
Forgot to check the guide

Ye Kai certainly wasn't killed by Chen Guo, and it was also impossible for Chen Guo to enter the level 5 Green Forest at level 1. In the end, Chen Guo could only log into her alternate account in District 10 and take on tasks in solitude. After all, this was a faster way than grinding monsters.

Amidst his busyness, Ye Kai finally spared a moment to glance back and caught sight of a character on the screen: "Chasing Clouds and Mist? Where have I seen this ID before?"

Chen Guo nearly smashed her head on the monitor as she turned around with gritted teeth: "That's the ID of my main account!"

"Oh, now I remember!" Ye Kai had already turned his head back, and Chen Guo suddenly realized that since she sat down, aside from the moment at the beginning when he looked back while she was applying a facial mask, she hadn't seen his face again. It was just a Skeleton Graveyard; did he really need to be so focused?

But then she thought about it and couldn't be angry anymore because it indeed required such concentration. The randomness of the minor monsters appearing in the Skeleton Graveyard was very high. Often, a pile of scattered bones would accidentally assemble into a skeleton, or a skeleton would pop out of a patch of loose soil. This dungeon had no fixed route or attack targets; each run was a new experience, testing the players' attention and reaction. Moreover, Ye Kai's team only had four people, which required even more focus.

Seeing this, all of Ye Kai's actions seemed reasonable and justified. Chen Guo had no grounds to be angry, so she could only continue her novice tasks with a sense of frustration.

At this point, it was only one day away from the opening of District 10, and the novice area was still crowded with new players, making Chen Guo's task progression quite difficult. Even a top player like Ye Kai took two hours to complete these tasks under such conditions, let alone Chen Guo. Even though the situation was a bit better than yesterday, the overall pattern of queuing and competing for monsters hadn't changed.

In the midst of this, she suddenly heard a cold voice drifting from beside her: "I knew it would be like this."

Chen Guo was furious, thinking that he was mocking her, right? But when she turned her head, she saw that Ye Kai had already put on his headset at some point and was focused on playing the game! Was he talking to her? Chen Guo muttered to herself, deciding it was better not to make a fuss without reason and continued to quietly kill monsters.

On their side, Ye Kai's team finally made it through the Skeleton Graveyard without any mishaps. The process was quite tortuous and bumpy because Tian Qi and the other two were clearly a bit slow to react to the dungeon, often getting caught by the suddenly emerging skeletons.

When the final boss fell, Tian Qi and the others were drenched in sweat. If it weren't for Ye Kai, they definitely wouldn't have made it through this dungeon with Yue Zhongmian. It's not that the difficulty of the dungeon required a top player to be present, but rather because the dungeon dealt significant effective damage to players, necessitating a dedicated healer. Clearly, this was another lesson from the novice village to teach players the importance of class cooperation.

With Ye Kai's character, Lord Grim, there for healing, damage output, and tanking, they managed to roll over the Skeleton Cave. After coming out, Ye Kai looked back and saw Chen Guo still queuing in the novice area, so he didn't bother her and went back in. Tian Qi and the others felt somewhat uneasy, suspecting they might be dragging the team down. With Ye Kai's skills, he could easily find partners far stronger than the three of them. What if they didn't perform well and were despised by the master player?

So this time, Tian Qi and the others concentrated one hundred and twenty percent, being careful and cautious, and their reaction to the suddenly appearing skeletons significantly improved, speeding up the dungeon progress a lot.

The Skeleton Graveyard dungeon also had three hidden bosses: Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage, and Skeleton Lord. However, the dungeon didn't give any hints about the hidden bosses upon entry because the three hidden bosses could pop out from any shadow at any time, with the system only giving a prompt at that moment. Often, teams with bad luck would find someone already killed by the boss when the system prompt appeared.

With Ye Kai there, such careless mistakes were unlikely to happen. However, even after the second run of the dungeon went smoother than the first, the hidden bosses were still nowhere to be seen.

Having cleared the dungeon twice, Ye Kai looked back at Chen Guo, who was still focused on competing for monsters outside the novice village. He leaned forward to glance at her character's level, which was already level 4, soon to reach level 5.

"Let's rush for another run." Thinking this, Ye Kai hurriedly went back in, and Tian Qi and the others didn't hesitate to follow.

Kill, kill, kill; walk, walk, walk. Suddenly, a slightly tilted tombstone ahead moved slightly, and Tian Qi and the others, unaware, continued to walk forward. Ye Kai quickly shouted, "Back off."

Now, they would execute Ye Kai's commands without thinking, and they immediately jumped back. Lord Grim's figure had already flashed through them. After the tombstone moved slightly, it suddenly burst out of the ground, flying straight towards the four of them.

Ye Kai shouted, "Watch out." The already alert Tian Qi and the others quickly dodged, not getting hit by the tombstone. From the hole revealed by the flying tombstone, half of a skeleton's body was exposed, with its fine and complete bones indicating that this was definitely not one of the ordinary skeleton monsters with incomplete ribs. The system message solemnly announced at this moment: You have stepped into the resting place of the Skeleton Warrior.

"Finally encountered it." Ye Kai was relieved.

"How do we fight it?" Tian Qi and the others quickly asked.

But the half-exposed Skeleton Warrior had already shot out of the hole like a rocket, showing off its strong jumping ability. In mid-air, it stretched out its skeletal body, the dust it had gathered during its long sleep raining down, and it swung a huge sword that looked battered but was as big as a whole person.

"Damn." Ye Kai said.

"What's wrong?" Tian Qi and the others quickly asked.

"Forgot to check the guide." Ye Kai said.

The three of them simultaneously felt like spitting blood. Master player, you're really something else!

"Should I go check it for you?" Mu Yunshen called out.

"No, if it targets you, you're dead." Ye Kai said this as the Skeleton Warrior's leaping strike landed, shaking the ground and creating a shockwave with a vast range. Qiansheng Li, who was a bit slow to run, was directly flipped over by the blast.

The Skeleton Warrior's dark eye sockets swept around, seemingly searching for a target to attack.

"Someone lure it away so I can check the guide!" Mu Yunshen said.

"No need." Ye Kai said, while taking off his headset and turning back to shout, "Boss, boss."

"What?" Chen Guo, busy with her controls, responded without turning back.

"Help me check a guide." Ye Kai said.

"Guide? What guide?" Chen Guo turned around in surprise.

"The guide for the Skeleton Warrior." Ye Kai pointed at the screen while controlling Lord Grim.

Chen Guo's head almost hit the screen again: "You're starting to look up the guide after encountering the BOSS? What were you doing earlier?"