

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs


Past continues…


In the next day evening, I was waiting in the same time and same place for my sunshine. I completed every work and every shift in the morning itself. But she didn't show up. So I started to walk in the different direction as I have nothing to do today. I ate some food for lunch in the orphanage. So today I'm not hungry. As I'm walking, I saw my sunshine walking in the opposite direction. I went there and stopped her. She looked at me and smiled.

Sunshine: Hey. So we meet again today. What are you doing here?

Me: I'm just walking as I have nothing to do today. Where are you going?

Sunshine: Oh okay. I'm just going to my secret place.

Me: Secret place?

Sunshine: Come. I'll show you.

(She said and grabbed my hand. We both started walking. Within 20 minutes I saw a beautiful place. I didn't know what place is this. It's all green with trees and bushes and there is a lake here. I think because this is situated in the city outskirts not more people know about this place. There are some benches too. She went near one of the bench and said)

Sunshine: This is my secret place. I'll come here whenever I want to be alone. And this is my favorite bench. I'll always sit here only. Now you can also join me. Come sit here.

(She said and sat on that bench, I went near her and sat beside her)

Me: This place is beautiful.

Sunshine: Yeah. I found this place 3 months ago, When I'm just walking in this direction. From that day I'll come here to spend some time. You can also come here whenever you want and you can spend some alone time.

(I suddenly got an idea)

Me: why don't we both come here daily at this time?

(She looked at me for some time then nodded her head)

Sunshine: Okay. And did you eat anything today?

Me: Yeah I had my lunch today. So I'm not hungry now. So what's your name?

Sunshine: Hi. I'm Rosalynn. You can me Rose or anything you want.

Me: Hello. I'm Daniel. You can also call me anything you want. And I'll call you Sunshine.

Sunshine: Sunshine… Okay then I'll call you Cutie.

Me: Cutie… Am I looking cute to you?

Sunshine: Yes you're looking so cute.

(Saying that, she pinched my nose. I'm enjoying this feeling)

Me: Okay. If my Sunshine wants…

Sunshine: Cutie today you had your lunch. But we don't what will happen tomorrow. So I'll cook for you and bring it to you here.

(My sunshine really cares for me)

Me: Okay.

(I said and placed my head on her lap. She didn't say anything. She just started to caress my hair. We both talked for sometime. I shared what all happened today. I shared everything with her. Then we both bid good night and went to our place with the smile in our face)


Today I have no assignment or any work. So I decided to go to the green lake. I don't know why but I want to see that boy from yesterday. He is cute. I know meeting some stranger again is not that common. So I got ready and started to walk to the lake. As I'm walking there some one stopped me. I turned around to look who is that. He is the same boy. Cutie. Wow this name suits him. I smiled at him. And asked him.

Me: Hey. So we meet again today. What are you doing here?

Cutie: I'm just walking as I have nothing to do today. Where are you going?

Me: Oh okay. I'm just going to my secret place.

Cutie: Secret place?

Me: Come. I'll show you.

(So, he is also free today. Then I can show him my secret place. I don't why but I trust him. I grabbed his arms and we both started to walk. Within 20 minutes we reached there. I looked at him. he is looking around with the Awe... expression. As this place is in the city outskirts. Not much people know this place. I went near my favorite bench where I'll sit for hours. I like this place so much.)

Me: This is my secret place. I'll come here whenever I want to be alone. And this is my favorite bench. I'll always sit here only. Now you can also join me. Come sit here.

(He came near and sat beside me)

Cutie: This place is beautiful.

Me: Yeah. I found this place 3 months ago, When I'm just walking in this direction. From that day I'll come here to spend some time. You can also come here whenever you want and you can spend some alone time.

(I told him so that he can also have his personal time with these beautiful surroundings. Then he asked me)

Cutie: why don't we both come here daily at this time?

(I looked at him and thought about that. Hmm it will be good to spend time with him. I'll forget about my problems for some time. Then I suddenly remembered...)

Me: Okay. And did you eat anything today?

Cutie: Yeah I had my lunch today. So I'm not hungry now. So what's your name?

(Thank god he had his lunch. I also had my breakfast today. Then I introduced myself to him)

Me: Hi. I'm Rosalynn. You can me Rose or anything you want.

Cutie: Hello. I'm Daniel. You can also call me anything you want. And I'll call you Sunshine.

Me: Sunshine… Okay then I'll call you Cutie.

Cutie: Cutie… Am I looking cute to you?

Me: Yes you're looking so cute.

(Saying that I pinched his nose.)

Cutie: Okay. If my Sunshine wants…

(Then I got some idea. I know it'll be risk. But I'll take any risk for cutie)

Me: Cutie today you had your lunch. But we don't what will happen tomorrow. So I'll cook for you and bring it to you here.

(Yes I'll cook for him. I'll try my best to hide that from Bella)

Cutie: Okay.

(Then he suddenly placed his head on lap. At first I'm slightly shocked then slowly I started to caress his hair. It's so soft. We talked for some time. He told me what happened the whole day. I know he'll feel relax now. Then we both bid good night to each other. I came to my orphanage and did my normal work and went to sleep with the empty stomach. But I used to this)

Next Day evening I cooked my best recipe to Cutie and packed it in the lunch box which I bought today morning for this and came to the green lake. He is sitting in the same bench. I went and sat near him. I gave the lunch box to him but he asked me to feed him. As I'm feeding him, he started to tell me everything that happened today. After feeding him he placed his head on my lap and closed his eyes. I started caressing his hair. We didn't speak more. This went for one month. I'll cook for him and feed him but I'll not eat that food. If I cook for two people Bella will find out with the amount of remaining grocery. In this whole month, I didn't cry. I was only smiling. Today I cooked Cutie's favorite food. I'm feeding him as always he started to tell everything happened today. Then he placed his head on my lap, as I was caressing his hair suddenly Bella and some old lady came there. That lady looked at Cutie. She is looking directly into cutie's eyes. Then Cutie stood up and started to walk away from me like a robot. I instantly got panic why is he going without saying anything. I tried to call him, but that old lady looked into my eyes. I too looked into her eyes... I don't know what happened after that everything went blank... Then I opened my eyes in the next normal day with only the heavy feeling.......


I was waiting for my Sunshine in the green lake, the next day. She came with the lunch box in her hands. She sat beside me and gave me the lunch box. I asked her to feed me, as I feel good when she feed me with her hands. She started to feed me and I told her everything that happened today and after finishing the box. I placed my head on her lap and closed my eyes. She started to caress to my hair. I feel like I'm not alone in this world anymore. Then we good bye and I went to my orphanage. This became our daily routine. She'll cook and bring it to me. She'll feed me listening to whatever I'm saying to her. Then I'll sleep on her lap for some time. Then I'll come to my orphanage. I think it's already a month. I know I was saving money to leave this country. But now I don't want to leave my Sunshine, she became everything to me. Yes I realized that I love her, No love is small word compared to my emotions. I realized that I can't live without her. I already made the plan. Once I saved enough money, I'll leave my orphanage and start my business here itself as my sunshine is here only. She is everything and she'll be my everything. Today I planned that I'll tell her that I have feelings for her. As same my sunshine came there and I told her what all happened today when she is feeding me my favorite food. Then I placed my head on her lap. Today I didn't sleep, as I'm thinking about how I'm going reveal my feelings to her. I know we both are young. But she is my other half, my soul. Then suddenly one girl and an old lady came there. That old lady looked into my eyes. I don't know why I looked into her eyes. Then suddenly everything became blank..... Then I opened my eyes in the next normal day in my orphanage room with that worst feeling ....