

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Urban
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86 Chs


Zoey couldn't stop pondering on the upcoming father's day. She tricked I and Sebastian into coming to a particular hotel she booked, the night before father's day.

I knocked at the room number she had told me earlier, and I heard no response.

I decided to go into the room by barging in, and to my shockest surprise, I found a man sitting next to the window inside the hotel room.

He was backing me, and the lights inside the room were dim. I tried leaving the room, because I suspected it might be a wrong room that I have entered. Heading towards the door, it got slammed infront of me. Someone had locked the door from outside. I tried opening the door through the knob, but it refused from opening. My heart couldn't stop racing fast, and the noise attracted the attention of the man towards me.

He left his seat, walking towards me. I leaned against the wall, trying to his face through the reflection of the dimmed light. I could barely see his face and I had no clue, who was infront of me.

"Who are you? Don't dare come close to me." I rebuked him, shaking all over in fear.

"Bianca?". The voice asked.

I was surprised how he knew my name and this time, I could actually sense the familiarity of his voice. It sounded like Sebastian now. I held his hand, feeling the texture of his skin. It was obviously Sebastian. I calmed my nerves down, but I was confused what he was doing inside here.

Few minutes of standing infront of each other confused, we heard someone unlock the door again. I turned to the door, catching a glimpse of Zoey.

"Finally, both of you are here now." Zoey said from the background.

"Zoey which naughty game are you playing?". I asked her angrily.

"Tomorrow is father's day, and I wanted both of you here. You'll be pretending to be a real couple tomorrow." Zoey revealed.

"What!!??." I and Sebastian exclaimed out together.

Zoey smirked at us, while I drifted away from Sebastian, giving Zoey some strange stares. Sebastian sat on the bed, while Zoey leaned against a wall. She was really crossing her boundaries and indirectly getting on my nerves.

"What did you mean by acting like a real couple?". Sebastian asked her.

"Uncle don't act boring now. You know what couples do right?". Zoey asked him.

"Let's say I don't know." Sebastian pretended not to know.

Zoey dragged me by my hand, forcing me to sit next to Sebastian. I tried standing up, but she stopped me. Zoey was really being naughty now. I exchanged glances with Sebastian, scoffing.

"Is this really necessary?". I asked her.

"Yes. Tomorrow, you'll be spending lots of time with him, and I don't want you to feel awkward around him." Zoey replied.

"I have an important work to attend to, tonight." Sebastian said.

I looked away, staring at the walls of the room. Zoey went to the wall switch, turning on a switch that brought Optimus bright light into the bedroom. I could clearly see everyone right now. Zoey was standing infront of us now.

"I'm very hungry. Let's go down and get something to eat for dinner." Zoey said, faking a yawn.

"I'm not interested to join you guys." I said.

"Neither I'm." Sebastian added.

Zoey shook her head, going out of the room to eat alone. She locked the door from outside, and I had to remain inside the room all alone with this scumbag. Sebastian started pulling off his shoes, since he had no choice but to give in to Zoey's offer.

"Your daughter acts so much like you." Sebastian said to me.

"She's very smart. That's a good trait from me." I boasted.

"I don't know why she wants us to get along." Sebastian said.

"Me too." I replied, leaving the bed.

I was already sweating under my arm, and I couldn't undress before Sebastian. It wasn't like he haven't seen me without a dress, but it just feels weird if he sees me like that now, after so many years. I sat at a corner, pretending not to watch him pull of his shirt. Sebastian is really shameless. About to go stripped before me. After unbuttoning his shirt, his abs got revealed. He have a good body muscle to be honest.

"Hope you're not looking at me undress?". He asked.

"You're the one undressing before me. Don't pull your pants too infront of me." I replied.

"You miss this right?". He asked me.

I felt so irritated by his question, while I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed a towel lying on the ground next to me. I threw the towel to him, as he caught it. I was already exhausted and just needed to escape. Sebastian started walking up to where I was seated quietly, and it really got me frightened because he was shirtless now.

"What do you think you're doing?". I asked from afar.

"What does it look like I'm doing?". He asked seductively.

"Don't even play that nasty play with me. I will kick you down there so hard." I warned him.

Sebastian ignored, still walking up to my direction. I left the chair, standing up to my feet. I held my breath so tight, trying to appear fierce. Just as he was about grabbing my hand forcefully, the door got opened. My eyes were shut in fear, because I knew what he could obviously do. Sebastian was a violent man, and a bully. Whosoever opened that door at the right moment, indirectly saved my life.

"Huh?!! What are you trying to do to my mum?". Zoey asked him shockingly from the door.

"Nothing. I was trying to head over to the dressing wardrobe." He lied, stepping backwards.

"See the man you want as a father tomorrow." I said to Zoey.

Zoey walked up to Sebastian, raising her brows at him. She was really mad at his guts and couldn't stop showing how disgusted she was now. Sebastian stared at her mild but fiercy looks and have never seen her that mad before. He was definitely looking for an excuse to come up with.

"Were you trying to rape mum?". She asked him.

"Rape? C'mon Zoey. If that was my intention, she would have screamed even before you got in." He lied.

"You're lying infront of a young girl now?". I asked him surprised.

"Mum, he's right. Maybe that wasn't his intention." Zoey supported him.

I exchanged glances with her, while Sebastian smiled secretly. He was still that mischievous soul I knew back then. For real, he would have forced me to lay with him on the bed, if Zoey didn't arrive here on time.

"I just feel so sorry for you Zoey. One day, you will find out about the true colours of this disgusting man." I said to her.

"You worry so much about meaningless things." Sebastian chipped in.

I shook my head, not interested by whatever he had to say. I left there immediately, entering into the bathroom with a pair of night gown I found inside the dressing wardrobe.

I came out of the bathroom after few minutes of showering. I had already dressed up in the night gown inside the bathroom. Sebastian couldn't remove his eyes from me. I felt so uncomfortable with those eyes. I reached out my hand for a sleeping blanket that was lying ontop of the bed.

I laid it on the floor, lying down ontop of it.

Zoey and Sebastian slept on the bed, while I curled up myself on the blanket. I slept comfortably, knowing that Zoey was also inside the room with me, atleast Sebastian wouldn't dare to do any nasty thing towards me like he tried doing earlier.

Dear readers, sorry for the late update. I have been very ill recently and I'll update as many as I can, once I recover fully.

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