
106 Each other each other (Xu Chengyan micro H)

</br>Xu Chengyan didn't have much strength in the first place, and Zhao Yu suddenly let go before he could stand still. If it wasn't for Manager Lei's sharp eyesight and hands to help him, I'm afraid he would show an even more embarrassing scene tonight.

Being plotted by a man who has eaten the heart and leopard's guts, he has already been full of anger, but he has been holding back, and now even Zhao Yu is not worrying, and the anger is completely uncontrollable Rub upwards.

But at this time, the young man who had already walked out still poked his head in from the door with a smirk, and his eyes fell on his crotch: "Brother, can't you hold it anymore?"

"It's none of your business, get out." Xu Chengyan unceremoniously gave him a sharp look, and after standing firmly on the sofa, he waved to Manager Lei, "You go out first."

Looking at the blood in front of him, he paused again, looked in the direction of the bathroom, and ordered: "First, let someone come and get rid of these things."

Although Zhao Yu's loss of chains at such a time is indeed uncomfortable, but as a woman, it is normal for her to feel uncomfortable when seeing such a scene.

However, is she really the kind of woman who is so weak that she can't even stand this? Maybe it was intentional to be hypocritical in front of him again.

Such doubts gradually disappeared after Xu Chengyan walked into the bathroom.

He only heard her retching when he was outside just now, and he thought she was disgusted by seeing the pool of blood, but now the pale face and trembling on the sink really didn't seem like acting.

Leaning against the door and watching her carefully for a while, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhao Yu tried his best to suppress the trembling of his body and stabilize his rapid breathing, but he finally moved his mouth, but he still couldn't make a sound.

That pool of blood, like a switch completely out of her control, made all the nightmares come to her in an instant.


The crotch was already swollen to the point of exploding, and his limbs were still weak. He deliberately moved in to see that she still didn't get a response. Xu Chengyan lost his patience and cursed under his breath, completely disregarding his former gentleman image.

Isn't it a woman? The most indispensable thing around him is a woman, why point to this one?

Taking out his mobile phone from his suit pocket, he dialed out anxiously: "I'll give you ten minutes, I'll be here right away..."

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhao Yu's left hand clutched on the sink with bulging veins and white knuckles. He froze for a moment, gritted his teeth, hung up the phone and walked to Zhao Yu's side: "Are you all right?"

Zhao Yu was still trembling violently.

Obviously reason told her not to show her most embarrassing side in front of Xu Chengyan and she didn't want to be known, but the nerves in her whole body were completely out of her control.

Xu Chengyan cursed again regardless of his appearance, and stretched out his hand to grab her hand, who knew that she was holding the sink so tightly that she couldn't move at all with his current strength alone.

"Zhao Yu!" Feeling more and more that something was wrong with her, Xu Chengyan raised his voice and yelled, then suddenly reached out and patted her face, "Zhao Yu!"

Zhao Yu gasped for breath, turned his head to look at him with difficulty, and said in a trembling voice, "Is there any smoke?"

Xu Chengyan didn't have it on him, so he could only turn around and go to the table just now to get her cigarettes and fire.

His current situation was not much better than hers, and it took twice as long to walk back and forth as usual, and he felt extremely embarrassed no matter how he looked at it.

Now he regretted kicking out both his cousin and the manager. If someone else was around, he wouldn't have to serve them himself.

Zhao Yu took the cigarette with trembling hands and stuffed it into his mouth, but he failed to turn on the lighter several times. Xu Chengyan couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed it and lit it for her.

The smoke rose in front of the mirror, looking at the very strange self inside, Zhao Yu suddenly grinned, bit the cigarette holder tightly, and took a big drag.

The way she looks now, even she hates herself.

Seeing that her condition seemed to have improved after smoking half a cigarette, Xu Chengyan finally couldn't bear it any longer. He leaned against the wall and unbuttoned his pants, stretched out his hand to hold the extremely swollen penis, and stroked it vigorously.

The drug has the effect of stimulating sexual desire, but his self-control has always been excellent, not to mention that he never lacks women to serve him, so why should he feel wronged and do it himself?

Who knew that he could last until Zhao Yu came, but this woman had an inexplicable illness, which made him unable to escape the end of masturbation. If he had known this, how could he still be tossing a ghost?

Someone outside came to clean it, and it must have been specifically explained, so they didn't dare to go into the bathroom, and only cleaned up the blood outside.

Among the two people inside, one has just calmed down and panted quietly, smoking a cigarette, and the other started breathing heavily again and fiddled with his genitals. Such voices are indescribably ambiguous, but such scenes are also indescribably indescribable. weird.

After smoking the second cigarette, Zhao Yu slowly turned around and fixedly looked at Xu Chengyan who hadn't ejaculated yet.

Xu Chengyan glanced at her, raised his head, and continued to move his hands.

Zhao Yu took two deep breaths, turned on the faucet to wash his hands, walked up to him and squatted down slowly.

Thinking that she was going to help him, Xu Chengyan immediately let go, looking like he was waiting for her to serve him, but in the end she just pulled open the collar, took out two plump breasts from the underwear, clamped his genitals and rubbed them Set up.

The soft touch made Xu Chengyan snort, but without lubrication, she pumped extremely hard, and the slow speed really couldn't satisfy him now.

Seeing that she didn't seem to have any serious problems, he simply picked her up, leaned her body against the wall from behind, lifted her skirt and pulled off her panties, split off two pieces of buttocks, and stuffed the thick penis inside.

Zhao Yu was not ready yet, the huge glans just inserted a little bit, and the dry tunnel immediately shrank and pushed him out.

Xu Chengyan had no choice but to turn her body around, lowered his head to hold one nipple in his mouth, held the other nipple with one hand and kneaded vigorously, and put his other hand between her legs to cover the clitoris and kneaded and pinched.

At this time, Zhao Yu was terribly sensitive, and after being teased roughly a few times by him, her nipples became hard and big, and her flower holes also spit out several streams of sticky liquid.

Xu Chengyan didn't have much patience, so he lifted her leg and grabbed her buttocks, and quickly pushed in.

The thick and long genitals fiddled with the depths of the tunnel for a long time, and Zhao Yu finally squeezed out a few words from his mouth trembling: "You didn't... wear a condom..."

Xu Chengyan paused and pulled out his swollen genitals. Just when she thought he was going out to get a condom, he rolled over her body again and slammed her in from behind: "It's too late."

His breasts pressed against the cold wall, and his hands were clasped tightly above his head. Zhao Yu could only stand back and accept his quick thrusts.

Feeling this man's rare loss of control, she couldn't help laughing softly: "I didn't expect that Mr. Xu would have this day."

"Both each other." He took her earlobe from behind and sucked hard, "Sex addiction, smoking addiction or drug addiction?"

"Would you believe me if I said drug addiction?" Zhao Yu sneered and murmured, "I really wanted to take drugs, but unfortunately at that time, I didn't even know where to buy drugs."

Xu Chengyan was taken aback for a moment, opened her buttocks and sprinted in forcefully, hitting her until she gasped and screamed, then he asked again: "How did you get sick?"

Zhao Yu asked back, "Have you really killed someone?"

"What? Scared?"

"Yes." She replied truthfully, "Not only afraid, but also disgusting."