
Chapter 2

Blinding flashed as he fell unconscious.Skylar opened his eyes and looked around his surroundings, only to get shocked by the familiar sight of his room.

The poster of the blue-haired anime girl that he had once sought comfort in was plastered on the left side of the wall of his bedroom alongside his wooden colored guitar that stood up hanging on its guitar stand.

Skylar has always found the wooden aesthetic on his guitar pleasing and calming and believed that it brought an aura of authenticity to it

"So...I've traveled back in time? I'm not dreaming right?" Skylar pinched his cheeks, regretting right after as his cheeks started hurting. Before he could register the pain properly, a white-haired girl with a cute face that still had some baby fat to it came in, her dignified and cold aura presenting a stark contrast to her looks

"Oh...you're awake for once today. Make sure to eat your breakfast properly-"

"Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, I know" Skylar smiled as he finished his sister's sentence for her. His heart couldn't help but warm up as he looked at his little sister.

Mira couldn't be shudder as she felt her brother's warm gaze. She felt like her brother was acting different today but she put it in the back of her mind and treated it like one of his antics.

"As long as you know, don't forget that you have to go to the gym as well. I have assigned you a personal trainer. With your current weight, you're at the risk of suffering from a heart attack. Obesity is a real problem in this country" Mira coldly said as she left Skylar's room

Skylar couldn't help but smile wryly as he looked at his own body, he was indeed overweight. Fortunately, he wasn't obese to the point that he had trouble walking and running around, although he would easily run out of breath if he decided to run.

'Since I have traveled back in time to the past, I will make sure to reach the peak of the entire cosmos and become strong enough to protect those dear to me and escape the status of a trash'

He had been gifted since birth and was destined for greatness but he had fallen to the status of trash in his past life because of his parent's tragic fate but yet he was given another opportunity to correct his mistakes.

'Fate is just weird like that huh'Skylar mused.

Skylar;s eyes sparkled with a luster never seen before. Since I am back now, I should become strong enough to turn into an umbrella that will protect my sister from all the calamities that rain down on her. This will be my repayment to her for my last life

'The most important thing is to find out what the current date is and prepare according to that'

Skylar reached out in his shorts pocket, relieved to find his phone was in there. Turning on the screen, he figured out that the year right now was 2020.

'So it's still 1 year before the system makes its appearance and brings along with it the news of the apocalypse. I still have some time to make preparations for what's to come. This period of time will be crucial in making sure I'm in the best condition possible for what's to come'

Skylar couldn't help but grin as he couldn't wait to exploit his future knowledge. He hadn't felt so refreshed and excited in a long time 'There're a lot of things that only I know in this current timeline.'