

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



After hearing about Mr. King and his Tesoro, I also want someone in my life. Who will treat me like just how Mr. King treats his love. I wonder how Daniel knows everything about Mr. King. I think it's because he is working with Mr. King. Now I don't hate Mr. King and also I don't fear him now. As I'm in my thoughts I noticed one thing that both Cathy and Eva looking at me intensely. And they both have a smile on their faces.

Me: Why are you looking at me like that?

Cathy: Nothing sweetheart.

(They both came near me and sat to my right and left like they always when they want to ask something to me. I know they are going to ask me about the medical reports).

Cathy: what do you think about Daniel? Rose.

Me: What I thought you're going to ask about my reports .But you're asking me about Daniel.

Eva: Rose. We heard everything you said to Daniel about your reports and why you didn't tell us. So now the topic is different. Do you have any feelings for him?

(She asked out of blue. I can't hide anything from my besties so I just nodded my head).

(They both hugged me tightly from sides. I winced in pain as Eva is in my left side she pressed the wound).

Eva: sorry.

Eva and Cathy: we are so happy for you sweetheart.

(Then both Daniel and Oliver entered the terrace with dinner in their hands. When we all having our dinner, Daniel explained his plan to everyone. Then we all went to sleep. Me, Cathy and Eva are going to sleep in the same room as always. Both Daniel and Oliver are going to sleep in my other room where I'll sleep sometimes. We didn't touch that plastic dolls room).

We all bid good night to each other and went to our respective rooms. I closed my eyes thinking about Daniel.


After bidding good nights .Me and Oliver came to our room. He didn't come inside. He is standing near the door.

Me: Are you not going to sleep Mr. Smith.

Oliver: Sir. You sleep here .I'll sleep on the couch in the living room.

Me: Why.

Oliver: Sir. That …I'm your bodyguard. That's why.

Me: Bodyguards will not do what you are doing now Oliver.

(Yes I called him Oliver. He looked at me)

Me: I know Oliver. All these years, I treated you only as a body guard. But at that time I'm not myself. I thought everyone around me is only being with me for my money. But today I saw that you're crying when I telling my side story to My Tesoro. In future I'll try not to judge anyone at first Oliver. I consider you, Catherine and Eva as my friend now. Because I saw you're all with me every time. So if you also consider me as your friend you can give me a hug.

(I finished my talk. Yes, it's true. I consider them as my friends now. Oliver is looking at me like I'm some alien)

Me: What. You don't consider me as your friend.

(He then came inside and gave me a hug).

Oliver: It's nothing like that sir. I'm just astonished…

Me: Daniel

Oliver: what

Me: Daniel. You can call me Daniel Oliver.

Oliver: Ok sir. I mean Daniel.

Me: Okay it's already late let's sleep. Good night Oliver.

Oliver: Good night Daniel.



As I got ready and came out of the room. Cathy and Eva yelled at the same time.

Cathy & Eva: Today is last day for plastic dolls in the apartment. Come fast sweetheart, we have to execute the plan.

(Then Daniel and Jason came out of their)

Daniel: But Cathy before that she need her Bandage get change.

Cathy: O...Oka...Okay.

(She is stammering. what happened to her. Eva and Cathy are talking with their eyes. But today I can't able to get it).

Daniel: Rose. Come and sit here.

(I did everything as he told me. After changing the bandage and finished the breakfast. We all sat on the sofa. After some seconds Oliver's phone ringed, he attended the call. After listening, he hanged off the call with just one word GOOD)

Oliver: They both are coming. Time for drama.

Daniel: Fine. Let's go to our respective places. And Rose, Don't let them to touch you. Okay.

Me: Okay Daniel.

(Then he came near me kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear...)

Daniel: Don't let them to touch you. They are not worth to touch you

(I just smiled and nodded my head at him. Then Daniel went inside the room behind me and closed the door and he'll watch us from the key whole. And Oliver went inside the room in front of me and closed the door, which is behind the couch they'll always sit. I'm already sitting in my place and they'll sit in front of me. Cathy and Eva both are hiding in the kitchen which is the right side to us. So everything is set. Only they have to come now).

After sometime I heard a door clicking sound. They both came inside and sat on the couch right in front me. Its going as well as we planned.

Zoe: You see Helen, he don't want me to leave him... He loves me so much. Who will believe if I say that worlds most handsome eligible bachelor billionaire loves me to the core.

(I don't know, I want to laugh but I can't I have to control)

Helen: Yeah. He is always looking at you like love struck puppy.

Zoe: Hmmm. Rose, go and bring coffee for us.

(I'm sitting like; I didn't hear them at all. Yes, that's what our plan)

Zoe: Rose. Didn't you hear what I said? Go and bring coffee for us.

(She raised her voice a little. But now also I didn't respond. I know, I had a little fear for them, but when Daniel whispered that in my ear, all my fear is long gone).

Helen: You Deaf. Stand up.

Zoe: Helen I thing we have give her another lesson.

Helen: Yes. Zoe.

(Zoe came near me and tried to slap me. But for the first in my life, I blocked her hand and I slapped her. Helen gasped at my sudden reaction).

Zoe: How dare you. You slapped me. Do you who I'm. I'm Mr. King's Girlfriend. He will fire your friend.

(Cathy came out of the kitchen)

Cathy: Really. You're saying that you're my boss's girlfriend.

(Zoe first looked at her with shock .Then continued her drama)

Zoe: Yes. And I asked him to keep our relationship until our marriage.

(Then Eva came out of the kitchen).

Eva: Marriage. Oh. When are both going to get married?

(Now both Helen and Zoe's face turned into red in embarrassment)

Zoe: What are you both doing here?

Eva: What are you even asking Zoe? This is also our home not only yours. And I want to share good news with you. You know I'm also appointed in KINGS EMPIRE. You know Zoe your boyfriend loves you so much. He don't let any girl near him other you.

(Zoe thinks for some time and then smiled)

Zoe: Yes .you knows he is always like that he'll not let any girl near him. But today this girl here slapped me .I'm going to call him and ask him to destroy her.

Me: Oh .Okay then calls him.

(Then Oliver came outside the room. Then he suddenly tied a cloth around Zoe mouth as not her to speak. Helen is yelling at Oliver to leave Zoe).

Helen: Hey. Who are you? What are you doing? Leave her.

(Zoe is hitting Oliver. But he didn't care about anything. After he tied a cloth a bulky man just like Oliver came inside and made Zoe sat on the couch. Oliver did the same thing with Helen. Then another bulky man came near Helen and made her sat on the couch. What is happening here, this is not in our plan)

Oliver: Now call Mr. King and ask him for help. I'm sure he'll be here in the next minute. Take this phone and call him.

(But Zoe didn't accept his offer. We know she'll not)

Oliver: Okay .I'll call him. You know he is my boss too.

(Then Daniel Came out of the room. Both Helen and Zoe's Eyes got wide. I wonder why. They are looking at each other intensely. Daniel came near me and kissed my forehead).

Daniel: You did a great job Rose. You slapped her.

(Then he turned and looked at them. They both are sitting and whimpering as they both can't speak).


I kissed my Tesoro's forehead as I'm very proud of her. Then I looked at the plastic dolls.

Me: Oh. Hello plastic dolls. So you're Mr. King's Girl friend. He proposed you with the diamond ring. Am I right plastic doll no.1?

(I asked the girl who is playing a game like my girlfriend)

They both shook their head in sideways. I know they'll lie to me. I signaled Cathy to take My Tesoro outside for some time. She already knows that. So I don't need to explain her. After Cathy and My Tesoro left the room, I signaled my other body guards to remove the cloth tied to their mouths.

Plastic doll 2 (Helen): Mr. King. Wow I can't believe my eyes. Finally I saw you

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): I know Mr. King. You'll come to see me who I'm after they told you about my drama.

(What the hell she believes that I came here to see her. Eva started to laugh at her comment while me and Oliver trying hard to control our laugh. )

Me: Eva. Stop laughing we are here to give this plastic dolls a good lesson.

Eva: Sorry. Sorry. You continue.

Me: So .Plastic dolls. Do I even know you?

(They both shook their heads)

Me: Words. I need words plastic dolls.

Plastic dolls: No sir.

Me: Then why did you tell Rose that I'm your boyfriend. And you're saying that I'm your boyfriend and I even proposed you. Do I look like a clown to you?

(I yelled at Plastic doll no.1)

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Sorry sir. I know it's wrong but you know what I love you so much.

(What the hell LOVE?)

Me: Plastic doll 1 (Zoe). Do you even know what love is? I think you don't. Leave it all. I'll forgive you for playing the fake role of my girlfriend.

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Thank you Mr. King.

Me: Don't say thank you that quickly plastic doll. Now tell me why did u abuse rose.

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Leave her Mr. King. She is a fool. She's is not even a good gir....

(I didn't let her to complete her words. I took my gun and pointed it straight in her head. She is looking at me in the horror. But I'm furious now, how can she talk like that about my Tesoro. I'm going to kill this shit here).

Me: Don't you dare to say a word against my Tesoro. Otherwise I don't know where you'll be in the next minute. I'm sure it will be hell not heaven. How dare you to use my Tesoro's weakness.

Plastic doll 2 (Helen): We are sorry sir. We will not do that again. Please leave us.

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Yes sir. I'm sorry. And also I'll ask rose for her forgiveness. I know we did wrong. But please forgive us sir.

(They both started to cry the second I took my gun. I thought they will be little brave. No they only used my Tesoro for her weakness. But how can I leave these two plastic dolls that easily after giving my Tesoro so much pain all these years)

Me: Okay .Eva, call Rose and Cathy inside. If My Tesoro forgives you after what you did to her. Then I'll think about it. And one more important thing, you have to clear her that Mr. King doesn't love you and you faked all this drama. And you have to hide her, a fact that I'm Mr. King. She doesn't know me I mean she didn't know how Mr. King looks. She only know me as normal man and you have continue our drama otherwise you know this time I'll not think twice before killing you both.

Plastic dolls: Yes sir.

(Rose and Cathy came inside. Before that I gave my gun to Oliver.)

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Rose I know. I hurt you to an extent. But I'm sorry, please forgive me. If you want you can slap me one more time.

(She is literally begging to my Tesoro. I know my Tesoro will forgive them easily. But I'm not going to leave these two that easily)

Plastic doll 2 (Helen): Rose, please forgive us. We will not disturb you from now. Please rose forgive us.

Rose: It's okay. I'll forgive you. But you both have to promise me two things. That you'll not treat other girls like how you both treated I and you'll not spread the fake rumors about you and Mr. King. You know he also has his personal life. What if his real girlfriend came to know these rumors from someone? Their true relationship will break. Promise me that you'll do these two things for me then I'll forgive you both.

(See, she is only thinking about others... I think she don't want Mr. King's relationship to broke. )

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Yes Rose .I'll promise you, that I'll not treat any girls like how I treated you. And I'll not spread that rumor. Please forgive me Rose.

Plastic doll 2 (Helen): I promise you Rose. Forgive me Rose please.

Rose: Okay. I forgave you.

Plastic dolls: Thank you Rose.

Rose: Okay guys. I feel tired. I think because of the medicines. I'll go and take some rest.

Me: Are you sure Rose. You Okay.

Rose: I'm okay Daniel. I just want to sleep now.

Me: Okay. Go and take rest. Cathy and Eva go with her.

Cathy and Eva: Okay. Come Rose.

(After they all left the Hall. I turned to plastic dolls. They are looking at me with fear and confusion. I think they are confused about rose and my relationship and fear me because they are thinking about what I'm going to do now).

Me: So, My Tesoro forgave you both. But you know what I'm not going to forgive in this life time. I don't want to see your faces again. So you both are going to leave the country. No I'm going to throw both of you out of this country. You can't come back here for the rest of your life. And you can't take any cash or your bank cards. You'll only go another country with only the clothes you're wearing and your degree certificates in your hands. So you have to search for your job as soon as you landed on other countries if you want to eat... And also you'll not able to get any jobs in Kings Empire or its sub companies. And you can't go ask for help to that city government. And even if you ask they'll not help you. Your parents will also not able to help you. So this is your punishment. You can leave now.

(They both are looking at me with the horror expression. I think they only realize now why people calling me a Curse to the world. You know this is my second most favorite punishment I'll give to most of the people. But I'll also them if they can't able to find a job even some small job which will enough to feed them in next 36 hours . Then I'll give them a normal job and my people there will keep tab on them).

Plastic doll 1 (Zoe): Sir, Please don't do this to us. Don't throw us out of the country.

Plastic doll 2 (Helen): Sir please forgives us.

Me: I will not hear any of your pleadings. So just get out of from here. Before I'll increase your punishments

(They both silently left the place.) Now I have to do the important thing.