

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs



Finally My Tesoro came out all of her fears. We five are really happy all these days. I always made sure that My Tesoro Took her breakfast, lunch, dinner and her medicines. Yeah After that plastic dolls issue .I arranged a meeting with best doctors and My Tesoro doctor also. He is also good in his work. So After consulting more than 10 doctors, she is taking her medicines now. It's already a month, Till my Tesoro didn't find out that I'm Mr. King. Watson is always with her in the restaurant. Stella tried to do something to My Tesoro. But, My Tesoro didn't allow it. She gave her a good reply after that Stella also changed. Not changed but she didn't tried anything after that and being a manager she is always busy. And Watson also made sure that Rose is safe. He is the one who was my second bodyguard when I was in London... But Oliver made him come here to be as Rose's bodyguard in the restaurant.

Oliver and I sometimes will go to My Tesoro apartment. The whole street is in Oliver's control. My Tesoro also really became close to me. We will talk the whole night in the phone about nothing. Also sometimes when Oliver and I spend our night in my Tesoro's apartment we all will be talking till midnight in the terrace and will end up sleeping in the terrace. All is going well. But I don't know I have a feeling that something is going to happen, something bad. Now only weakness is My Tesoro. So I want her to be safe. Today Watson is also not here. He had to be in London. Something came up there. He'll be here by anytime soon. So I asked Oliver to check on Rose on more time. It's already afternoon as I'm going to enter into my office Oliver came running towards me.

Oliver: Daniel. Daniel.

(I immediately got tensed, I send him to check on Rose now he is yelling my name in front of everyone .so something is happened to my Tesoro)

Me: What happened to Rose?

Oliver: Daniel. The restaurant where Rose is working is suddenly got into the fire. And they are saying that the fire started to spread from the kitc…..

(Before he completes his words, I ran towards my car and started to drive to MY TESORO irrespective of commotion around me. I know Oliver and other will follow me. I drove as fast as I can. I reached that street. But there are the some fire brigades blocking the street. So I got out of the car and started to run towards the restaurant. I didn't care about anyone or anything. I just want my Tesoro in my arms safely. I don't when my eyes got blurred, but tears are rolling down on my cheeks. Cops and some of the fire fighters noticed me and tried to stop me .No they are not able to stop me. I know they will not force me as they know they'll die anytime soon if they do so. I got near the restaurant. There are Medias and paparazzi, everyone noticed me. I looked around to find my Tesoro. No she is not here .Which means she is inside the restaurant. My Tesoro is in danger. As I'm going to get inside the restaurant which is full of fire care about nothing two arms stopped me by grabbing my arms. I looked at the person with I-will-kill-you-if-you-try-to-stop-me. It's none other than Oliver).

Me: Leave my Hand.

(I yelled at him. He is the only person who has the guts to stop me)

Oliver: Daniel Listen. Don't go inside. We will go and check for Rose. Please all are trying to save the peo…..

Me: Leave My hand Mr. Smith. Otherwise you have to see the devil.

(I know this only will stop him)

Oliver: Sir. I know you want to save Rose. But trust me she will be ...…


(I yelled at him in top of my voice. At the same time both Cathy and Eva also came there. They too tried to stop me but no one can do that now)

I pushed Oliver away from me. As I'm going to enter into the restaurant I saw My Tesoro is coming out with some child in her hands. Then one of the fire fighters took the child from my Tesoro's hand. Then my Tesoro look at me, as I'm going to breathe in relief. Someone yelled from inside the restaurant... My Tesoro turned and looked at the restaurant, as I'm going to run towards her, she again ran into the restaurant to help that person without thinking twice.

Me: Damn it. Rose.

(I yelled her name and ran behind her ... I got inside the restaurant and started to look for my Tesoro. Oliver also got inside the fire as he is my head bodyguard some fire fighters are trying to help some people. I saw Rose helping a girl. I ran towards her and grabbed her hands and Oliver helped that girl to stand up. We started to leave that place. I removed my coat and cover my Tesoro with that, as there is fire all over the place. I pulled her too close to me. We all came outside. After we came to the safe distance where all the other people are standing. I saw all the media and paparazzi surrounded us. As I'm going to shout at my Tesoro for doing some stupid stunt she beats me and grabbed my shirt collar and started to yell at me and Oliver.).

Rose: Daniel. Are you mad who asked you to do that stunt? Do you think you're some super man or spider man who saves people from danger? Daniel, I'm only asking you. Open your damn mouth and answer me. Tell me, who are you? You're just a normal human being. What if something happened to you...? You know I hell worried about you. Idiot. Stupid. Who asked you to pull that danger stunt? And you Oliver I know he is your best friend. You had to stop him, but you also came inside with him. What are with you guys? Are you guys alright. Daniel, are you fine. Did you hurt somewhere? Tell me Daniel are you alright. Daniel, speak something I'm worried.

(She is yelling at me like, I'm the one who ran into the fire again to save someone. When she asked me to speak something and didn't let me speak, it remembered me about our first phone call. At that time also she was worried about me. Now also she is worried about me. I don't know what to answer. Tears didn't stop, I'm still crying. Now the only thing running in my mind is without my Tesoro I'm nothing. I can't live without her. She grabbed my face and wiped my tears with her fingers and asked me again slowly)

Rose: Daniel. Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Is it paining? Oh wait. Are you crying because I yelled at you? I'm sorry Daniel. I'm so bad, I...….

(I didn't let her speak. I hugged her tightly. This is the only answer I can give her. I want her, No I need her in my life. She is like other half to my body and soul. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and cried my heart. The fear of losing her is like a hell. She started caressing my hair after sometimes, I calmed down. I looked at her asked her)

Me: Promise me. You'll not let anything happened to you. Whatever happens in our life or anything at the day end you have to with me. You're worried about me, but you know when Oliver informed me about the fire accident, I tho…. Thought... I… I…lost...

( I can't able to complete my words ,I can't imagine what I'll do if something Happened to her . I again hugged her. She also hugged me and started to speak)

Rose: Shh. I promise. I'll always be with you and I'll not let anything happened to you and me.

(She added me in her promise. After sometime I broke the hug and looked at her and smiled, then I turned to Oliver)

Me: Did I ask you to follow me Oliver.

Oliver: I…

(He didn't say anything. I know he came to save as a friend not as my bodyguard. So I just smiled at him)

Me: I know Oliver.

Oliver: Thank God Daniel. You became normal. 10 minutes ago you look like ex Mr.Ki... Leave it.