
Going back to the castle

The man felt as if all his blood rose to his head and ordered her to get down immediately. But of course, she did as she liked and began to slap him without respite. The man grabbed her by the waist and pushed her back but in vain.

Since the beginning of the fight, the man had no intention of hurting her, but now that he had no choice, he suddenly hit her on the nape and the girl lost consciousness, dropping her head on his shoulder. He then took the girl in his arms and laid her on the sand, while checking if she was breathing.

The man was relieved to have finally freed himself from the grip of the girl. If he could compare the members of the girl entwined to his body to something, it would surely be Octopus tentacles, almost not easy to get rid of. And besides, he was shirtless while her clothes fitted her body. "How could she keep her cool and continue the fight as if nothing wrong was going on? Did she have no sense of danger in adopting this kind of fighting move? Or was she naive, or even so dense that she did not understand the situation she was in? Where does she hold all this excessive trust? Still happy that I'm not a pervert ..."

With the duration of the fight, his tunic had time to dry. He put on his tunic and his shoes. He then covered the girl with his cloak, lifted her in his arms and walked to his horse. The altercation with the girl had lasted for an hour. Not only had the time for lunch at the barracks passed, but he could not go there with an unconscious girl, strangely dressed. So he decided to return to the royal palace first.

Seeing him arrive at the entrance of the city, the guards were astonished since he was supposed to be the last horseman of the troop. And yet he was accompanied by another person. But they did not really seek to inquire. They simply deduced that it was surely a person he rescued from bandits on his way back, which explains his delay compared to other riders ...

He continued towards the palace and the palace guards were surprised at the prince's arrival as no information on his return had been passed in advance.

They let him pass and the guards began to talk to each other. The first one says, "Was the prince supposed to be back from the barracks today? "

"In my opinion, no," replied another one.

"But what is he doing here? I thought he wanted to go incognito all the time he got involved in the barracks? And who was this person riding in his company? "Asked the third guard.

"At this rate, he will be discovered," said the first

"Nothing will be discovered unless you can't hold your tongue! And you guys! You know how cold and ruthless he is, worse than the Emperor", coldly reprimanded their leader.

At these words, everyone stopped talking about it.

The prince went straight to the mansion of his younger sister, Hannaëlle. The servants and maids seeing him coming felt not only uncomfortable but also under high pressure; they all had their eyes lowered. If there was one person who inspired them with fear, it was this prince. Just passing by them made them feel like an icy wind enveloped them. Each visit of this prince in this mansion was a subject of extreme nervousness of its occupants, apart from his sister. He always had the same tern expression on his face, without any noticeable feeling in it. He always had that sullen, cold look, which made the task of the servants even harder as they could not guess his mood. The only moments the expression of his face softened were those he passed with his sister.

The chief servant of the mansion, seeing him approaching with a person in his arms, motioned to a squire to look after his horse, and then greeted the master: "This servant greets your highness!" And he made a bow.

The master replied dryly, "Have a room prepared for this girl and have someone tidy her clothing. Let me know when she will regain consciousness. Have also someone prepare lunch for me. I'll have it in the study room."