
Chapter 3: The Decision

Sitting in the edge of the bed in my chamber, I plucked a feather from my wing, then burnt it and smelt the smell it gave off so as to create a telepathic link between I and the remaining fourteen Elder angels;














"My dear brethren, good day to you all, .....hope am not interrupting, but there are important matters I would like to discuss regarding certain events taking place in the castle recently.....lest I forget, congratulations on your full recovery,Azreal and..."

"...sorry to cut in but could you skip the pleasantries and greetings little brother for not everyone has time to waste around.." Azreal spoke with a mixture of disappointment and disgust in his tone, he was tired of Lucifer's scheming, he knew of what Lucifer did to Eve for he could sense it all from under the tree of the forbidden fruit, and he also knew of the interaction he had with the Iblis, the leader of the Darksiders, because he noticed a slight disturbance in the pulse emitted by the power of the Iblis from the core of the Earth.

"ohh brother, are you talking in regards to father's behavior towards the little creatures he just created" Orion added , the Angel who controls the thunders and waters of the heavens. "I must say, I am quite disappointed in the way Father has been behaving recently, he seems to care about those humans than us, also..... "

"Keep your mouth shut Orion, who are you to speak about Father in such a way " Gabriel cuts in

"..and the savior arrives" Lucifer laughs mockingly "Oh I forgot not to include you during meetings of such, because you are just a little pet Gabriel, always playing around at the palm of Father, with no thought of your own, you are the definition of a soulless creature, for you have no purpose" I attacked ruthlessly

"I don't expect you to understand dear brother, buy I am the messenger of Father, I am his mouthpiece" Gabriel boasts with pride

"Be quiet you all, Lucifer, why did you connect to us all, what was the important matter" Raphael says with a voice of authority, he had always been the silent type but when he speaks no one dares talk back, not even the oldest Elder angel Azreal, because to all angels Raphael is the most respected.

"Alright, I called this meeting for us to decide the successor of the castle.... for Father has lost his edge, he has gone soft"

"How dare you speak of Father in such a manner!!!!!" Micheal yelled, "There is no successor, because Father is omnipotent, he is the greatest among all, so all you have just said was meaningless, I have no hand in this"

"Lucifer, what makes you think Father has lost his edge and has gone soft, because for as long as I can remember, we are Father's duplicate slit into numerous bodies and we are to trust him in whatever he does .." Raziel spoke

"Firstly, do you all know what Father has been doing whenever he leaves the castle..." Lucifer asked knowing fully well none of them knew except from Azreal, Micheal, and Ramiel.

"I thought Father went to the surface of earth to continue his creation..." Uriel asked innocently

"oh that, Father had finish creation for a long time now" Lucifer laughs hysterically, "The omnipotent and greatest Father is sitting and dinning with those little creatures, while we are left here in his stead, does that sound right to you.."

"Father has a reason for that, am sure he has something important he wants the to do" Gabriel says stuttering a little

"No one is going to listen to you Gabriel you are always trying to take Father's side, besides he can just command them to do whatever he wants with the power of Genesis" I said trying to wrap things up quickly because I could feel father's presence, "Listen all of you let us vote on wether we shall usurp father or not "

" we are not" Azreal spoke authoritatively

"I support Azreal" Gabriel added defensively

"same here" Micheal added

"I do not agree to usurping Father " Uriel added, cause he was scared of the wrath of Azreal.

"I think I might agree with Lucifer" Matheal added, creating a tense athmosphere, because whenever Azreal, Gabriel, I, and Micheal decide on a matter, no one dares rebuke it for we are the strongest in heaven.

"Matheal!!!!!, do not speak anymore" Azreal commanded, he was furious with Matheal, "it is decided, there shall be no usurping of any sought"

"Alright, let's all just forget I said something so stupid" I smiled to myself for I have already achieved the purpose for calling of the meeting, because during the meeting some of the Elder angels did not speak due to the fact that they are scared of Azreal, "So the meeting has been called of... " I then slowly opened my eyes so as to break the link, and right there infront of me were the Elders I had expected to come meet me, they were Orion, Matheal, Astharot,Belial, Moloch, Chemosh, I smiled at them.

"I am tired of Azreal making decisions for us, we are not allowed to speak just because they are a little stronger than us" Orion spoke with full resentment

"...I know Lucifer has a plan, for he won't call a meeting that he is fully aware that he will lose " Astharot said leaning closer to me, as expected from the Angel blessed with wisdom, "so tell me brother what do you have in mind"

" first I would like to hear Belial comment for he is the most dangerous among you all here, he is quite cunning " I said staring at Belial trying to read him but his face beared no emotion

With a smirk on his face Belial spoke, " You flatter me brother..... if I had anything in mind, I would have told Father all that occured in the meeting first so as to be on his good side.... but I am standing right here in front of you....so...."

What he said was quite convincing, but I still felt insecure inside, Belial was known for his cunning

"The only reason I came here was because I need strength, I am tired of being a pushover" Meloch said breaking the silence

"Trust me if it's strength you desire I shall

grant it upon you, but it comes with a price..."

"...a price, what do you mean" Meloch asked with curiosity

"well, let me tell you all the plan I have in mind..."


Meanwhile, Azreal, Raphael, Micheal, Ramiel, Raziel, and Micheal were discussing in the workshop chamber, a room filled with dangerous equipment imbued with God's life force making them more powerful and stronger, the room was burning at an high temperature because of the huge furnace that belongs to Chemosh, the smith.

"Brother why do you keep saying we should not tell Father about what is going on, I know Lucifer, he will still continue his plan to usurp Father" Micheal said with a loud voice, he knew how dangerous Lucifer was

"you are right, am sure some of the Elder angels might have gone to make an alliance with him..." Azreal spoke calmly

"..then why are you not telling Father all this" Micheal cuts in

"Father has been in an horrible mood since the Adam and Eve incident, so we telling him more bad news might lead to the destruction of heaven as we know it for Father's wrath is the worst..." he turns to Ramiel "Ramiel, send one of your crow to sneak into Lucifer's chamber so we can know the elders that are in an alliance with him, do not get cut.."

"ok" Ramiel said as he pet the head of the crow on his shoulder as if relaying a message to it, the crow flew away leaving the workshop heading towards Lucifer's chamber.

"so what are we going to do regarding Lucifer uprising" Raziel spoke

"we are going to recuit" Azreal said with his brows furrowed, then he looked around as if in search of something, then he striked the air and then mid-air, a bee went up in flames burning with orange flames, it's screeching voice shook the whole workshop as it burned leaving pieces of shredded paper, "that was Matheal, transformation technique, he made a bee out of Origami paper, we can all assume that Matheal is part of the alliance..... as I was saying we are going to recruit soilders, we are going to add more angels to our fight with lucifer, but we must do this slowly and on a low key, so as to ensure Father does not know about this.."

"haaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!" Ramiel screamed with pain as he held his eyes in pain, ichor was seen dripping from his eyes, like it was being squeezed from the inside

"what happened Ramiel..." Micheal asked with care

"....what happened was that you all do not have any sense of privacy, tell them Ramiel what did you see" Lucifer cuts in, walking in, strangling the neck of a crow which shrieked in pain

"haaaa!!!!, I didn't see anything... I ...did not see anything" Ramiel said still screaming in pain,

"Brother that is enough" Raziel said as he grabbed Lucifer by his wrist, trying to release his grip on the crowd neck, but to no avail, then Raphael touched the forehead of Ramiel transferring some of his life force to enable Ramiel to cancel the technique that bounded him to his crow, for that was the reason why Ramiel felt an equivalent amount of pain his crow felt in the hands of Lucifer.

"Ramiel sneaked up on me, while I was sparing with Matheal......why would he do that, except, it means you all still don't trust me when I said I won't try to usurp Father,...after all it was just a suggestion" I said, feeling relieved because I was able to escape their claws, for it was Chemosh that saw the meeting between Azreal and the rest through the flames in his furnace and it was he that knew that Ramiel sent a crow to spy on us, so we had to quickly dispatch and I had to make Matheal send his bee to serve as a decoy to buy more time and to make Azreal and the rest believe that it was only I and Matheal that are in an alliance.

"but what you did was not necessary Lucifer, why did you hurt Ramiel crow knowing fully well that he will be hurt also" Azreal furiously lashed at Lucifer

"sorry .....I was just trying to lay some ground rules in this castle" I turned around to walk away, then I turned back to them and said with a smirk on my face "word of advice do not recruit soldiers of any sort for there shall be no war, I have no intention to cause chaos in the castle, for Father is in a bad mood"

Azreal watched Lucifer's retreating figure with disgust, he could sense the aura of the Iblis on him, though it is faint,

"Brother...." Raphael puts his hand on Azreal shoulders, then he whispers into his ear "...you are not fully recovered, in fact you are getting much more worse, why hasn't Father healed you"

Azreal turns to face Raphael, sighs, then turns to the rest of the elders "let's go somewhere quiet", then they all sprunged their wings and flew to the training yard, Azreal sat on the floor with his face buried in his hand, then he looked up to the Elders in front of him

"This is going to be a long story"