
Revelations @end of the world

Orion aspires to become a Templar Conjurer, but he failed his awakening magic countless times. When he almost gave up becoming a conjurer, he discovered the hidden memories of his former life that is slowly returning to him. With the awakening of powerful soul magic that was brought over from his rebirth, and the memories from an advanced civilization of technology and science, Orion finally awakens his templar magic and began an adventure that would make crown him King and he would become the strongest power in this world, and the known universe.

Joyon · Sci-fi
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574 Chs



"Tesseract of Chaos"

"Take it now", I said to Rinna as she quickly summoned her Serpents.

Instead of a multi-headed python, what appeared was a withered treeant of sorts whose many branches transformed into serpents.

"Serpent of Nehess"

Nehess was one of the serpents on Rinna's tree with the appearance of Jormungan. He had powerful maw and fangs that quickly ate the cubic Tesseract that Delirium gave to her.

"Why did you give me the Tesseract?" Rinna asked Delirium.

"Because you will need it. Your fates are entangled, the Dark Angel and you. You will do your part in the Revelation if you choose to", Delirium said to her.

Suddenly, the mother serpent tree started to grow again. The withering red tree was growing again.

"What part do I have in the Revelations? The Serpent?" Rinna asked.