
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

tianzekunkun · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Rampaging Frost Bear

Barok stretched his arms and loudly recited shamanic incantations. Without the totem pillar by his side, he had to exert more effort to utilize the shamanic power within him. Around him, a light breeze seemed to blow, and a faint mist filled the air, with the ice rings appearing intermittently.

The Frost Giant Wolf's emerald eyes stared at the orc before it, its mouth emitting low growls. Faced with the irritating chanting that bothered it, it slightly crouched, as if ready to pounce on Barok at any moment, aiming to bite his throat.

Communicating with magical beasts was far from simple as imagined. Barok, overly confident in his abilities, had always easily gained the recognition of the wolf-shaped shadow under the totem pillar. However, that was only an evolved totem formed by the souls of magical beasts. When faced with real magical beasts, communication was much more difficult.

The soul of the Frost Giant Wolf was cold and cruel. Barok attempted to approach and appease it with shamanic power but was rebuffed, seeming to only provoke it. Suddenly, the Frost Giant Wolf howled loudly, rushing towards Barok and violently knocking him away, hurling him more than ten meters. Despite this, it continued to approach, its ferocious gaze fixed on him.

Struggling to get up, Barok ignored the intense pain and continued chanting his incantations loudly, the speed of his speech increasing until it was almost incomprehensible, sounding more like wolf howls. The Frost Giant Wolf became increasingly frenzied, pouncing at Barok once again, biting fiercely into his shoulder and flinging him away, crashing into a thick red pine tree the size of a thigh. Blood trickled down from his shoulder, and he felt as if several bones had broken.

Gritting his teeth, Barok stood up, becoming just as frenzied. He staggered towards the Frost Giant Wolf, chanting and howling loudly, glaring into the wolf's eyes as if challenging it. The ice rings around the wolf's body reappeared, much stronger than the faint ones around Barok, seeming impatient and about to unleash its ice rings to kill the annoying orc!

In the midst of the frenzied standoff, Barok failed to notice that as the Frost Giant Wolf's ice rings were about to be released, a low, muffled roar from the mountain disrupted everything! "Roar, roar, roar... growl, growl."

The Frost Giant Wolf's ice rings immediately dissipated, and it turned its head vigilantly towards the distance. Barok also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a great reduction in pressure. Simultaneously looking in the direction of the sound, he shuddered in fear!

A massive, snow-white bear charged towards them, surrounded by swirling whirlwinds. Large clusters of ice and snow formed in the air, then burst apart explosively. Trees along the way shattered under its impact, emitting creaking and cracking sounds... It was the Rampaging Frost Bear!

Barok was familiar with few magical beasts, but the Rampaging Frost Bear was one of them. This seventh-level magical beast was almost the lord of water-based magical beasts, dwarfing even the Frost Giant Wolf, and not only was its magic formidable, but its strength was also terrifying. Even trees hugged by two people would break under its rampage.

The previously mighty Frost Giant Wolf showed a submissive gesture. Barok was dumbfounded, realizing that this damn wolf wasn't the master of the mountain but, like him, just a passerby. The real master was the Rampaging Frost Bear. Now, they had annoyed the bear, and it had come to find them!

Barok retreated as much as he could, and the Frost Giant Wolf also backed away. They were both not fools. Despite the bear's huge size, it was not slow at all. If they turned and ran, they probably wouldn't be faster than the magical attacks of a seventh-level magical beast!

The Rampaging Frost Bear roared, and water-based magical power surged around it, like a small blizzard spreading. It approached the two annoying intruders who had disturbed its sleep step by step. Since it had awakened, it didn't mind using these two guys as a meal to satisfy its hunger!

At some point, Barok found himself pushed back to a point of no return. Bewildered, he turned his head to see and immediately chuckled bitterly. It turned out that as he retreated, the Frost Giant Wolf also retreated, and unknowingly, the two ended up colliding with each other. Barok found himself pressed against the wolf's butt! Somehow, the wolf no longer had a fierce expression but seemed much gentler as it looked at Barok.

After much turmoil with his shamanic spells failing to gain the Frost Giant Wolf's recognition, and now with the appearance of the Rampaging Frost Bear, a subtle communication seemed to arise between them. Barok tentatively patted the Frost Giant Wolf's snow-white fur, regardless of whether it could understand him, and said softly, "Hey, Wolf Brother, let's not make a fuss anymore, that bear looks at us like it's looking at a delicious meal. Damn it, I don't want to end up as bear dung. How about we join forces?"

Barok suddenly felt a strange and wondrous feeling. It seemed that the Frost Giant Wolf understood his words. Its emerald eyes first showed confusion, then softened, and it emitted a low growl, actively approaching Barok. Success! Barok inexplicably gained the recognition of the Frost Giant Wolf!

Even amidst the crisis, Barok was ecstatic. He desperately wanted to escape as soon as possible, then bring the Frost Giant Wolf back to the totem pillar under the special tree, to break through the critical point leading to the path of shamanhood!

The Rampaging Frost Bear seemed impatient to see a wolf and an orc behaving intimately and finally erupted! Roaring, a ball of ice and snow enveloped in sharp ice shards condensed in front of it, shooting towards them with a piercing whistle, too fast to evade! It was much stronger than the Frost Giant Wolf's ice rings!

Barok hugged the Frost Giant Wolf's thick neck and only managed to pull the wolf down with him as the storm surged overhead. The fine ice arrows shredded his clothes, leaving several bleeding wounds on his back, instantly frozen and preventing any blood from dripping! The Frost Giant Wolf, being larger, suffered the most severe attack. Its back was crushed, and the impact caused a dull sound, causing the wolf to whimper in pain!

The two of them were enraged; they were not the type to take a beating without fighting back. Even if they couldn't win, they would still fight! Barok flipped over and jumped onto the Frost Giant Wolf's back, patting its ear lightly as if communicating telepathically. The wolf immediately flattened itself against the ground, then leaped out, landing on a large pine tree branch, and swiftly turned around, pouncing on the Rampaging Frost Bear from mid-air!

The bear, in the midst of preparing a magical attack, couldn't avoid the wolf's claws and received a wound on its body. Barok hurled his spear fiercely, originally aiming for the bear's eyes, but the bear was agile enough to dodge, only receiving a wound on its neck. Its thick bear hide and fat were completely unfazed by the spear!

The Rampaging Frost Bear was furious, and its two massive paws swung back at the wolf and the orc. Barok grabbed onto the Frost Giant Wolf's fur, skillfully evading the attacks, maneuvering around the bear. Although the bear was fast, its bulky size made it difficult to turn around, and for the moment, it couldn't do anything to them. The prepared magic, Ice Bursting Arrows, was launched again. This time, the two of them, who were prepared, managed to evade it smoothly, with only a few minor scratches on their faces, causing no hindrance!

They fought for a long time, and the Rampaging Frost Bear became increasingly irritable. However, Barok and the Frost Giant Wolf couldn't do anything to it and didn't dare to turn and flee. They were already barely holding on. Suddenly, Barok caught sight of several figures in the distance and was overjoyed, thinking that reinforcements had arrived!

Perhaps the commotion here was too great, so the people who had already run far away had turned back, and now they were hiding behind trees, observing from afar! Barok knew he had been exposed. His scene of riding on the Frost Giant Wolf and fighting the Rampaging Frost Bear was fully witnessed by Lady Celine, Milo, Yuri and his son, and the other guards. It was imaginable how shocked those humans were. Even if Barok managed to escape the Rampaging Frost Bear's pursuit smoothly, he wouldn't be able to quietly stay in the human world anymore, secretly searching for his lost tribe!

Of course, Barok had gained the recognition of the Frost Giant Wolf, and he was almost touching the edge of the shamanic path. In the future, if he wanted to increase his strength, he could only go to more dangerous and remote places. Even if he left the human world, it wouldn't matter much. But before that, he had to find the surviving members of his tribe, even if it was just for peace of mind!

Barok saw Lady Celine and Milo standing together, while Sera was beside them, and Yuri and his son and the other guards were further away, seeming safer there! He smirked strangely, then growled lowly, leading the Frost Giant Wolf to collide with the Rampaging Frost Bear. Their ice rings didn't activate outwardly but brushed against the bear's fur, causing it to feel a slight pain and become even more furious, madly chasing after the annoying duo!

The onlookers in the distance suddenly noticed that the battling magical beasts were running towards them. Milo was alarmed and was about to flee with his daughter, while Lady Celine was preparing to tear another scroll. Then they realized that the Frost Giant Wolf and the Rampaging Frost Bear were not coming towards them but heading towards Yuri and his son on the left! As the bear chased after the Frost Giant Wolf, it opened its mouth wide, and a rapidly rotating Ice Bursting Arrow shot out!

Accompanied by screams, the unfortunate Baron of Liqueur City, his son, and the guards were in trouble!