

Where should the story begin? With the death of the sister, parents or the dog? Okay, all over again. Everything starts on Ella's 13th birthday. Her parents told her they had something to tell her.

"Yes?" She said.

"I hope you don't freak out now" Ella's questioning look. "You are a light fairy and your sister is a shadow helper" "I only understand the station, don't I?" Let's start from the beginning: a long time ago there was a man who became him poisoned a café, he died shortly afterwards, but his will to live was so strong that he sent back to earth, he lived on with the power of the shadows, he founded the shadow helpers, when people found out about it they got panicked and fled, only one not. He encouraged the people to stay and founded the light fairies. The gods were satisfied with the work and gave the resistance group their magic. One shadow helper was not enough, however, and so the shadow helper really came into being. " "Mom?" Sidney, her little sister, got in somehow. "Yes, honey?" "Is the story true? Then what am I? "Her mother sighed." You are ... "she paused briefly" a shadow helper "Short silence" What? " Sidney started to cry. "All good Sidney"

------------------- 1 week later ---------------

Ella was 13 for a week now, but she had changed a lot since then. When she came down that morning a week after her birthday, there was a tense silence. I immediately felt that something was wrong, the tense silence told me that. Ella almost ran backwards when she saw what was going on. Her beloved dog, Marvin, was dead on the floor, her family sat by, affected, staring straight ahead. "What's going on here?" Her mother came howling and she stumbled to: "That was an accident ..." Silence "Your sister killed Marvin. She doesn't have her gift under control yet. "Her mother wants to hug you, she rams her over and runs to her room. Close the door.--------------------3 days later------------------

"Help!" Ella startled. What was going on? She ran downstairs. Marvin died 3 days ago. When she came into the room she screeched. Her mother, father and sister were smeared with blood on the floor next to each other. Neighbors were diving up and see her family, we have to call the police.

--------------2 hours later------------------

"That's why we decided to put you in the children's home." Ella cries out: "No, please don't. Can I go home again?" "Okay" finally says a judge.

-------------------At home-------------------------

Search the house and find a note. Open it. It says:

Dear Ella,

If you read this note, it means that I died. I wanted to tell you this story. In a tough fight for survival, a fight took place between the two. It was more intense than anything we had ever seen before. (Well, we haven't seen it, we haven't even been there). I love listening to it, it's a shame that I can't tell you anymore. So now I have a few more important things to do (there is another letter, but I had better hidden it and I'm still sorry about your dog.)

LG So ...

What happened? Where was the rest of the letter? Only now did she realize how alone she was. She started to cry again when her companion came and took her with him (his name was Julius or something). She let herself be pulled away from him.

-------------- At the children's home -----------------

"Do I really have to?" Asked Ella. "Yes," said her guard harshly. "Have you ever been put in 'prison'?" She said stubbornly. "Yes, and a real one," he said coldly, "And now stop beating around!" She looked down on the floor. "There was at least one for that good reason? " she asked timidly. "For what?" Asked Julius. "Well, for your imprisonment." "No and now enough of it!" Now he was completely cold again. "We have to go."

----------------- At the children's home ----------------

When they arrived, they rang the doorbell and a woman with brown hair and green eyes opened the door. Ella stared at her. Why did she look so strange. After an elegant greeting, they entered. Ella immediately looked around.

It wasn't very big, but it still looked cozy. They went into the house and looked around. It wasn't very well decorated but looked cozy nonetheless. They saw a bed, a closet, a shelf and a chest of drawers. "Can I still get my things?" "Sure, we'll go back again" Julius looked around, confused. On the way back we said nothing to them.

-------------------At home-------------------------

Ella got her things and looked for a second letter. But even after 2 hours of searching, she found nothing. "Are you coming too?" Julius asked and Ella turned around, frightened. "Oh, it's you," she sighed. He said, amused, "Who else? The devil? "He laughed, but her gaze spoke indefinitely." You aren't serious, are you? " he had to smile. "I still don't understand you." She rolls her eyes. He started to laugh. He almost hit someone. He started scolding. "You should just drive me to the children's home and not break me." He concentrates on the journey again.

------------------- Children's home --------------------

When they arrived at the children's home, Ella's new "home", they told of the almost accident, the director of the children's home was relieved that nothing had happened. Now Ella had time to get to know her. She introduced herself as Lina and brought her into the room Books on the shelf, her writing utensils and a desk (because she brought her) and takes another duvet and pillow from the car. She lies down and reads the letter over and over. Finally she gets up again and goes to the desk. She was so absorbed in a Sudoku that she didn't even hear the knock. So she is all the more frightened when suddenly someone says: "Is that a scam or are you really so absorbed in the book?" Ella was about to answer when she realizes that she doesn't even know the man. "Who are you?" She asked instead. "Me, the question is probably more who you are." Great, another mystery man. Ella thought "I know who I am!" "Are you sure?" This guy was annoying her! "Yes and now, who are you?" "Well, I'm Nils Duster!" "I'm Ella Dust ... wait a minute, are you my brother?" She asked excitedly "Yeah, I thought you would notice it faster" He sounded kind of sad. "I didn't even know that I had a brother," she said thoughtfully.