
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

tianzekunkun · Fantasy
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88 Chs

The Threat of Marquis Delta

The capital city Padeia is ancient, even older than the Kingdom of Paddington itself. The city walls, towering over ten meters high and stretching for several miles, are made of hard gray stones. Towers are spaced at regular intervals along the wall, with nearly a hundred in total, heavily guarded and patrolled, making it almost impenetrable.

Within the towers are Magic Crossbows, deadly weapons crafted by humans. Even Earth Knights and Sky Knights fear them, as their battle qi can be pierced by the magic bolts, which can then tear through their bodies like cloth.

Barok had passed through several major cities on his journey, none of which had Magic Crossbows installed. Even Lady Celine had proudly mentioned that even some kingdoms more powerful than Paddington wouldn't indulge in such extravagant measures. This luxury was thanks to the renowned Padeia Advanced Magic Academy, the work of numerous mages there!

This academy, as old as the city itself, is one of the eight major magic academies on the continent of Soren. The head of the academy, Dean Bartos, is a highly respected Archmage. His strength lies not in his magical prowess but in his vast knowledge and the many students he has taught. It is estimated that at least half of the high-ranking nobles' family heads or first heirs in the kingdom have been his students. People secretly say that the most powerful person in the Kingdom of Paddington is not the king but this academy dean.

"Actually, Dean Bartos is very humorous and kind," Celine reassured Saira. As they approached the capital, the girl grew increasingly nervous, worried about entering the academy in such an embarrassing manner.

Amidst the bustling crowd, the coachman guided the carriage through the towering city gates. Lady Celine displayed her family crest on the carriage, avoiding much hassle. The gate guards recognized the crest of the Gene family and didn't trouble them as they would ordinary people.

However, sometimes trouble finds you. It wasn't the elegant Lady Celine or the curious Saira peeking out from the carriage who drew attention, but the usually silent and low-key Barok.

Dressed in newly bought clothes and a black leather armor with a sharp battle axe chosen by himself, Barok, tall, muscular, and coldly handsome, caught everyone's eye. Even Saira and Lady Celine couldn't help but admire his allure.

Despite his efforts to stay inconspicuous, leading the horse behind the carriage to avoid the gazes, especially from women, Barok couldn't escape attention. "Have you never seen an orc before?" he thought angrily.

"Wow, what a handsome young orc," someone suddenly exclaimed, blocking Lady Celine's carriage. This man ignored the Gene family crest on the carriage. "Sir, would you sell your orc slave? I'm willing to pay twenty gold coins. Please transfer him to me." The price was high, as the bravest orc gladiators only fetched ten gold coins.

A middle-aged man with two shirtless, heavily armed bodyguards approached. Though well-dressed, he seemed neither noble nor a merchant, more likely a steward or a trader. Barok, unfamiliar with the local marks, didn't recognize the branding on the bodyguards' arms, indicating they were from a major slave trader.

The carriage curtain suddenly lifted, and Lady Celine stepped out with an angry expression. "Burman, is this how your master taught you? You've disgraced the Delta family," she coldly reprimanded.

The middle-aged man, Burman, was dumbfounded. He hadn't expected to stop the carriage of the Marquis's wife. He quickly prostrated himself, begging, "Madam, I didn't know it was your carriage. Please forgive me. Let me inform the master of your return. He has been very worried about you." Without waiting for a response, Burman fled, followed by his bodyguards.

Lady Celine, pale with anger, trembled. If not for being in the city streets, she might have used magic against the insolent steward. Barok observed, realizing that Lady Celine's life wasn't perfect despite her noble status.

"We won't return to the Marquis's mansion for now. We'll go straight to the academy. I have a villa there," she instructed the coachman. Despite being a mid-level mage with modest power in the academy, she was one of the administrators of its vast library and had significant authority. She spent most of her time in the capital at the academy, rarely returning to the Marquis's mansion.

Even Barok, from a remote place, had heard of the fame of the Padeia Magic Academy library. It contained not only magic or battle qi books but also extensive knowledge from elves, dwarves, dragons, and orcs, almost covering the entire continent of Soren. The academy's fame was largely due to this library.

Barok, eager to learn human knowledge to rescue his people, hoped to gain access to this library.

As he pondered how to ask Lady Celine for permission to use the library, the carriage turned from the bustling streets to a quiet, wide avenue leading to a complex of buildings. Even with his otherworldly experience, Barok was slightly shocked by the sight—tall spires, exquisitely carved reliefs, reminiscent of Gothic architecture from medieval Europe.

Burman fled like a rat, watching Lady Celine's carriage take a route away from the Marquis's mansion. A smile of triumph appeared on his lips. His sister's beauty had earned her the Marquis's favor, raising his own status and making him a feared figure in the mansion. Seeing Barok's handsome and strong appearance, he intended to buy and resell him for a hefty profit, but upon recognizing him as Lady Celine's retainer, he devised another plan—to anger Lady Celine.

As expected, her fury made her avoid the Marquis's mansion, giving Burman time to slander her to the Marquis, not to cause a divorce but to keep the couple estranged. His sister's favor depended on this.

In the Delta mansion, the Marquis, a powerful Earth Knight, spent most nights away from home with his mistress. Today, in broad daylight, he was in Sandra's room, engaging in his never-ending desires, his shouts and her moans audible from afar.

Burman waited patiently outside the room, already aroused by the sounds, eyeing his sister's maid with lust. The two were already lovers, and with no one around, they began a hurried tryst. But they had to stop as the room's occupants finished their business. The maid called out, "Master, Lady Sandra, Burman has news."

"What's it now, Burman? Must you always interrupt at the worst times?" The Marquis, a handsome man with a prominent mustache and blond hair, came out, followed by a barely dressed Sandra, her body still enticing.

"Master, the Marquis's wife has returned," Burman reported, bowing.

"Oh? She finally shows up after more than half a month, and I, her husband, knew nothing of her whereabouts. What a fine wife!" the Marquis sneered. "Did she come back to the mansion?"

"No, Master. She went straight to the academy, and she has a young orc with her, seemingly from the Frostwolf tribe."

Everyone knew the Frostwolf orcs were handsome and noble among orcs. The Marquis's mind immediately jumped to jealousy and rage.

"Damn it, I'll kill that orc!"