

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
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86 Chs


Finally, everyone involved in the on going lawsuit were present for the adjudication of the case at hand. I and my family were already with enough evidences.

It seemed like Sebastian didn't plan for this particular adjudication. He looked so lost at the defendant box.

Mum was the plaintiff for this round, and I was seated with the others inside the courtroom.

Zoey and Jasmine were also with us. Zoey held father's hand tightly, unable to concentrate. She couldn't watch the Kurtz being judged like that before her, knowing that Sebastian was also a part of that family.

"I want to go back to your apartment grandpa." She said to him in a low tone.

"But we just got into the court."He replied her surprisedly.

Zoey shook her head, whilei notoced her pale face. I decided to find out what was really eating her up. I cupped her face, while she looked into my eyes. I could see pains in her eyes.

"What were you saying to grandfather earlier?". I asked her concernedly.

"I want to go back to his apartment." She said to me.

"Why?".I asked her curiously.

She brought down my hands from her face, looking away. She was scared to tell me the reason she said that. I decided to bug her, because that would be the only way she would be able to tell me what was really wrong.

"Speak up Zoey." I ordered her.

"I can't sit and watch Uncle Sebastian getting judged this way." She opened up.

"The court is not filled with emotions. The ball isn't in my court." I said to her with a light chuckle.

Our conversation got interrupted by the judge. He gave Sebastian a go ahead to speak up. He was so unprepared. He mustered up courage to say something atleast.

"My Honor, my name is Sebastian Kurtz and I was the actual victim in this particular case." He uttered.

"Mr Sebastian, do you've any evidence to back up your claims?". The Judge asked him.

Sebastian looked at his empty hands and searched for his family in the crowd. His eyes caught up with his mum's and she knew that he needed her now. Their lawyer obviously knew that they didn't prepare for this particular case round.

"Objection my Lord." My attorney interfered immediately.

"Objection sustained." The judge replied in agreement.

"Thank you, your Honor. It's obvious that he doesn't have any evidence to back up his claims and it has come to a conclusion, that my client Mr and Mrs Mowers were right about their claims against the Kurtz." The attorney said outrageously.

I was enjoying the attack the Kurtz were getting from this particular case. They were obviously at the receiving end this time. The judge listened to the attorney keenly, writing down the judgements as the attorney speaks.

"Objection my lord." The Kurtz attorney interfered, standing up from his seat.

"Object overruled." The Judge shunned him.

"You obviously do not have anything to say, since I have caught you and your client from your flicky lies." My attorney said to the other attorney.

There was an uproar between them inside the court room, and the judged had to interfere immediately, to maintain some level decorum inside the court room.

"Court!!." He said aloud hitting his gavel authoritatively on the table before him.

"Order." Everyone responded in unison.

The court remained silent immediately. My attorney returned back to his seat. Everyone was waiting for the judge, to give his final Statement.

"On this day, the court holds that, there was a breach of contract in the case of Mowers v Kurtz. The remedy for this breach will be a compensatory damages. The house taken away from them by the Kurtz through auctioning, would be returned back to them, including the documents of that house. Miss Bianca Mowers is also free from the accusations that she was the main cause of the breach. According to the Domestic violence and matrimonial proceeding acts of 1976, domestic violence is a crime and Mr Sebastian is guilty of this crime based on the submitted evidences by Miss Bianca Mowers. He would either pay a fine of 50 pounds sterling to the victim or be imprisoned for a minimum of two years." The Judge read out the final judgement to everyone.

There was joy from my parents and Jasmine. They couldn't hide their joy. I was very happy too, that the final judgement ended in our favor. Finally, my parents house were going to be returned back to them. Sebastian left the defendant's box, walking towards his family with so much sadness on his face. Zoey tried going after him, but I stopped her.

"What do you think you're trying to do?". I asked her furiously.

"Mr Sebastian is heart broken and he needs me." Zoey said worriedly.

"You're not going anywhere, you better remain calm now." I ordered her with a harsh tone.

**Outside the court room...

On sighting the Kurtz, my parents hurriedly went after them. Mother couldn't wait to slam their fall on their faces. Mrs Kurtz was already drenched in shame and disgrace.

"I'll be coming soon for the keys to my house." Father said to them.

"Sebastian you should also prepare the fine and hand it to my daughter or you face another judgement in jail." Mother reminded him.

"He won't go to jail. That sum is a little change to us." Mrs Kurtz interruptedly said.

Mother smirked at her words, leaving with father. They joined us later on, while Mrs Kurtz was ready to give Sebastian an earful. She wasn't pleased with him. He was the reason the judgement ended in our favor today.

"A round of an applause for yourself Sebastian. You've done us a good job." Mrs Kurtz ironically praised him.

"Mum please it is enough." Hazel tried stopping her.

"You better don't dare, or I would be forced to raise my hands on you." She attacked Jasmine angrily.

Sebastian tried walking away, but his mother pulled him backwards. She slapped his face so hard out of anger. Her heart was burning in anger and she couldn't pretend she was happy for us.

"Is that all?". Sebastian asked her.

"You're an embarrassment to our family. A simple task and you couldn't succeed." She said to his face.

"Such a disgrace. Sadly you are my son and the heir to my company." His father joined in tackling him.

Oliver dragged him out of their parents presence, taking him to a corner. Everything that happened in the court earlier, came as a shock to Sebastian. He already blamed himself for everything, while he was still in there. He regretted not preparing for the case beforehand.

"I'm sorry." Sebastian remorseful said to Oliver.

"Almighty just wanted to favor Bianca and her family." Oliver said to him.

"It's still my fault. I'm to be blamed for everything. I'm a loser." Sebastian downgraded himself before Oliver.

He was really sad and his face obviously showed it. Zoey on the other hand, was still unhappy. Jasmine tried her best to cheer her up, but she couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian. She knew from onset, that the Kurtz loss at the court, will make Sebastian very sad. She really wished to be with him at the moment.