

The wind and rain in Harrison Port are unpredictable. Cities in tropical areas are always like this. It is sunny in the morning and rainstorms in the afternoon.

Interestingly, the people in Harrison Port are also like this. Ian was just a smart and alert child before he fell asleep, but when he woke up, he was already a reincarnated person who solved the mystery in the womb and retrieved his past life memories.

"My head hurts..."

On the simple wooden bed that was neither new nor old, Ian opened his eyes, his blue eyes were scattered and confused, but soon focused on the wooden beams that had begun to mold in front of him.

The July sun should have been bright, but it was blocked by a thick curtain. The room was narrow and the air was polluted.As soon as he breathed, a piercing pain came from deep in his head, causing tinnitus, and the slightly fishy air from the coast, mixed with the smell of rotten wood slowly decaying, rushed into his nasal cavity.

It felt like a person who was carsick had been on a four-hour long journey, and the person sitting next to him was a middle-aged woman covered in cheap perfume and with severe body odor, chattering into his ear.

Intense stimulation came from the depths of the brain and the sensory nerves at the same time, and an unbearable feeling of nausea surged into his throat.

Ian wanted to vomit, but there was nothing in his stomach, not even acid water. His cracked lips and dry eyeballs proved that he had not eaten or drunk for a long time, and his weak limbs and torso meant that the situation was very dangerous and his body was on the edge of a critical point.

But he had to get up now.

-Food was okay, but if he didn't take in water, his body would completely lose its ability to move. If no one helped him at that time, he would probably really die.

Ian struggled to get up from the bed.

The child's slender wrists made him feel particularly uncomfortable, and his pale and somewhat sickly skin deepened his uneasiness.

He was keenly aware that the pain in his head was caused by external injuries in addition to the dizziness caused by thirst. There was a bandage on his head, and the dried blood scab covered the wound. The drowsy vibration was from that.

"Interesting, I was kidnapped and hit with a club"

Just woke up, a little confused about the situation, Ian muttered in his heart: "Not really, with this efficiency, it's better to hack the auxiliary engineering AI."

He is an aerospace engineer at the Vacuum Propulsion Research Center of East Asia Heavy Industry, responsible for the commissioning and maintenance of the third East Asia lunar exploration rocket.

In other words, he is just a tool man on the ship.

When there is an auxiliary maintenance AI, he generally does not need to do maintenance, and his importance is even lower than that of a water dispenser. He often jokes with his colleagues that he is just a filler.

But going to space is a dream for Ian, who has been extremely curious since childhood and yearns for the stars and the sea.

A water dispenser is a water dispenser, who cares

While doing routine inspections on the nozzles, Ian was still thinking whether he would have the opportunity to work at the Seventh Space Machinery Industry Department on Mars after further studies at the lunar base.

The first light-speed spacecraft in human history is being built there. If he can participate in it, it would be a great achievement.

Then he woke up here.

"No, I have been reincarnated a long time ago... I just remembered it now."

Raised his hand and gently pressed around the wound on his head.

After Ian confirmed that the wound was not swollen and festering, he frowned slightly: "The child's brain cannot bear my memory, and can only revive little by little in the form of dreams and inspiration as he grows older."

"It was not until I got hit on the head that I remembered everything."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes and carefully reviewed the memories flowing in his mind.


The father who died in a shipwreck and whom he had never met.

The kind and hardworking mother who died early due to illness.

The young brother and the cold and heartless stepfather who abandoned his wife and children.

The uncle who was like a demon, terrifying and hateful.

And finally, the blow from the uncle that reminded him of everything, the unforgettable pain.

Then there was a sigh.

"Eight years, it's like a dream."

Ian opened his eyes, in the darkness, a pair of crystal blue eyes shone like gems.

The boy whispered calmly: "But I'm awake."

For the reincarnated, the most difficult thing is to accept the past memories. The experience of two lives is like a turbulent torrent, and the weak brain of the child can't bear it at all.

But it may be that Ian's body in this life is gifted. His brain at the age of eight can bear his two lives. At most, the wound on his head hurts a little.

The stick was really strong. Now Ian's head is a little dizzy, obviously a mild concussion.

"Terra continent, Empire, Harrison Port. White people, psychic power, natives and immigrants - another world or another planet? I guess it's another world."

Calmly examining his current situation and extracting key words from his memory, Ian exhaled deeply, but sighing was useless anyway, so he laughed instead: "An orphan from another world, with a half-crazy uncle who abuses children, is simply the beginning of hell."

"It doesn't matter, there are problems to be solved one after another, so it's interesting."

Such a smile caused problems, the corners of his dry mouth were pulled, and the pain made Ian frown.

He got out of bed and controlled his weak body to slowly move forward in the narrow and dim room. Relying on his memory, Ian found a water bucket next to the stone trough by the window.

After drinking a lot of water, he felt his mind was faster.

It was morning at this moment, most people were working, and his uncle was no exception. It was estimated that he would not come back until the evening.

Ian opened the curtains, and the light outside the window was bright. No one was walking at the street entrance.

The surrounding buildings were built with gray-white slabs of stone, rough and solid, with white vines and creeper leaves on the walls, and the rocks under the leaves were covered with cracks and full of vicissitudes under the sea breeze for many years.

Along the road, you can clearly see a blue sea in the distance, fishing boats coming and going, a scene of a classical coastal port town.

"The scenery is really nice."

Ian withdrew his eyes from the window, he lowered his head, saw his appearance in the reflection of the water, and said in surprise: "But I am actually better looking."

From the outside, even if Ian had a blood scab and a black bandage wrapped around his head, he could be said to be very good-looking, even a little beyond his gender. The boy with white hair and blue eyes is still very immature now, but it is enough to see his handsomeness in the future.

"It's already very good. Most adjusters don't have this level."

Ian, who was used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women, couldn't help but nod. Although his appearance in this life was clean and cute, it could be considered quite superior in the environment of per capita genetic modification in the previous life, but the obvious malnutrition and fatigue made him look extremely haggard.

And only by looking carefully and rolling up his sleeves could you find that there were many wounds on the boy's white arms, new and old, and it was impossible to count them.

"My uncle is really cruel. I'm a child under ten years old now."

Ian frowned slightly, turned his head, pulled open his collar a little, and could see purple pinch marks on his collarbone and neck.

The memory of his uncle pinching his neck and throwing him to the ground emerged in his mind, and the reason for this fierce beating was just because Ian didn't clean the house before he went home.

——No one can clean it up. This broken house has started to rot. Unless it is demolished and rebuilt, there will always be that rotten smell.

Complaining in his heart, the boy's hair was a little long, covering the scars. Ian gathered his hair back and felt that his neck was finally cool. He could also clearly see the size of the purple mark.

"Well, this strength... my cheap uncle really wanted to kill me at that time."

He stared at the water with deep eyes, and put his hand on the collarbone, sliding sideways and pressing down.

The pain came all the way.

Although covered by clothes, the boy's thin body and slender waist were covered with bruises and whipping marks of varying depths.

Every time he touched a wound, Ian's mind replayed the corresponding memory - being beaten for buying wine late, being beaten for stuttering, being beaten for holding a hatchet with his left hand, being beaten for stepping into the room with his right foot first...

Although the wound on his head was the most serious, it was obvious that the boy did not live a good life, and being beaten was even a daily routine.


Finally, with his hand on his lower abdomen, Ian suddenly turned pale and gasped.

The severe pain made him sweat all over his head.

A burst of excessive hunger, mixed with tearing pain from overuse of the waist and abdomen came... This was obviously the result of working too long and not getting rest, leaving hidden injuries.

"What a sin." Ian grumbled softly, wiping the cold sweat from his head, and laughed instead of being angry.

Abuse and oppression, unreasonable beatings and scolding, even cruelty - if he hadn't woken up, maybe Ian would really have never woken up and would have slept forever.


If that were all, it wouldn't be a big deal.

He's still alive, isn't he?

Although Ian was an engineer in his previous life, he didn't fail history. Combining his eight years of memories in this life, there are countless children who have similar experiences in this alien world that was probably around the time of industrialization.

Even if it's not Harrison Port, where else would apprentices not be treated like this? Since they lost their parents and were living under someone else's roof, they should just endure it. At least their uncle gave them two brothers a bite to eat.

You know, who knows how many child laborers who entered the factory in the pre-industrial era could come out alive - the clan rules of the White People's blood relatives really helped a lot. If their uncle wasn't a lunatic, the two brothers could really grow up safely.

The biggest problem still lies with their cheap uncle.

He's really a scumbag.

The child Ian may not understand, but according to his memory, Ian can be sure that the lame man is an underground informant of the local indigenous people, or a tool man who is being controlled, and is keen on taking a black mushroom extract native to the Baisen Mountains.

Everyone knows about this addictive natural chemical substance. People who are addicted are equivalent to crazy. They cannot be regarded as human beings, but are beasts.

Therefore, there are a few days every month when his uncle, who is keen on finding trouble to beat him, will shrink in his room to smoke mushrooms and enjoy a life of drunkenness and dreams. That was a rare time for Ian to take a breath and rest.

In the past, in order to smoke mushrooms, the man had no spare money and often had to borrow money from Ian's parents.

After Ian's parents passed away for some reason, because of blood ties and the custom of the White People's "blood relatives are more important", he had to adopt two brothers, which not only wasted his time, but also wasted his few money to buy black mushroom extracts for enjoyment.

The tribesmen were watching, and he couldn't get rid of this responsibility. In addition, there were some personal reasons, so this man always angrily abused Ian and his brothers to vent his resentment.

"Who can stand this?"

Recalling this, Ian couldn't help but complain.

Before he recovered his memory, Ian, who was just a child, couldn't stand this kind of beating and scolding without any reason at all, and was afraid of his own death.

The boy even secretly hid a thaler silver coin in the corner, preparing to find an opportunity to escape.

Although it was a bit naive, it was also a choice and courage.

If it were Ian now, I'm afraid he would make similar moves, at most more perfect.

Only a fool would want to live under the same roof with such a madman

But the real highlight was not these.

As he pondered, Ian recalled some more important fragments from his memory.

"Good guy."

With a frown on his face, Ian couldn't help but straighten up, and he looked at the room on the other side.

That was the room of his two-year-old brother.

Even if he was abused, Ian could still smile indifferently - a person with such low quality that he would abuse a child, what else could he do? He could only obey him because he had terminal cancer.

If he was not in a hurry, he would collect evidence and report it to the elders of the tribe or the city guards. If the situation was critical, he would run away. Anyway, his uncle would smoke mushrooms, and there would always be time for him to prepare.

He was not a real child. He had lived two lives and was just a violent child abuser. There were many ways to deal with it, so he could naturally not care.

But now.

"Natives...trading...young children...blood sacrifice...sacrifice?"

Ian, who recalled many details, spoke with anger for the first time: "Sacrificing young children?"