

"I don't know."

"Then how do you get it done?"

"It seems that there is no need to report this to Xue Dong, right? Xue Dong just waits to see the result?"

Xue Zhan sneered, and looked at her seriously from top to bottom: "Depending on your beauty, relying on your body?"

Zhao Yu smiled indifferently: "So what? It's also my skill to solve problems by virtue of my looks. Chairman Xue just said whether you agree or not?"

Xue Zhan got up quickly and walked out the door: "I'm not so incompetent that I need to rely on my assistant to sleep and serve men."

When approaching the door, Zhao Yu's voice suddenly came from behind: "You like me."

Very positive tone, but also with a deep smile.

Xue Zhan suddenly stopped in his tracks, and then said coldly after being stunned for two seconds, "I don't like self-righteous women the most."

"You just like me." Zhao Yu approached him slowly, smiling more and more complacently, "Otherwise, why would you refuse this kind of pie-in-the-sky good thing? You are afraid that I will betray my body, and you don't want me to be with others. Men go to bed, or are you afraid that after sleeping with me for three months, you will fall in love with me?"

Xue Zhan glanced at her coldly, and continued to walk out the door: "I will deal with this matter, I don't need your help, even if you do, I won't appreciate it."

He still had a meeting with people from the legal department, so he didn't have time to bargain with Zhao Yu here, but when he got to the meeting room downstairs, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he quickly called Wang Qi: "Look at Zhao Yu, Don't let her leave the company today."

Wang Qi's puzzled voice came: "Dong Xue, Zhao Yu...she just left, saying that you ordered her to do something important."

Xue Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and Kui Ba'er slipped away, Ling Sanwu suddenly took a picture of the phone on the table.

Zhao Yu sent Ling Jianwei a private message on Weibo to ask her to meet. With the help of Lan Xi and other colleagues, this matter has already been trending on Weibo. She believes that Ling Jianwei must also pay attention.

Sure enough, only a few minutes later, Ling Jianwei sent a reply, with only one word "OK".

It seems that from the time they first met, no matter what she said, he would never refuse, even if she hurt him mercilessly four years ago, he was still the same.

It was the same coffee shop as last time, even the same box, and Ling Jianwei also arrived earlier than her, just like last time.

Seeing her coming in, he just glanced at her casually, his gaze was always cold: "You came to me because of Huacan's plagiarism?"

Zhao Yu sat down opposite him, nodded calmly: "That's right."

Ling Jian sneered slightly: "Xue Zhan asked you to come? The person who can make you the chairman's wife still depends on you to ask for help?"

"I'm not here to beg you, I'm here to negotiate terms with you." Zhao Yu put his hands on his cheeks and looked at him with a smile, "Are you interested?"

Ling Jianwei said, "I'm sure, he plagiarized."

"That's not necessarily the case. You must know that plagiarism is difficult to identify. I have also seen your work. It is very special, but things in this industry are designed like that? Sometimes the inspiration hits it. Normally, the works of the two of you, just from the appearance, are really not that similar, and the court may not judge him for plagiarism."

Ling Jianwei stared at her steadfastly, and after a long while, said quietly: "That's right, it's hard to identify." Bookmark our website fuli. zone

Although Zhao Yu always knew that his indifference in front of her was fake, but the laugh he made while staring at her just now made her feel weird, but she couldn't tell what was so strange.

Ling Jianwei asked, "Do you really hope... that I won't pursue it?"

Zhao Yu nodded: "The appearance patent of that design should still be in your hands?"

Ling Jianwei looked directly at her: "Yes, it will never be transferred, nor will it be allowed to be carried out by others."

Zhao Yu was inexplicably uncomfortable being stared at by him, so he could only take a sip of coffee slowly.

It was her favorite Flat White in the past. It has a rich aroma and a silky taste. She especially likes the combination of a little milk foam and coffee on top.

He ordered the coffee a long time ago, and he even remembered what she liked to drink.

For a moment, Zhao Yuzhen felt that he was quite inhuman. It was not good to offend anyone four years ago. Why did he want to hurt such a person who treats her sincerely? Especially now, she came to take advantage of his feelings for her again and again.

But this kind of thought only existed in her mind for a few seconds, and then immediately dissipated without a trace. She put down her coffee and smiled at him: "As long as you don't pursue it, I can promise you anything."

Ling Jianwei stared at her for a long time, then suddenly picked up the mobile phone on the table, opened Weibo and handed it to her, meaning that she could write whatever she wanted.

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment, then took it bluntly, and entered the words he had thought up a long time ago, but he didn't click send after all, but handed it to him instead, and asked, "Will it be difficult for your family to explain this?"

Ling Jianwei didn't answer. After receiving the phone, he didn't even look at it carefully and clicked send directly, asking: "Is this enough?"

Even the "plagiarized person" himself declared that he had not been plagiarized and would not sue. It is just that everyone's sources of inspiration are somewhat similar, which led to similarities in the designed works. Speaking of this step, I believe that whether it is the people who eat melons or Lan Xi, I can't sing anymore in the following plays.

Zhao Yu once again felt that he was extremely despicable, but he still said calmly: "The Zhuang Ling family will definitely investigate the reason why you did this."

"Don't worry, I won't confess you." He stood up, passed by her, and strode towards the door.

"Ling Jianwei." Zhao Yu couldn't help calling him, staring at his slender back, "I'm sorry four years ago."

He paused, said nothing, and continued to walk out.

By the time Zhao Yu returned to the... 杦玐儿吓三岜绿川三武... company, everyone had already reveled because of Ling Jianwei's Weibo, but Xue Zhan was still in meetings with people from other departments.

Wang Qi looked at Zhao Yu, then pointed to the Weibo interface on his phone, with a look of disbelief on his face: "The big event you went out to do, wouldn't be...this?"

Zhao Yu smiled and said, "How can I have that kind of ability?"

"That's right, this can be called the most magical event of the year. Isn't this Ling Da designer from Lanxi? Why did he suddenly turn against each other? Could it be that he was bewitched?"

Zhao Yu shook his head, sat down at his desk and opened Weibo, carefully staring at Ling Jianwei's suspected plagiarized design sketch, he suddenly felt that it looked so familiar.

That work was designed by Ling Jianwei when he was in college, and he won an award. The official blog of their studio has a detailed introduction, as well as news about his interview after winning the award.

Halfway through the news, Zhao Yu was stunned.

The work designed by Ling Jianwei is a necklace composed of diamonds and jade inlays. The pendant is in the shape of a very special cube gift box, but one corner is missing.

Ling Jianwei said that his design inspiration came from an incomplete gift.

It was only then that Zhao Yu vaguely remembered that the incomplete gift seemed to be given by her unintentionally.