
Returner's Odeyssey

Manhua_Creators · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

It's been 2 hours and I'm far away from town, I was walking across green fields with farms here and there and grass as far as the eye could see. It was very peaceful.

Along the journey, I learnt a few things about this system.

1- If i think about it it will disappear or appear accordingly

2- It records my actions and upgrades my stat points according to what I do

3-running or jogging does not consume stamina, only skills do

4- most importantly, it seems i'm the only person that can see it so i must be careful using it in public so that it doesn't seem like i'm talking to myself.

Throughout the journey I made sure I jog from time to time to increase my agility and stamina. It had increased to a decent level.

[agility- 23]

[stamina- 400]

[new skill unlocked: dash]

[short boost that consumes 5 stamina (agility lvl x 3mph)]

I took a break to eat my bento as I examined the dash skill

"System, how long until arrival"

[40 miles]

Seems like I could try out my new skill. I dashed in the direction of the arrow. It was faster than I expected and I almost lost that lunch I ate. Luckily I managed to stop myself from vomiting.

[new skill unlocked: speed resistance]

[ reduces amount of nausea while in high speed by 50%]

"It's just one surprise after another, huh?"

I tried again and I was considerably more stable.My agility even shot up


3 agility points per dash! I knew I had to keep going.I kept repeating it until I reached my destination. By the time I got there the sun was half gone and the sky was orange.

[you have reached your destination]


[new side mission: complete the hidden dungeon by defeating the boss and claiming the artifact]

[reward- 2000 system cash]

I stood in front of a small green portal, it looked like the portal of the great calamity… but why the different colour?

"System, why is the portal green?"

[the colour of a portal defines its difficulty]





Black-extra hard]

[there are 2 other extremely rare gates, white and purple. White gates have no monsters whatsoever but you can obtain priceless artifacts and purple portals are unknown of. The only information on them is that nobody ever comes out alive]

I wondered why the calamity portal was blue and not black, but wondering wouldn't do anything. I took a deep breath and stepped into the dungeon.

It was dark but not pitch black. I walked around until I felt a wall. It was jagged and not smooth. A cave perhaps?


I could still see the system clearly, it seems as though every 20 seconds my senses increase by 1. Everytime it increased, it became a tiny bit easier to see. I sat down and scrolled through the system shop as I waited for my senses to Increase.

[great emperor's longsword] [8000sc]

[dark assassin's dagger] [12000sc]

[grand archer's bow] [15000sc]

I gave up on buying weapons and looked for potions instead

[basic healing potion] [restores 200hp] [10sc]

[regular healing potion] [restores 700hp] [50sc]

[advanced healing potion] [restores 2000hp] [200sc]

These were more affordable than the weapons. I'll come back here when I've completed my mission. I closed the system. My eyesight was clear now

[senses- 64]

I'd been sitting down for longer than i thought, however it was not in vain. Not only did my eyesight improve but so did my hearing. There was a single staircase leading down and from the sound of it I'd be fighting some sorts of insects.


A small portal appeared and I took out my kitchen knives. Time to try out my combat skills. I smiled and walked down the staircase, leaving all my fears behind.

The sounds became more and more audible as I descended the staircase. I reached the bottom floor and did not wait for them to notice me. I dashed and slashed using my combo rush.

[Poisonous cave spider x 7 slayed] [reward 35sc]

It seems i get 5sc per kill

[level up]

[you have been awarded 30 stat points]

Sweet! I instantly spent them all on strength


With my heightened senses i felt a spider jump at me from behind

"Dagger throw!"

My knife went straight through the spider. I stared at my palm. Did I just do that? I grinned at the thought of how strong I could become if I kept this up. While I was distracted a spider bit me.

[alert! Poison is circulating through your body]


I shouldn't have lost concentration

[basic poison tolerance 1%]


[basic poison tolerance 2%]

[Hp- 800]

I instantly knew what to do. I went into the market and bought as many basic health potions as I could and started using them,

[basic poison tolerance 5%]

I continued to kill spiders to buy potions. Higher level spiders began to emerge, now I was getting 20sc per kill.

[basic poison tolerance 20%]

I had never felt good in my life, I felt too smart. For the second time, I began to smile.

-40 mins later-

The blood of spiders were everywhere, yet they still emerged slowly getting stronger. At this point I was getting 150sc per kill.

[basic poison tolerance 99%]

I used my last basic potion.

[congratulations, you are now immune to basic poisons]

I let out a sly grin as the spiders scurried away, knowing they had lost this fight.

[poison spider slayed x 468] [reward-2550sc]

"System open stats chart"

[level - 13]

[Health points: 5000

Stamina: 900

Strength: 31

Defence: 1

Agility: 63

Intelligence: 1

Senses: 123

Mana: 0



[combo rush]

[dagger throw(lvl 3)]

[dash(lvl 5)]

[poison immunity]

[speed tolerance 82%]

[Unused stat points- 330]

"11 levels!"

I was lost for words, I was so concentrated on my poison tolerance that I completely disregarded the level ups. I also noticed that combo rush was harder to level up than the other skills.

I spent 130 points on defence and the remaining on strength.



[new skill unlocked- stat boost]

[for 2 minutes all stats are boosted by 200 percent, uses 200 stamina and has 30 minute cooldown]

My first skill with a cooldown, it must be good.I was tired so it seemed like beating the boss and closing the dungeon will have to wait for another day.

I went home for the day.

It was sunset when I arrived home. Mum and Yui were cooking dinner, it smelt delicious.

"What's cooking?" i asked

"Miso soup" Yui replied

"Smells great, you'd make a great wife"

She turned away and blushed.

"Go sit at the dining table, food will be ready very soon" said mum.

I sat at the table and wondered how I would beat the dungeon boss tomorrow. Eventually I gave up thinking and just enjoyed dinner with my family.

The next day I woke up early and was back in the dungeon. There was no point fighting weak spiders so I just dashed straight through them, straight to the boss room. As I thought, the boss was the queen spider.