
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

tianzekunkun · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Baroque's Idea

Chapter 80: Baroque's Idea

In the heart of the Gravel Wasteland, far from human kingdoms, strength is the only law. Even a beastman, considered lowly and despised by humans, commands respect if he possesses the power to inflict serious damage or even destroy. The proudest knight must face reality when confronted with such force.

The knight leader quickly assessed the disparity in strength between the two sides, realizing that they were at a complete disadvantage. He had no choice but to seriously consider Baroque's words.

"Beastman, tell me your purpose. How did you know the Duke was in the Gravel Wasteland? Has it already spread in the human world outside?" He couldn't help but worry. After the rebellion, Duke Lind was forced to flee, gathering his loyal followers who had escaped from Padeia City. Lind learned everything that had transpired in the capital. With Prince Alvin dead, Lind knew he couldn't return to the Audria Empire without facing the emperor's wrath. Thus, he and his loyalists entered the Gravel Wasteland. If the people of Paddington Kingdom knew, King Corec would not let his enemy roam free.

"Oh, you're overthinking it," Baroque smiled, recognizing the knight leader's doubts. "You know, in the depths of the wasteland, give the lizardmen a bit of incentive, and they'll tell you everything you want to know. And it's clear that Duke Lind hasn't been low-key here, so it's not hard to find out about him. As for my purpose, I'm sorry, but I can only discuss that with Duke Lind." The implication was clear: the knight wasn't qualified.

The knight leader retreated to confer with his fellow knights. They quickly reached a consensus, sheathing their heavy swords as a gesture of goodwill. Baroque also signaled his tribesmen to put away their battle axes, and the icy blades around Lac dissolved. He flicked his tail and continued prowling around the nearby dunes.

The young, handsome beastman before them seemed unfathomable. His calm and depth left the knight leader without a trace of contempt. Given Duke Lind's dire situation, there was no need to provoke new enemies. The knight dismounted, removed his steel helmet, and performed a rare knight's salute to Baroque, "Torea salutes you. But I'm sorry, I need to know your identity before deciding whether to take you to the Duke. This is for his safety and to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"Of course, I understand," Baroque nodded. "I am Baroque, chieftain of the Grey Wolf Tribe and a shaman priest of the beastmen. Not long ago, my tribesmen and I were slaves in Padeia City of the Paddington Kingdom. Now we are a free race, and we owe it all to what Duke Lind did. Although it's a pity he didn't succeed, it's not his fault."

Torea was surprised, "You're the escaped beastmen slaves from Padeia City? Oh, I've heard your name before, Baroque the Beastman. Could it be…!" Baroque's brutality in the gladiator arena had indeed left a lasting impression on many.

"Yes, you see before you the gladiator from the Battle Axe and Lion Arena. We escaped during the chaos in the capital. So, you see, we owe our freedom to Duke Lind, albeit unintentionally. We also share a common enemy in King Corec. I believe Duke Lind will be willing to meet with me."

Torea was tempted. As a ground knight, he could sense the faint aura of battle energy from the six warriors beside Baroque, not to mention the terrifying giant wolf prowling around. Even Baroque's strength was elusive, causing Torea to be deeply wary. Knowing there might be more beastmen hidden nearby, avoiding hostility seemed prudent.

"Priest Baroque, I am merely a subordinate of the Duke. I need to consult him before deciding whether to take you to him. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a bit," Torea decided to return and consult Duke Lind, letting him decide whether to meet the beastmen.

"Of course, that is perfectly understandable. We will find an oasis nearby to rest. You can go and consult him," Baroque responded, indicating the silent Wald next to him. "This is Mr. Wald, a contract merchant of the Paddington royal family. Although he is just a small merchant, he might know something that interests Duke Lind. Let him accompany you. Of course, I promised Mr. Wald to ensure his safety, so please bring him back intact." The previously terrified Wald felt somewhat relieved, knowing his life was likely safe, and resigned himself to the journey.

Torea's eyes lit up. They indeed needed to know some current royal movements and gratefully accepted Baroque's generosity. As evening approached, Torea bid farewell, pointing out a direction to Baroque, "If you go three to five miles that way, there's a water source where you can rest. I'll return soon with the Duke's decision."

The knights took Wald with them, quickly disappearing into the distant sand. Baroque and his tribesmen drove their thirty camels toward the water source. After enduring for so long, the tribesmen finally couldn't resist speaking. Muru, confused, asked, "Chief Baroque, we're here to find the ancestral ruins. Why do we need to meet with that human Duke?"

"Muru, do we want revenge?" Baroque suddenly asked.

"Of course," Muru answered without hesitation, eyes filled with hatred. "When we were sold to the gladiator arena, there were over a hundred of us. It was those cruel humans who killed the weak among us and left their bodies outside the city for wild beasts to devour. Even the so-called merciful King Corec only showed mercy to his subjects, treating beastmen like livestock. Our enemies are all humans. If possible, I'd kill every human I see."

The other beastmen echoed Muru's sentiments, even the timid Barotan was filled with grief and indignation. Baroque was secretly worried. While his long-term suggestions and hints had gradually restored his tribesmen's courage and confidence, it seemed to have gone too far. He feared that if they grew powerful, they might launch a massacre against humans. 

The depth of human power far surpassed that of the beastmen. If they provoked those ancient and terrifying forces, it could spell disaster for the beastmen. 

But now was not the time to curb this tendency, as it would hurt their confidence. Baroque responded ambiguously, "We killed the members of the Scorpion Mercenary Group, but that's only half the revenge. The deceitful King Corec and those who persecuted us must be punished. If we provoke humans with our current strength, we will be crushed by their elite armies. So why not create a powerful enemy for King Corec? Although Duke Lind failed this time, his strength is formidable. Given how close he came to taking Padeia Palace and how no noble aided the king, it's clear many support him. Our task is to help Duke Lind gather forces and create internal strife, allowing us to develop our strength in peace. Even if we migrate back to the northern tundra, it will reduce Paddington Kingdom's resistance. As for the ancestral ruins, they will still be there, and we can search for them at our leisure."

The beastmen hadn't considered this. Baroque's explanation made sense. Anything that caused humans trouble or made them fight each other was worth doing.

As dusk settled and the sandstorm slightly subsided, the beastmen reached the water source. Several dozen date palms stood tall, bearing ripe fruit. Baroque immediately recognized the place and felt disgusted by the deceitful lizardmen. Lulusa and his new tribesmen had indeed escaped here. Upon seeing Baroque and his group, the shameless Lulusa warmly greeted them, "Baroque, my dear beastman brother. I knew you'd be fine, so I waited here at the water source for you. Come, we have sweet dates for you!"


Duke Lind had gradually recovered from the disappointment of his failed rebellion. His exiled life had a single purpose: reclaiming his throne. Though he failed this time, his loyal followers remained largely intact, gathering around him. As long as he had people, he could plan another rebellion. His only real problem was money.

He never expected Prince Alvin to die in Paddington, disrupting all his plans. No matter his explanations, the Audria Empire wouldn't listen. If Lind stepped into Audria territory, the emperor would likely kill him in anger. The wealth Lind had accumulated in Audria was lost, forcing him to find new funds for his next move.

In his desperation, his knight commander Torea suggested a plan. Torea, a former adventurer familiar with the wasteland, proposed that the Duke organize a caravan. By trading cheap salt, iron pots, and poor-quality beer with the lizardmen for desert blackstone, they could refine blue crystal gold and make hundreds of times the profit.

Duke Lind took Torea's advice. To evade the elite Paddington troops hunting him, Lind and his men raided a small town, gathered goods, and entered the wasteland. Guided by Torea, Lind made contact with the white lizardmen tribe at Crescent Oasis. Using cheap goods, they obtained a large amount of desert blackstone. The greedy white lizardmen, eager for human goods, started raiding smaller tribes, providing Lind with a constant supply of blackstone.

But the Gravel Wasteland was a sensitive area at the intersection of four countries. Lind's actions would soon attract attention and possibly lead to eradication. He planned to leave in a few days with his large haul of blackstone, leaving the remaining goods for the greedy lizardmen.

Resting on the sandy shores of the large lake at Crescent Oasis, Duke Lind closed his eyes. Suddenly

, his guard reported, "Sir, Captain Torea has returned from his patrol. He wishes to see you."