

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



When I opened my eyes, there is no one in this room. I think that stupid doctor gave me a sleeping dose. And the one and only my sweetheart Cathy gave him that idea. Then I remembered how Daniel picked me up in the bridal style. I feel so comfortable with him. No not only comfortable, I feel peace, care, love everything …I will be happy if he is with me, I think I found my solace. I still remember how could he able to find out .without me speaking a word. There is no word needed between us.

But I wonder how he guessed that it's Stella. I think Cathy and Eva told him about Stella. I want to be with him every time. I think I'm falling for him. But how could I. I just saw him 3 to 4 days ago. But its feels we know each other for long time. Within the short period of time I started to grow feelings for him. What if he only considers me as his friend? No I don't want to lose his care and friendship.

Then suddenly, I noticed the time. Shit Its 10.00 p.m. I slept this long that too in the evening not at the night. But now, how could I able to sleep at night. I got up from the bed, and came to living hall. All are here only. Daniel is sitting in the couch but I can tell with look on his face that he is pissed off. Oliver is standing near the Daniel with the worried face. Both Cathy and Eva is looking something at the table.

I called them, and then only all of them noticed me. Cathy immediately took something from that table and put it in her office bag. What is that?

Me: What are you guys doing?

(No one speaks. Daniel is not even looking at me. What happened to him now? Did I do something wrong)

Oliver: Nothing rose. We are discussing something about our works. You know right we all are working for Mr. King.

Me: Oh .Okay. I think it's already late. You guys continue your discussion. I'll prepare dinner for all us.

(Suddenly Eva yelled at me very angrily. This is the first time she is yelling at me)

Eva: Shut up. Go and sit there silently. We will prepare dinner. Dare you speak another word I'll kill you.

Cathy: Just go and sit there silently.

(As saying they both left to cook dinner).

Me: What happened? Daniel Now why are they shouting at me?

(He didn't say anything. He looked at Oliver and replied)

Daniel: Oliver. I'll be in the terrace. Call me once the dinner is ready.

(Then he left without saying anything. What happened to all of them)?

Oliver: You go and take rest rose. I'll be back.

(Then he also left. He is going towards kitchen, so I followed him. He entered the kitchen and instructs something to Cathy and Eva. I can't hear them. I know I'm the only reason why they are this much pissed off but I don't know what I did and also don't know what to do now. I can handle Cathy and Eva. But now I have to talk to Daniel. So I went to the terrace. I saw him punching the wall with bare hands).

So I went there stand in-between him and the wall. So that he will stop punching.

Daniel: Leave….

Me: No.

Daniel: I said "leave".

Me: I said "no"

(He did say anything just walked back and sat on the couch in the terrace. I went and sat near him)

Me: Did I do something wrong.

(He looked at me and didn't say anything)

Me: Daniel, please talk to me.

(Now also he didn't say anything. Enough of this so got up from the couch and sat on his lap. He looked at and heaved a sigh but didn't say anything).

Me: Daniel….Say something please. Are you angry on me?

(He didn't even speak a word. Then only I noticed. There is some blood oozing out from his knuckles, as he punched the wall. Who will punch the wall like this? I got up from his lap. Then he suddenly grabbed my arms. I looked at him. He is looking at me like a lost puppy saying "don't leave me". So I just ruffle his hair, he didn't say anything. Cute boy. No Cute man. )

Me: I'll be back.

(I then removed his grip from my hands. And walked out of the terrace. And I came to the living hall and took the first aid kit. And again went to the terrace. He is looking at the terrace entrance intensely. He then turned after saw me entering into the terrace).


She came inside with the first aid kit in her hands. She sat beside me and took my right hand and placed it in her lap. She started to clean my wound. I asked her slowly.

Me: Why did you hide that from everyone?

Rose: what?

Me: Your medical reports of you being anemic and a.b.u.s.e.d.

(I pressed the last words, as I'm only angry on the person who abused my Tesoro. I'm just upset with my Tesoro. She didn't say anything she finished her work and looked at me).

Rose: How do you know about that?

Me: I asked Ms. Joseph and Eva to search in your room, as I had a doubt that you're hiding something.

Rose: Hmm.

Me: You didn't answer my question rose. Why did you hide that from Ms. Joseph and Eva?

Rose: Anemia is not a big thing Daniel. More than 75% people on the earth have that.

Me: But they will take care of them. They will eat healthy. And take some medicines. But you're not taking any medicines. Not taking rest properly. Not eating healthy scratch that you're not at all eating your lunch right. You're only taking your lunch when Ms. Joseph or Eva with you. Am I right rose?

(She didn't say anything. So I continued)

Me: And the most important in that you're being abused also. When we saw some prescriptions for scars and wounds, we called your doctor. He said that there are some bruises in your body. And also there are whip marks. How you're being able to handle all that pain rose.

(She just started crying without saying any word. I pulled her on my lap. She just hugged me and placed her head in the crook of my neck and started to cry more. I didn't stop her. I want her to relieve from all pain. I'm just caressing her hair. After some time she calmed down and started to speak)

Rose: I didn't tell them as I don't want to be a burden to them. They are my only family .I just want them to be happy. I don't want them to be worrying about me all the time. And I'm sure if I told them about this they will not let me work. And already it's being hard for us to manage bills. So I have to work and take care of them.

Me: Okay .I'll forgive you for this. But from now on you're going to eat perfectly and taking some medicines on the perfect time and you're going to work only half shift. You're not going to work full day.

Rose: No no. It will be better if I work 2 shifts. Otherwise it will be worse.

Me: what do you mean by worse?

Rose: Nothing. You know right I love to cook. So if work for 2 shifts, it will be good.

(I'm not satisfied with her answer).

Me: Okay rose. Now the major question. Who is abusing you?

(I asked and her eyes got widen in fear. What fear? Who will have the guts to do something to my Tesoro?)

Rose: No. I will manage. I don't want to drag you in this mess. They are powerful)

Me: Powerful. More than me.... I mean powerful more than your all friends.

Rose: No. they are not powerful but their friend is powerful and rich than anyone. That's only I didn't tell to Eva and Cathy also.

(At that time all the other three came to the terrace.)

Ms. Eva: Do you think they are more powerful than me. I'll kill him/her even in one punch.

Ms. Joseph: Did you think like that of your friends. Do you even know me sweetheart? You have to see my fighting skills. And you know my boyfriend right. He will grab their neck and swing them in the air like some doll. He is that powerful.

(Oliver is silent. I looked at him asked)

Me: What are going to say Oliver? You're not powerful?

(Even I know what he is being capable of, I asked him)

Oliver: I. I mean. You know I'm working under Mr. King. If I ask him to help me, he will definitely help me with your problem.

(Why did he bring me in this? I mean as Mr. King)

Rose: Guys. I know you all are powerful but it's just not what you think, it's difficult. They told me to keep this as a secret. If they came to know about that you guys about them. They will call their friend and ask them to do something to you.

(I got an idea)

Me: Rose. Do you know who that rich and powerful person is?

Rose: Hmmmm.

(So she knows that person, now it's easy to find him and warn him. I know he will obey my words. And also I know that he is not more rich than me as I'm the top most billionaire in the world )

Me: Rose . Why do you think that person I mean that rich and powerful man will do something to us .Do you think that he is that free to do something to the people just like us I mean middle class?

(I need to play some cards here)

Rose: Yes. Because, she is his girlfriend. And he'll do anything for her.

(So I got my first clue. That the person who is abusing my Tesoro is a girl)

Me: Rose. Just tell us that rich person name. You know we can't even able to reach him.

Ms. Joseph: Yes Sweetheart, tell us.

(I think Ms. Joseph got what I'm thinking now)

My Tesoro gave all of us a look and said that person's name. I never thought she'll tell us that name in million years.