eyebrow twitch.

"Don't get annoyed and toss again, the game is still on" she prompted and tossed and he did the same as it lands on the table and they close the outcome with the bowl.

"I say both are heads and you fix what is wrong with me," Leon said sternly, making the genie smile ear-to-ear and showing its sparkling white teeth.

"I bet both are tails and You would give me what I want" It counter-betted,

"What do you want for me?"

Leon asked curiously raising an eyebrow. "I'll tell you after the results" It replied as Leon takes off the bowl and sees the result as his eyes widen and pupils dilate.


"I WIN!!"

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