
Revealing {Book~1}

Sarah a white wolf, everyone believe she a Runt and can't shift. Riley a black wolf, everyone believe she is human and can't shift. The last year of high school is when things start getting hard for them! Alpha Carson's two son's haven't found their mate's. With the youngest son Matthew graduating school, the pressure is on them! If they don't find their mate's before graduation, Matthew becomes the new Alpha. Girl's are just wanting to stay in the shadows... Matthew his mate Haley, and the Luna plans events for the senior class. Can they or will they be able to get out of it? Can Logan and Shane figure out the girl's are there mate's, before it's to late? Can the brother's be able to get them to join the pack? Or will they leave the town of spring valley? Must continue to read and find out.......

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33 Chs

chapter 5

NO... I wouldn't ever do that Sarah. You have to believe me I would never ever reject you. I'm more scared of you rejecting me. I have wanted to find my mate ever since I was sixteen and now here I am at twenty-four and thinking that I'm never going to meet my mate.

The things that I can't understand is you've been around this pack house, but how have I not been able to know that you where my mate. Even now as we stand here I still can't pick up your scent and even looking at you I was unsure? When I heard you speak I knew and then when I grabbed your hand I feel the Sparks that's how I know  hundred percent that we are mates that we belong to each other.

Standing here thinking about it I can't pick up your scent at all not wolf or human and as a runt. You should still have a sent. I know you've been around the pack house, your brother and his mate live here. You never spent a lot of time here I know. Your brother says he's always trying to get you involved more in the pack or come to the pack house but you're always refusing.

Something that you might not know is that every time I saw your pictures at your brother's house I had a feeling you could be my mate.

I was unsure I needed to meet you in person to know. I even asked my younger brother about you. He said you were in AP classes and that you were an advanced student.

That you always hung around with Riley and she is our best friend. That every time some kind of event at school would be going on neither her or you didn't came to it. Everytime we threw a party here at the house no matter who asked you would never show up.

How long have you known that we were mates?

Since I was fourteen.

How did you know I was your mate?

I..I..  Umm  ju..just did!

Sarah,..  why are you stuttering? What else are you not telling us?

Why didn't you ever come to me or mom about any of this, you know we are both here for you. I ain't going to lie to you and say that I'm not shocked by all this. Do you not trust me at all I am your brother!

But now I guess it makes sense all the times that you rejected coming to parties or throwing a fit about coming here or making excuses about coming here it's because you knew Logan was your mate wasn't it?

It is none of your business and you want to know why I didn't come to you and mom because all you ever said was people wasn't judging me!

Or people didn't talk about me. Because to everyone, I'm just a runt and they did talk about me. You live in this pack house, I know you we're bound to hear something or everybody was just too scared to say it to your face.

Yes,..  I do trust you, but not with this! I didn't like coming here because of Logan, I was scared. I was scared he would find out and reject me. I was scared of people finding out that I was his mate. Everyone in this pack only seeing me as a runt a weakling a good-for-nothing!

This pack will only judge me more and if anybody ever found out the truth they would only make matters worse for me. Who has to listen to all the rumors being spread it affects me, even if Logan did accept me don't you think when people find out they're going to challenge me for the position of the Luna.

Bryson is looking at me with wide teary eyes saying I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that you feel that you couldn't come to me.

I'm sorry that I didn't realize that people was doing this to you and no I really didn't hear anybody speak about you in this pack. I want to understand that you can come to me no matter what it is ok! Your my sister, I love you!  I'm so very sorry you have been dealing with all this by yourself.

I haven't been dealing with it all by myself Riley has been by my side the whole time!

Logan has stepped up and has his arm wrapped around me wiping the tears off my face. He says softly to me but there's still things you're not telling us?

I know...  I still don't trust anyone but Riley. Because the way this pack has treated me or us. I don't want to by Luna of this pack not now or later.

I do want to go off to college and I want to be around my family.  I want to have my mate. I don't want to be around all the people who has judged me over all these years.

I want go to college and become AP science teacher. I would love to be able to show others how much fun you can have in AP science. Next thing I heard was Riley bursting out in laughter. 

Then I began laughing after calm down I said the reason why I chose science is because of the things we did!

Logan Place both of his hands on my face and said if that is what you want to do then I will support you. He said my father has three sons and I don't have to be the alpha. All I want is for you to be my mate and to trust me and accept me.

I want to be with you. But it will take time and trust.

And we will get there in time and we will build the trust along the way. Will you thanks about giving me a second chance at being your mate?