
108 Precarious

Zhao Yu didn't know how Xu Chengyan finally dealt with Zhuang Ruyun's calculation of him, but judging from Ji Sui's frequent visits to the dealer in the next few days, Xu Chengyan must have told the dealer about it.

Ji Sui didn't want to talk too much about this kind of family scandal, but he didn't treat Zhao Yu as an outsider, and he couldn't accompany her for several days. He felt very sorry, but he told her about it honestly.

Zhuang Ruyun's behavior seriously affected the important matter of Zhuang Xu's marriage. Even if Zhuang Zhen wanted to settle the matter, Zhuang Yiqing had reason to be relentless, so the final result was that the Zhuang family would send Zhuang Ruyun to study abroad.

Zhuang Ye, who was abroad, rushed back to assist in the company's affairs, but Zhuang Ruyun, who was in China, was forced to be sent abroad. It sounded like Zhuang Yiqing's all-round victory, or the enemy's own stupidity.

But would a person like Zhuang Ruyun give up?

It didn't take long for Zhao Yu to get the answer.

She got off work that day and went to his apartment as agreed with Ji Sui, but she received a message from him halfway, telling her not to go up there temporarily, saying that his sister was with him.

Who else could have his younger sister besides Zhuang Ruyun?

It's no secret that Zhuang Ruyun is obsessed with Ji Sui, so it's because Xu Chengyan can't be forced to sleep, and he continues to come back to focus on Ji Sui?

Does such a mindless woman want to be raped again, or to strip naked and seduce?

Although Zhao Yu didn't care if Ji Sui would get caught, he had great confidence in him.

If a man like him can make Zhuang Ruyun succeed, then there is no man in this world who can be trusted.

What she was worried about was whether Ji Sui had concealed the traces of her existence well. If Zhuang Ruyun appeared too suddenly and caught him off guard, and saw her women's belongings, he might plant a disaster.

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Zhao Yu still sent a message to Ji Sui, reminding him not to let her existence be exposed, she is not ready to meet Zhuang's family yet.

The traffic jam was severe during peak hours, and she couldn't show up to watch the show, so she didn't squeeze with others at all, and turned right from a shopping mall intersection, and drove the car to the underground parking lot, thinking that she just took the opportunity to buy a gift for Ji Sui to enhance her relationship .

The mall has a men's clothing section on the second floor, and the store is still located along the street. She walked along the whole row and finally chose a shirt with an average price for him.

The cash register is next to the escalator. Zhao Yu lowered his head to take the card from his bag as he walked, and when he heard the sound of "dong dong dong" coming from the elevator, he glanced down subconsciously.

But the blood in her whole body froze at that moment.

What's more, the person rushing up from the escalator is actually Zhuang Ye.

Before he had time to think about why he was here, Zhao Yu was stunned for two seconds before reacting immediately, and squatted down in time under the cover of the middle shelf.

Zhuang Ye's gaze was always looking forward, she was on his left, so he probably didn't notice her.

Sure enough, after rushing up with a few strides, Zhuang Ye never looked aside, but ran straight to the store in front of the escalator, which also happened to be the store where Zhao Yu bought shirts.

Zhao Yu understood now that he was after her.

Before Zhuang Ye came out, she quickly got up and ran to the back quietly. It seems that the only place where people can hide in this kind of shopping mall is the women's toilet.

But when she was almost at the door of the bathroom, she suddenly regained her senses from the panic. If Zhuang Ye saw her and came looking for her specially, would she really be able to escape? Will he keep guarding outside the toilet?

Looking back to see that there was no sign of Zhuang Ye, Zhao Yu changed direction and rushed into the safe passage, took off his coat, tied up his hair, and ran down the stairs.

She didn't dare to drive away immediately, fearing that it would be conspicuous, so she could only quietly hide in the car and wait quietly.

Anyway, with so many cars in the underground parking lot, it was impossible for Zhuang Ye to check them one by one.

It's just that she was really curious about how she was exposed.

Judging by Zhuang Ye's appearance, he obviously knew that she was in that store, so when she was looking at the clothes by the window, Zhuang Ye saw it from the outside? Is there such a coincidence?

Thinking about the crowded streets outside and the bright lights in the shopping mall, this possibility is indeed possible, and the location in this direction is not far from Ji Sui's residence.

Zhao Yu took out his mobile phone and tentatively sent Ji Sui a WeChat message: [If you can't figure it out, can you ask someone for help]

Ji Sui: [Zhuang Ye will come over]

it is as expected.

Ji Sui's status in the Zhuang family was embarrassing, and it was impossible for him to tear himself apart with Zhuang Ruyun. Zhuang Ye was different, even pointing at Zhuang Ruyun and scolding her for being shameless was something he could do.

So Ji Sui informed Zhuang Ye to take his sister away, but Zhuang Ye happened to take this road, and because of the traffic jam, he saw Zhao Yu in the shopping mall while looking around?

Zhao Yu really didn't expect that he, who was already so careful, would encounter such a fatal coincidence. It seems that he will have to wear a mask at all times when going out in the future.

But according to Zhuang Ye's posture of rushing up to find her just now, if he can't find her, will he give up?

Looking at the shops on the second floor of the shopping mall from the car on the street, it shouldn't be real, and he shouldn't be sure that the person is Zhao Yu. After he can't find her, will he just give up?

If it was in the past, Zhao Yu would have dared to give a conclusion, but after hearing Zhuang Ye's drunken talk and raving that night, she was not sure.

Although he hated her, he still missed her all the time.

If he vowed an answer, insisted on finding her out, or insisted on making sure that the person he saw was her, then what would she do?

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the shopping mall. As long as he finds a way to get the surveillance cameras, not only can he see her face clearly, but he can even see her license plate. When the time comes to check along, her current identity can't be hidden anymore.

Once Zhuang Ye discovers her existence, Zhuang Yiqing will know that sooner or later, that woman will definitely attack her first, she is not Zhuang Yiqing's opponent at all.

She can't let this risk exist, but what else can she do now?

Zhao Yu didn't think for too long before making a decisive decision. He turned on his mobile phone and dialed Shanglu's number: "Can you do me a favor? The sooner the better."

Apart from Shanglu, she didn't know who else she could trust, and the building where this shopping mall was located was the real estate of Kuangshi, maybe Shanglu could really have a solution.