

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
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86 Chs

"WHO'S SHE?.."

Ironing his shirt at the dressing room, Liam heard some strange noises at the front door. He switched off the switch at the wall, and unplugged the iron. He hurriedly went over to the door, just to see a little girl with Sebastian. Sebastian was helping her out with some bags of snacks she was holding in her both hands.

Liam stood at a corner, wondering if Sebastian was a baby daddy now. He couldn't just access anything at the moment. He hurriedly walked up to them, separating Zoey from Sebastian. Liam can be too much atimes, but it wasn't his fault because he had no idea about who she was.

"Cute uncle, who is he? and why is he here?". Zoey asked surprised and confused.

"Cute uncle? Sebastian what's all these?". Liam asked, being more confused than he was.

"Ain't you seeing any resemblance?". Sebastian asked him.

Liam walked up to Zoey, cupping her face. She looked at him, wondering why he was crossing boundaries. She removed his hands from her face, coughing out. Liam tried understanding what Sebastian meant by a resemblance, but he wasn't understanding it at all.

"What do you mean by resemblance?". Liam asked naively.

"She's Bianca's child." Sebastian revealed.

"Are you kidding?". Liam asked, jaw dropped.

Sebastian shook his head, going over to the living room. Zoey and Liam followed him behind. Zoey was surprised that the young man before her, also knew who I was. Everything was getting very confusing for her to understand.

"You met up with her yesterday right? You should have asked her yourself." Sebastian said.

"I'm broken. Does it mean she's really married now?". Liam asked shatterdly.

"Who are you? I have never seen this face here before." Zoey asked again.

Sebastian dragged her hand, pushing her next to where he was. Liam couldn't stop thinking about what Sebastian had said to him earlier. Liam left them, heading to his bedroom. Zoey tried going after him, but Sebastian stopped her. She decided to focus on the main reason she came over to his apartment.

"I'm wondering how many of you knows mum." Zoey said.

"I can't explain everything to you my darling. Someday, you will get to know everything." Sebastian replied.

"You might even end up hating me so much like your mother." He added.

"Hate you? No, I'll never hate you. You've been so nice to me." Zoey replied with a smile.

**Hours later...

When Zoey was about to leave, she got stopped by Liam. Liam refused her from going on, and it really got Sebastian very surprised.

"Why are you refusing the poor child from leaving?". Sebastian asked him worriedly.

"I'll be going with her. I need to speak to Bianca." Liam responded.

"You've not still moved on. Do whatever you want." Sebastian said to him annoyedly.

Liam ignored how Sebastian really felt about the whole thing, holding Zoey's hand. Zoey exchanged glances with Sebastian, while he gave her a go ahead. She followed Liam, going over to our place. I and Jasmine were at home when they arrived.

At the dinning room, having my lovely breakfast with Jasmine, we heard someone knocking at the door. We suspected it was Zoey, and I left my meal heading over to the door.

"I'm coming." I screamed aloud.

I unlocked the door from inside, opening it slightly to take a peep at who it really was. I caught a glimpse of Liam's face first and it got me very surprised. I wondered how he found out about where I lived. Liam entered inside with Zoey, while I dragged Zoey away from his clench.

"Uhm, Liam why are you here?". I asked him confusedly. My noise attracted Jasmine to the door.

"You're really having fun now. Where's your husband? Hello Bianca's husband." He screamed out childishly.

Liam kept screaming out, going to and fro into our house. He was using his eyes to look around, to see if he would see any frame of my wedding pictures with my husband. I followed him, stopping him this time. Liam was obviously acting weird and his character was beginning to disgust me now.

"Liam what's this supposed to mean?". I asked him.

"You didn't tell me about your marriage. Oliver wasn't lying when he told me then. You have a grown up child now." Liam said.

"I have a child and so?". I asked him.

"Why didn't you tell me?". He asked.

I bursted out in laughter, staring at his face. Jasmine joined us alongside with Zoey. That was her first time of seeing Liam, because I have only told her about us in the past. Zoey just stood next to Jasmine, trying to understand what was really going on.

"Why should I tell you? Do I need your validation before doing what pleases me?". I asked him.

"No, but atleast we are friends right?". He asked.

"Liam you are being overly dramatic now. If you want to know everything, then calm down." I pleaded with him.

I took Liam over to the living room, making sure Jasmine keeps Zoey away from our reach. I didn't want her to find out about anything that would rise her inquisitiveness. Liam sat a corner, while I sat a bit far from him. I wasn't going to tell him everything actually, because I can't trust him with being friends with Sebastian.

"Now that we are here, can I hear everything?". He asked.

"I'm a single mother and the paternity of my child is no one's business. I won't go into details." I exposed.

" You are a single mother?". He asked surprisedly.

"Yes I'm." I reconfirmed my words again.

Liam kept staring at me, as though he wanted to read me. I pleaded with him, not to tell anyone about it. I also revealed to him that Sebastian was already aware of this, and it seemed like he knew that Sebastian was already aware of it.

After setting things right, Liam finally left my home, getting the answers to his curiousity. I went over to Jasmine's bedroom when I was done seeing Liam off. She was distracting Zoey with some Asian movie series on her iPad. I entered inside, standing infront of them.

"Hm hmm." I coughed out to get their attention.

"Oh Bianca." Jasmine called out my name, dropping the iPad on her bed.

"Mum, has he gone?". Zoey asked me.

"Yes." I responded.

Zoey stood up from the bed, holding my both hands. I exchanged glances with Jasmine, wondering what Zoey was up to now.

"Who's that man? I could see love in his eye for you." Zoey asked.

"You're getting it wrong Zoey. He's also an old friend." I lied.

"More like a one sided love. How many of your old friends would I be knowing?." She asked.

"You'll get to meet all of them one day." I assured her.

Zoey flew into my arms, while I pat her back softly. She was just a little girl, that happened to be part of my strange life story. I was already feeling sympathy towards her. She was going through so much, even at her young age. Jasmine joined us in the big hug, whisphering some encouraging words into my ear. I was living for my daughter, and I will protect her even if it means cooking up stories for her to stay away from the entire dramas.