
Returning to Devildom (An Obey Me Fanfiction)

The girl thought herself as normal as everybody else, only to find herself unraveling secrets that she lost because of amnesia. Good, but not content, she finds herself helped by seven demon brothers to regain her memory and her past with them. Unfortunately for her, regaining her lost memory isn't her only problem. Devildom, the place where the demons lived, was attacked and it is up to her to save them... by regaining her most valuable treasure: her memories. But will she have the nerve to save DEMONS?

Rosela2020 · Video Games
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"Hello?" I greeted through my phone with the biggest of smiles.

"GIMME THAT!" a voice shouted. It sounds near from the phone.

"NO! I want to talk to her first!" shouts another.

I heard voices of six boys I clearly know. These boys are really close to me. I am important to them as much as they are important to me. Actually, there are supposed to be seven of them.

"ENOUGH!" Ah. There he is. The seventh voice coming from the first born.

"B-b-but... y-you should understand!" I heard the third born whined. "I need to talk to her. She can order him to give me back my money!"

Oh, I see. Don't worry. I'll take care of it.

"This is clearly Belphie's phone and she clearly wants to talk to him. Give the phone to him and he could talk to her and ask if she wants to talk to us," the first born said in his mighty commanding tone.

"Ooohhh... so you want to talk to her, too?" I heard the fifth born tease.

"Every one of us brothers wants to talk to her, dingus," the second born said.

"Ugh! How dare you! You low-life, waste of space!" the fifth born shouted back. Knowing him, he felt insulted to that already.

"Hey! If no one keeps quiet, we all can't talk to her. Not even Belphie!" the sixth born finally said.

"Put it on loudspeaker, Belphie," the first born said.

I heard a button from the phone, (or as they call theirs, a D.D.D.) and our conversation rolled in.

They asked how I was doing and all and I asked them back the same question. I missed them all. Too bad they are all too far away to be visited. I also ordered the second born to give the third born his money back. He had no choice but to do it, of course. There is a reason, but that'll be for later.

I walked the streets of the city where I was born. I was from a normal private high school. It is no fun than from where I had gone last year. It is nothing compared to that. Nothing at all.

You see, everyone who knows me thought that I was kidnapped last year and that I found my way to escape. I couldn't tell them the truth. They would never believe me. They would probably throw me to a mental hospital for it and I couldn't afford for that to happen so, I sticked with the whole kidnapped story. Just to be safe.

Well technically, yeah. I was kidnapped. I had been somewhere where my life was supposed to be in danger every minute of the day, but that is not what happened. Sure, there some... uhh... I couldn't say they are actually people... who are gonna put me in danger around, but these boys who I am talking through the phone right now, they are the ones who protected me the whole year. I actually did not want to leave them. Life with them is happier than my life up here, but of course. It should come to an end.

Honestly, if there would be any chance that would pop up that could take me back down to where they are, I would grab it.

I crossed the street as I continue the conversation with the boys when suddenly...

I heard a loud sound of a vehicle's horn and everything went black.