

Arthur didn't say anything, he walked over to the bed while Amanda continued to stare at him.

Only when he sat down did the woman enter the bathroom.

Just sitting down, Arthur suddenly received a message which turned out to be from Bella, Amanda's younger sister.

(Hey, Arthur, looks like you're having fun there while we're here reading various books, exams are starting next week.)

That's the first message. When Arthur finished reading it, another message appeared.

(Arthur, you don't have a certain relationship with my sister, do you?)

(Ah, looks like I'm thinking too much.)

(Come on, can't you reply?)

Arthur: (I want to sleep!)

(Isn't that too soon? Actually, there's something I want to tell you.)

(What's that?)

(I like you and I wish I could date you... Ah, damn, I actually said it — so what do you think?)

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