

Kade Northwood, once a powerful and wealthy businessman, now driven to commit heinous crimes including murder in a fit of rage and revenge, and being ultimately killed for his actions. Upon his death, he forced himself unto another world, where he would have to confront the consequences of his past life and work to make amends. Though, this wouldn't be the case... -------------------------- Chapter lengths: 1000 - 1600 - 2000+ words. This MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. Don't waste your time and comment on this story if this isn't your cup of tea. The same goes for those who want an MC who's already overpowered from the start. The MC's power is sort of slow and progressive.

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39 Chs

V1 - C5 - P1: Entrance Preparation Pt3.

Haneul Yoon:


To his great surprise, his gaze was initially drawn to their chest, making him nervously swallow and lift his eyes to meet the formidable figure before him.

Haneul Yoon(INT):

"O-oh God... I'm so dead..."

Despite the initially intimidating presence, the towering figures menacing stature quickly shifted to charismatic, his eyes flashing a charming smile as he leaned in and gently rubbed the back of his head. While possessed of a tall height, a mildly lean build, and short brown hair, the young man's warm personality shone through, accentuated by his soft but magnetic amber eyes and gentle smile.


"Hey, uh- are you alright?"

Haneul gazed at the towering figure with surprise, anticipating the fellow student might be a bully looking to exploit him for money. Clearing his throat, he nervously responded.

Haneul Yoon:

"U- uh- uhm... y-yeah..."

Despite not fully trusting the fellow student, Haneul shook the tall figure's hand after he extended it with a reassuring smile.

Haneul, though uneasy and distrustful, found a strange comfort in the tall figure walking alongside him.


"Nervous for the first time of school too, huh?"

"Well, atleast I'm not the only one here."

Haneul turn to glance up at him with a raised eyebrow. Haneul, was a moderately tall young man with a slender physique and a hint of muscle, black irises with bright fiery-colored pupils shaped like flames. His light blond hair was tousled, and he wore black round glasses for clear vision.

Haneul Yoon:

"You're nervous too...?"

"You don't seem to be the type."

Mujin Daeho:


"Well, just to reassure you, I'm not as confident as the other magic users here."

"Oh! Right, the name's Mujin Daeho. What's yours?"

Haneul Yoon:

"Mujin Daeho? Your name is pretty odd..."

"I'm not saying it's bad though!"

Mujin Daeho:

"No no, it's alright, it's nice meeting you though."

Mujin sees a large crowd forming queues at the academy entrance, making the place quite crowded.

Mujin Daeho:

"This is a pretty large crowd, huh?"

Haneul Yoon:

"Well of course, some of the strongest students came from this school, it's very prestigious."

"And it's because the academy only accepts twenty-five students out of a hundred plus people."

"The twenty-four students then undergo practical entrance exams, where two pairs compete against eachother, and the loser is eliminated."

"After this process, roughly twelve students remain."

Mujin Daeho:

"Sounds like this place is pretty rough."

Haneul Yoon:

"At first it'll kinda suck, because you're fighting to enter the academy. It's either their life, or yours."

"But it'll be worth it, because you're in."

Mujin Daeho:

"Huh... thanks for the heads up-"

Mujin accidentally collides with someone, causing the person to drop their belongings.

Mujin Daeho:

"Hey– uh, sorry dude–"

Just as Mujin is about to apologize, his collar is pulled, and a group of the guy's friends emerges behind him.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"It's Kim Joon-Ho, f##kface."

"Look at what you did, you made me drop my sh##."

Mujin Daeho:

"Listen, I don't have any problem with you–"

Kim Joon-Ho:

"If you don't have any problems with me, then pick my sh## up."

Mujin Daeho:

"W-what? Uh."

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Pick my sh## up."

Mujin Daeho:


"Alright, fine..."

As the students pass by or stand around, they observe the interaction between Mujin and Joon-Ho. Witnessing Mujin kneeling to collect scattered items, some onlookers chuckle at his embarrassment, while others shake their heads or sigh.

???: Joon-Ho's friend:

"Look at him! He's actually picking it up!"

??? #1:


??? #2:

"What a p##sy."

??? #3:

"I would've kicked a## if that happened to me, just sayin'."

??? #4:

"That guy's gonna get chewed out of the entrance exams."

??? #5:

"You wouldn't see that happening to me."

Despite the mockery and chatter from onlookers and Joon-Ho's friends, Mujin forces a fake smile. However, he notices a spit drop near his hands and swiftly pulls away, prompting laughter from Joon-Ho and his friends at Mujin's humiliation.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Must've been the rain, huh?"

Uncomfortably, Mujin forces a false chuckle as he returns the items to Joon-Ho, who smirks in response.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Now, bow low to the ground, just so I know you're sorry."

Mujin Daeho:


"Is this necessary?"

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Just do it if you want me to leave you alone, idiot."

Joon-Ho shoves Mujin. He wore a forced smile before slowly kneeling to bow.

Kim Joon-Ho:

"Now say sorry."

Mujin Daeho:

"...I'm sorry."

A smug grin appears on Joon-Ho's face, content with the apology and walks away with his friends.

Kim Joon-Ho:


"See you later, p##sy."

Watching the scene, students chuckle and gossip about Mujin, who remains kneeling and bowed to the ground.

??? #1:

"He's probably crying."

??? #2:

"Look at him, he's got his head all hung low."

??? #3:

"What a loser."

Mujin remains bowed, concealing his face by staring at the ground. His eyes burn with anger and hatred; he bites his lip, suppressing his fury over the incident.

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"I will make you bleed."

"And relish in your humiliation while everyone watches."

Haneul Yoon:

"H-hey... are you alright, Mujin?"

Standing upright again, Mujin released a sigh, masking his true feelings behind a forced smile.

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"And this useless idiot stood there and did nothing."

*Clears throat*

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"Yeah, I'm doing fine."

Haneul Yoon:

"Those guys are a##holes."

Mujin Daeho(Kade Northwood):

"...It doesn't matter, I just want this all to hurry up."

The academy bells rang loudly, prompting student candidates to either run or walk toward the entrance.

Haneul Yoon:

"...Well, best we get going now..."

In line, Mujin and Haneul watch the individuals leaving with disappointment or sadness. Upon hearing a voice that rejects or barely accepts candidates. Mujin peers to the side, trying to identify the source of the voice at the entrance gate.





"Hmm... rejected."



Approaching the entrance and nearing the front of the line, Haneul grows nervous, fidgeting with his fingers. Despite the tension among those waiting, Mujin remains unfazed and calm.









The voice approached as the line dwindled, and when Mujin reached the front, he stood and sighed upon entering the room. A talking owl perched on a pole, and guards on both sides of the walls, gazed down at Mujin with a narrowed look. Mujin raised an eyebrow in surprise and confusion.

Mujin Daeho(Kade&INT):

"A talking..."



"Don't think when I am examining your potential-coo."

(INT) means "In Thought" as in thinking.

(MRY) means "Memory" as in remembering something.

THQDRAIZOcreators' thoughts