
138 trust

When Xue Zhan opened the door of the ward and entered, Zhao Yu was sitting on the bed in a daze.

Seeing that it was him, she was slightly surprised: "Where is Xue Ziang?"

Xue Zhan pulled out the chair and sat down beside the bed: "You are disappointed that he didn't come?"

Not to mention disappointment, it's just that she thought that Xue Ziang, who couldn't be chased away before, would pester her all the time, so it was a bit strange that she didn't see anyone.

But she didn't explain, just continued to sit quietly.

Since the showdown, the two had never been alone like this, and so many unpleasant things had happened before, now they calmed down and faced each other, but they were speechless for a while.

In the end, it was Xue Zhan who spoke first: "Thinking about how to deal with Ling Jianyuan?"


Staring at her with deep eyes, he asked, "You never thought of coming to ask me for help?"

Zhao Yu looked back at him and smiled: "Will you help?"

"Isn't this the result you want?"

That's right, she tried her best to calculate, put her body, self-esteem, and all other things that can be used into it to get to this point. Isn't that what she wants?

of it?

But looking at the calm man in front of her, she suddenly felt that everything was unreal.

Xue Zhan said, "Tell me about your plan."

Zhao Yu looked at him with a half-smile: "Xue Dong is really willing to help me?"

He lowered his head, looked at the phone and said casually: "Hua Can and Lan Xi are competitors, helping you is also beneficial to the company."

Zhao Yu turned on his phone and handed him the email page from the private detective.

Xue Zhan took the mobile phone and was looking at it carefully, but his own mobile phone rang, and he frowned as soon as he answered a few words.

After hanging up the phone, he dialed again: "Zhao Yu's condition has deteriorated, and the doctor said that surgery will be performed in an hour."

Zhao Yu twitched the corner of his mouth: "Xue Ziang?"

Xue Zhan nodded.

Half an hour later, Xue Ziang came to the ward panting heavily, and Zhao Yu finally understood where Xue Zhan's anger came from when he answered the phone.

Seeing his bruised nose and swollen face, Xue Zhan was slightly annoyed: "You want to prove that you are really good at fighting?"

Xue Ziang snorted softly, with an unruly expression on his face: "Anyway, I didn't startle the snake. Our two families have been fighting for so many years, and I have a hundred reasons to attack him."

Now Zhao Yu understood: "You hit Zhuang Ye?"

Before Xue Ziang could answer, she asked again: "Where did you hit him?"

Xue Ziang was quite proud at first, but when he heard what she said later, his face immediately sank: "You still care about him? If it weren't for him, would you be like this?"

Xue Zhan also turned his head and looked at Zhao Yu steadfastly, as if he wanted to see through her.

Zhao Yu felt uncomfortably stared at by them, and lowered his head and said: "He was injured four years ago, his ribs were broken, I don't know if there are any sequelae, I'm afraid you will kill someone."

Xue Ziang snorted again angrily: "I didn't hit him in the ribs, I just hit him in the face, and he hit me in the face too, and he brought a very powerful helper, why don't you feel sorry for him?"

I? "

Xue Zhan gave him a white look, and asked Zhao Yu, "Was Ling Jianwei injured?"

Zhao Yu nodded, then shook his head again: "It's not counted as a fight, it was Zhuang Ye who attacked him first, he didn't plan to fight back, he just pushed Zhuang Ye accidentally, Zhuang Ye..."

Speaking of this, she still couldn't help laughing at herself: "Zhuang Ye was afraid of bumping into me, so he stepped back a bit, and fell and hurt his ribs."

Even though he saw her having sex with another man with his own eyes, knew that she had betrayed him, and felt infinite hatred for her, at the critical moment, he still chose to protect her.

Xue Zhan asked, "That's why the Zhuang family and the Ling family fell out?"

"Well, they were... all badly injured."

One had a broken rib and couldn't move, the other had a forehead injury and passed out, but what did she, the instigator, do at that time?

It was nothing more than calling an ambulance, and then took the opportunity to run out, completely disappeared in the heavy rain, and disappeared in the world of those two people ever since.

Sometimes when she thinks about it carefully, she can't even tell whether she is a victim or a perpetrator.

Whether it was the former Zhuang Ye and Ling Jianwei, or the current Xue Zhan, Xue Ziang, and Ji Sui, they were all innocent.

Seeing Xue Ziang covering his face and "hissing", she said softly, "Let's see a doctor."

Xue Ziang made an inch of it, and immediately sat down beside her bed, bringing his red and swollen face in front of her: "Those two bastards hit too hard, it hurts so much, please blow it off for me."

Xue Zhan pulled him by the collar and pulled him away: "Go to the doctor by yourself."

Xue Ziang glared at him and sat back down again.

Seeing him playing rogue like a child again, Xue Zhan suddenly raised his lips and looked at Zhao Yu: "Didn't you just ask me how to deal with Ling Jianyuan? It's very simple.

The Ling family is married, so can the Xue family. "

Xue Ziang was stunned for a few seconds before he realized, and stood up abruptly: "What do you mean?"

Xue Zhan smiled slightly at him: "You are the same age as Zhuang Ye, your body and appearance are not worse than him, and you are the only child in the family, the grandson of Xue's parents, and the whole of Huacan can be handed over to you in the future.

You, our Xue family should be more suitable for marriage than a banker who is constantly fighting among himself. What's more, the Xue family and the Ling family have no old enemies. "

Xue Ziang clenched his fists and stared at him angrily: "How dare you!"

Xue Zhan's expression turned cold: "If you don't want to get married, go see a doctor right away. After the doctor finishes writing your report, don't sleep tonight if you don't finish it."

Staring at him angrily for a long time, Xue Ziang couldn't say anything to refute, so he could only sit back on the bed and give Zhao Yu a few words, preparing to leave.

But at this time Zhao Yu's cell phone rang again, Xue Ziang was close, looked over at the phone interface on the bed, and asked: "Who is js?"

In order to prevent people from discovering her relationship with Ji Sui, she has never dared to write her real name in the phone address book, and now she can still get away with it, but she is still a little uncertain, now

Do you want to continue in the lie?

Looking up at Xue Zhan, she moved her lips without saying a word.

Xue Zhan understood: "If you don't believe me, you can do whatever you want."

Just looking at him quietly, after hesitating for a long time, she finally said, "It's Ji Sui."

They already knew everything about her, and it made no difference whether they said it or not. If Xue Zhan really wanted to know, she would not be able to hide it.

She can only bet that she can completely trust Xue Zhan now.

"Ji..." Xue Ziang exploded immediately, "The dealer's Ji Sui? It's not...you..."

Zhao Yu looked at Xue Zhan whose face changed slightly, and nodded.

Covering his aching face, Xue Ziang expressed disbelief: "Do you know that he slapped me in the face? You still... what relationship do you have with him?"

Zhao Yu still looked at Xue Zhan, and said slowly: "He is my boyfriend.