
Spider Cave 3

Everyone was truly in awe, even Yue Zhongmian had to admit that this person had unreasonably managed to pull a group of seven minions at level ten, which was simply outrageous.

"Brother, your combat mage techniques are really... too domineering." This time, Tian Qi's praise was without any flattery; he had to say it or he would have been suffocated by his own admiration.

"Heh, it's alright," Jun Mo Xiao replied, surrounded by seven monsters, stabbing and slashing with ease. Tian Qi and the others felt embarrassed just watching, so they joined the fray. They were veterans too, with precise aggro control, not messing up Jun Mo Xiao's rhythm. The seven minions, which they thought would be difficult to handle, were easily dealt with in the end. But all four knew that this ease was based on that person's abnormal performance; without him, such a situation would not have been possible.

Just as the seven little spiders were wiped out, a strange scream was heard, and the first mini-boss made a flashy entrance. They heard the spider's voice before they saw it, followed by a thick purple fog spraying towards them.

"It's a poison spider," Tian Qi shouted, but the purple fog came too suddenly and covered a large area. Two of them couldn't dodge in time and quickly ran while pulling out antidotes to use. After using them, they were shocked to find their health still dropping rapidly!

"Why isn't it working?" the two exclaimed in alarm.

"The antidotes are too low-level," Ye Kai said.

"Damn!" The two cursed in unison. This was a problem they wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't come here at a low level and then returned to overpower the dungeon at a high level. At that time, their level suppressed the monsters, and they wouldn't take such minor poison seriously, never thinking about using antidotes. But now, having prepared antidotes carefully, to find them useless in a critical boss fight was infuriating, wasn't it?

Jun Mo Xiao casually healed one of the two with lower health, then charged towards Boss No. 1, starting to direct the unpoisoned Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian. He pointed his spear in one direction and shouted, "Tian Qi, take the one o'clock position, little Yue Yue, go to four o'clock."

"Little Yue Yue..." Yue Zhongmian almost spat blood in frustration, but now was not the time to dwell on it. Tian Qi, without questioning, ran to the one o'clock position, and Yue Zhongmian hurriedly took his place. Boss No. 1 had already charged out with the poison fog, a bulky figure, twice as large as an ordinary spider. Such a large monster made it obviously easier for players to hit than smaller ones like the Night Cat Demon, but large monsters had their advantages: due to their heavier bodies, the effects of airborne techniques or other displacement skills were reduced on them, depending on their specific weight and the attacker's strength.

Boss No. 1 was a colossal figure for the current players, and although Jun Mo Xiao's spear hit, it didn't even make it tremble, clearly indicating that such a normal attack's lifting effect was negligible for it.

The experienced Ye Kai, of course, was not surprised by this. His fingers flicked rapidly, and Jun Mo Xiao followed with four consecutive stabs. The giant spider screamed and spat out a cloud of thick fog, but Jun Mo Xiao had already turned and sprinted away.

Despite its size, the boss was no slower than ordinary spiders and had exceptional jumping power, bouncing towards Jun Mo Xiao as if to crush him with its weight. Jun Mo Xiao rolled away, and the one called "little Yue Yue," Yue Zhongmian, felt left out: "Hey! You had us take positions just to watch you play?"

"Those two, one go to seven o'clock, the other to nine o'clock," Ye Kai shouted.

"How far should we be?" the two asked as they ran.

"About a 2-meter radius!" Ye Kai replied.

After the two also took their positions, the four of them had formed a small circle, looking at each other, unsure of what was to come. They saw him still dueling with the boss alone; was he just arranging seats for them to watch the show?

Jun Mo Xiao dodged left and right, finally leading the boss towards them. The four quickly prepared for battle, but at that moment, the boss suddenly leaped high into the air, and it looked like it was going to crush Yue Zhongmian upon landing. Yue Zhongmian hurriedly tried to dodge, but then he heard Ye Kai shout, "Don't move!!"

Revenge! This guy is taking the opportunity to get back at me. Yue Zhongmian's mind was crystal clear, and without thinking, he ignored Ye Kai's command and rolled away, only to look up and see Jun Mo Xiao had already hit the falling spider boss with a sky strike. The sky strike, a professional airborne skill, had a much stronger lifting effect than a normal attack's lift. The falling spider was hit and paused in the air, its direction of movement changed. Although the lifting effect of the sky strike was not much, the monster was already in the air, and this change of direction sent it flying right into the middle of the four players' positions.

"Tian Qi, front kick, nine o'clock position with a consecutive thrust, seven o'clock position with a knockback, little Yue Yue, quickly get back to your position!" Ye Kai, having run dungeons with these four for so long, had a clear understanding of their professional skills and was now directing them on how to use their abilities in the encirclement.

Tian Qi rushed forward with a front kick, a martial artist's skill that had a slight pushing effect on monsters. Although it was reduced on the giant spider boss, it still moved it slightly.

The player at the nine o'clock position had also jumped up with a consecutive thrust, a swordsman's skill similar in nature to Tian Qi's front kick. The boss, kicked to the front, was struck again, and by this time, these experienced players had understood Ye Kai's intention. The player at the seven o'clock position met the boss without hesitation with a knockback.

This was a knight's skill, which by the name alone indicated it had the best displacement effect among all their skills. But after the boss was knocked back towards the four o'clock position, there was no one to receive it. That was Yue Zhongmian's position, but he had dodged to the side, thinking Ye Kai was trying to kill him. Although he was running back, it was already a bit late.

Everyone had understood that Ye Kai wanted to bounce the boss around like a pinball game, using their displacement skills. This plan took advantage of the four players' skills and strengths. What was their strength? Familiarity! The four of them were friends from the old district, with an understanding between them that allowed for such coordination.

But now, the situation they had carefully created was about to be ruined by Yue Zhongmian, and even Tian Qi and the others were somewhat displeased.

Just as the boss was about to escape the circle at a critical moment, Jun Mo Xiao's figure suddenly appeared at the four o'clock position.

Everyone was taken aback; Jun Mo Xiao was originally at the eleven o'clock position and hadn't been seen moving. How did he suddenly appear here? They looked towards the eleven o'clock position and saw another Jun Mo Xiao there.

"Damn!" Tian Qi suddenly realized.

Ninja's level ten skill: Shadow Clone Technique.