
Returning to Earth, only I don't have the system

In a world besieged by the malevolent emergence of Dungeons, where hordes of monstrous creatures spill forth to sow chaos and despair, a figure from the depths of legend returns, heralding both salvation and destruction. Alan Colt, a once ordinary youth thrust into the crucible of another realm, reemerges in his homeland with the potential to reshape the very fabric of existence. Once a mere student of gastronomy, Alan's exile to a fantastical realm forged him into a formidable force, wielding a lethal blend of blade and sorcery. But his strength is not bound by righteousness alone; it is tempered by the shadows that lurk within his soul and the allure of power that whispers from the darkness. As Alan navigates the shifting sands of his reimagined world, he grapples with the duality of his nature and the consequences of his actions. Twenty years have passed since his disappearance, and the once-familiar cityscape now teeters on the brink of chaos, ripe for the taking by those with the will to seize it. Haunted by the echoes of his past and the weight of his own potential, Alan finds himself torn between the path of heroism and the allure of dominion. With each step forward, he inches closer to a revelation that will redefine not only his own destiny but the fate of all who inhabit this world. Joined by unlikely allies and pursued by relentless adversaries, Alan embarks on a quest to unlock the mysteries of the Dungeons and harness their unfathomable power. But as he delves deeper into the heart of darkness, he must confront the truth of his own nature and the ultimate price of wielding such power. Prepare to journey beyond the veil of morality and into the heart of ambiguity itself in "Returning to Earth, only I don't have the system," where the line between savior and conqueror blurs, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of a single man's choice.

MasterR · Urban
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"Can I go to the next level?" Alan spoke, still with the audience around him in silence. Soon, two holes opened in the ground, while the body of the goblin robot fell through one, and from the other, a slightly larger robot, now the size of a normal human, appeared. "Rank E, Hobgoblin," the voice announced. The robot was an imitation of the goblin's evolution.

It wielded a long two-handed sword and seemed much more resilient than the first robot, prompting Alan to look at it from bottom to top. He couldn't discover the weak points of the monsters due to their robotic imitations, but he could see the weak points of the robots themselves, such as ligaments and mechanical joints.

The robotic monster let out a mechanized screech and began advancing toward Alan, who, unlike before, remained in place, holding the short sword up in front of him and the staff behind him.

The blow came down trying to cleave him in half, the short sword moving forward clashed with the large sword, releasing sparks and altering the direction of the blow, while hitting the ground and breaking it. However, the robot's attack did not end there. As the sword plunged into the ground, it immediately followed up with a kick from its right leg, which was already in the forefront with Alan.

The young man calmly watched as he jumped backward, feeling the kick hit his chest but causing no harm due to the backward leap. "Oh. This one has a more thoughtful movement pattern," he analyzed the robot monster, but soon began to lose interest in it all. Ultimately, they weren't real monsters.

Of course, these small combat robots could indeed cause some damage, and Alan didn't doubt that they were used to combat minor threats, but humans had not yet succeeded in creating any robot that was truly useful, as Yuto had told him on the way.

With that, Alan pointed the staff at the robotic monster, and its tip began to glow. However, unlike the first one, this robot covered its eyes with its hand, which made Alan smile slightly as he used that moment when the robot itself covered its eyes to charge toward it, brandishing the short sword.

He made three quick cuts, two behind the robot's knees, severing the connecting cables, and one on the neck. Since the robot was more resilient and larger than the previous one, Alan didn't have the strength yet to cut the robot in one stroke. As soon as he did this, the robot fell to the ground, its eyes lights turning off.

Breathing heavily, he felt sweat already dripping from his body. Doing all this had strained his untrained body, and he was sure that soon he would start feeling muscle soreness because of it. Alan then dropped the weapons to the ground as he spoke, "I'll stop here; I don't think I can go one more round."

As he said that, the door behind him opened, and he walked out of the room. Some people looked at him, and others even commented, "Wow, you were amazing! I didn't know magic could be used like that." And a few other comments reached Alan's ears, but he ignored them as he walked over to Yuto.

"What's the next step?" He spoke with a calm tone, but his breathing was still somewhat heavy. Yuto blinked a few times; he had seen that Alan's rank was F, yet he had defeated two robotic monsters in succession. Of course, this could happen, but it was usually when a Hunter already had some kind of experience or at least training.

"Ah... Yes, follow me, Alan." As they walked, Yuto asked Alan, "How did you move like that? You seemed to already know how to fight." Alan looked at the man as he replied calmly, "I liked video games; I imagined that with the power of the system, I could do something I had seen before, but still, my body isn't trained for it."

He had to go with the lie while bringing up the system, considering that everyone else had one now, except him, of course. For some reason, the system hadn't appeared for Alan yet, and he didn't think it would appear since he was a singular irregularity.

Yuto chuckled lightly as they continued to walk, not touching on the subject again, until they reached a room with some receptionists. "We'll make your new identity here. I need you to place your hand on the table to get your fingerprints. And we'll take a photo of you; well, the photo has already been taken, just place your hand there."

Alan placed his hand on the table, which was made of a somewhat transparent metal. As soon as his hand touched it, a scanner was activated underneath the surface, moving up and down his hand a few times. And a few seconds later, a small rectangular hole opened in the table, and from it emerged a type of card. Alan picked up the card, seeing his image.

A young man with dark hair, green eyes, and a neutral expression, exactly as he was 200 years ago. Something that still seemed strange to him. Next to the image was his name and age. Alan Colt, 19 years old. And below that was his rank and one more observation. Rank F - Lost in Time.

"Is this observation necessary?" He asked as he looked at Yuto. "Yes, in the end, there are some guilds that like to recruit people who have gone through the same thing as you; some become great potential talents. We had a problem with this a few years ago when some people tried to pass themselves off as Lost in Time to join big guilds, so we do this to avoid having those incidents again."

He sighed; at least he was something easy to know that he really was one of those cases. He was still the same as he was 20 years ago, and in the end, there were the missing person records and all the other lengthy verification processes.

"Okay, I wanted to know, when can I start acting as a Hunter?" Yuto looked at Alan as he thought about it. "I wouldn't recommend you to be a Hunter, given your power, but after seeing the combat, I imagine you can really do something in the lower ranks. After we finish here, we'll give you a temporary home, and then you can start acting as a Hunter.

Listening to this, Alan nodded, he had to start improving his magic core and his knight skills, but for that, he would need training and time, and some monsters, in case the monsters were like in the other world,