

Cammy, after being betrayed by river, is expelled from the pack and forced to live alone in the human city. Years later, she becomes a successful investigative journalist. When river tries to reach out, Cammy assumes he seeks revenge and avoids him until he sends a baby that resembles him. Cammy, still grieving her deceased daughter, misunderstands his intentions. As Cammy investigates a case, she unintentionally encounters river and is kidnapped, strengthening her belief that he seeks retaliation. Meanwhile, Cammy’s work faces challenges, and her relationship with river becomes complicated. In a twist, Cammy discovers Nathan’s true identity and becomes entangled in a heated argument. As Cammy investigates further, she stumbles upon evidence that unveils the truth about her own child.

DaoistR5mSQS · Urban
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17 Chs


Cammy snuggled into The sheets further as she let out a groan from her lips. The last thing that she wanted to do was to get out of her bed.

She didn't want to get back into the real world. But rather she wanted to live a lie for just a moment longer. She pulled her eyes open suddenly when she heard voices coming from outside of her door.

She knew that it wasn't her house and so she shouldn't have eavesdropped but as the voice got louder she became even more curious and found herself wanting to know what was going on.

"I am just saying that maybe we are wrong about him and maybe there is a part of him that genuinely cared about her. We can't just push her over the edge because we don't like him. she heard Rachel say on the other end.

She felt her heart beat erratically against her chest at their words as she came to realize that they were talking about her.

She couldn't help but blush as she decided for her to listen in a bit more. She knew that it was a good idea but she wanted to know what was going on. "Well I think it is a bad idea because the guy is no good and now he is bringing up his son. The kid had to go as well. It is only making things easier for me". She heard Nathan say and she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows at his words.

She didn't know what it was that he was talking about but she couldn't help but grow that more curious because of it. "What does that have to do with this? Your plan will not fall through and we are still going to carry on with what he had initially mapped out." She said to him and that only caused for her curiosity to grow tenfold.

"Oh really. What does the boy Jackson have to do with this? I dont like the thought of bringing him in. I know that he hasn't done anything wrong and maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe we should leave him out of thi. She said to him suggestively.

She watched as he let out a sigh from his lips as he slowly nodded his head at her in response. "I know that I want to take him down. He should pay. And if it means that the boy." He started but he froze when he heard the sound of Cammy's footsteps.

He had almost let it slip and he was about to move when he felt Rachel reach in and she pressed her palan against his chest. She looked towards him with concern but he wasn't having any of it. He shook his head as he turned away.

Cammy moved away from the door as she felt her body turn cold. She didn't understand what was going on but she couldmt help but shudder at his words. A sense of panic came over her as she refrained from the urge to Throw up.

She didn't know what was going through his mind as to why he had decided to target Jackson especially since he was innocent in all of this and she was starting to reconsider her coming here. Maybe they weren't the right people to help her.

She sighed as she realized that maybe she was being a bit paranoid. They were her best friends and she knew that they wouldn't do anything to hurt her. She knew that they would be kind towards her.

She let out a sigh from her lips as she realized that it was Monday. She was glad to have the chance to escape from her troubles by going to work. It always seemed to make her feel better about herself. And she realized that she needed it more than ever.

She slipped on her formal attire before he froze her hand on the gsmele of the door. She gulped as she tried to keep herself composed before shaking her head and walking out of the room.

She found the two of them sitting next to each other on the couch and she knew that she had to keep her cool and act as though everything was alright. Even if it wasn't.

She could feel Nathan's Eyes on her as she made her way to the couch. "I almost forgot you have to go back to work. Are you sure that you are up for it because you can go back tomorrow? I am sure they will understand". She said to her.

She shook her head at the very thought. She had to be calm and she was done hiding who she was. She was going to have to go back to work eventually and she had to realize that eventually meant now.

She sighed as she hummed a tune.Well, I can't exactly keep avoiding everything forever. I have to suck it up and try and face the music eventually and besides i am sure md going back will help me to get a hold of things but I am glad that you are here for me and that you do have my best interest at heart." She said to them and she watched as his eyes swirled with an emotion she didn't recognize.

"Well that is fine, you know that I am here to support you either way but let me get you something to eat. I know that you are still somewhat hungry." She said to her and she hummed at her in response as she nodded her head.

She watched as she was quick to stand up from her soot and she made her way quickly towards the kitchen. She felt her body tense slightly when she felt his gaze still trained on her . She had to admit that he still made her feel somewhat uncomfortable about it all.

"You know that we care about you right". He said to her and she nodded her head at him as she hummed lowly. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Rachel came back into the room and handed her the sandwich. She smiled at her gratefully as she began to eat it quickly.

She stood up as she found herself ready to head to work and she was surprised when Nathan stood up as well.

"I will take you there just in case. I don't want you to have a run in". He said to her. She had to admit that there was a part of her that was scared but she had to remain composed. She couldn't allow him to see how afraid she truly was.

"Okay. Bye rachel. Thank you again:'' she said as she gave her a tight hug before they made their way out of the door. She said in his maybach and she was relieved by the silence as they began to drive away.

She was relieved when soon enough they pulled up to her office. He parked the car and he turned his face towards her causing her to gulp as she took in the stoic look on his face.

"Be careful out there. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you". He said to her but his words sounded more like a threat to her ears.