
Chapter 12 Kill Again_1

Jiang Xue's chest heaved violently, her expression both angry and heartbroken, the strong scent of disappointment leaving Xiao Ming lost for words, his rage sky-high, yet uncertain how to make his wife believe him.

At this moment, Zhang Anli rose to his feet and walked over, looking down from his height, "You're Xiao Ming, right? I'm Zhang Anli, the Vice President of Maohe Architecture.

As Jiang's superior, young man, I must chastise you.

There are many ways for a man to show his love, but infringing upon his wife's freedom is by far the most foolish.

Jiang is an outstanding employee, and I have high hopes for her future development. Social gatherings like tonight's will only become more and more frequent, which is precisely a sign of her improving performance.

As her husband, you should be fully supportive, how can you be so petty and suspicious?"

His expression was sanctimonious, but between the lines of his speech was full of discord and instigation. Jiang Xue was too angry to notice, but Xiao Ming's heart was already overflowing with a desire to kill.

"Hmm, Director Zhang does have a point. I was impulsive tonight, I should have found an opportunity to clear things up with Xue'er beforehand."

He nodded and smiled humbly, "I'm really sorry for barging in like this. To make amends, let this glass of wine be an apology!"

Facing the red wine Xiao Ming offered, Zhang Anli's face changed slightly, "This is Jiang's glass, I can't…"

"It's okay, she hasn't used it yet, I don't mind."

"You might not mind, but I do!" Zhang Anli's face darkened.

"Young man, I was speaking to you nicely just now, out of consideration for our little Jiang. Who do you think you are, even fit to toast me?

I'll give you half a minute, get out now, or else, I'll make sure you..."

He didn't get to finish his words, for Xiao Ming suddenly grasped his chin, and with a little force, his mouth was forced wide open, and then the half glass of red wine was all poured down his throat.

"What are you doing, Xiao Ming?"

Jiang Xue was horrified, desperately trying to pull Xiao Ming's arm away, but it was too late.

Zhang Anli coughed and fell to the ground.

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang, are you okay? I apologize on his behalf, you..."

Jiang Xue's eyes filled with tears out of urgency, but Zhang Anli roughly pushed her away.

"Water! Give me water quickly!"

He rushed to the dining table, gulped down most of a glass of water, then stumbled into the bathroom while gagging. Soon after, the sound of violent vomiting echoed out.

Jiang Xue was stunned.

It was just half a glass of wine, why would Zhang Anli react so strongly?

"Because he spiked the drink."

Hearing her husband's words, Jiang Xue shuddered.

Her bias against Xiao Ming was the result of two years of accumulated heartache and disappointment, but that didn't mean she was incapable of thinking for herself.

Everything was obvious; there was no project cooperation tonight, from start to finish, it was all a scam targeting her body, a filthy scam.

With a sudden overflow of grievance and rage, Jiang Xue demanded sternly, "Mr. Cao, I have no quarrels with you, why would you harm me?"

Now that his intentions were exposed, Cao Bangxi was not pleased, but he showed not a shred of guilt or embarrassment. He said calmly, "Miss Jiang, that's a rather silly question.

To me, you're so beautiful that it's reason enough for me to bear a grudge."

"You... shameless!"

Cao Bangxi let out a laugh, his gaze shifting onto Xiao Ming's face, growing solemn.

"Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Ming nodded: "A director of Dabang Group, the young master of the Longyin Cao Family, Cao Bangxi."

"Since you know, then you should be very aware of my power.

Now, you've ruined my good mood for the evening, and the consequences will be severe.

If you don't want to find yourself missing a part or two one day, there's still time for you to fix this."

"How exactly should I fix it?"

Cao Bangxi showed a smirk of triumph, "It's simple, persuade your wife to be a bit more cooperative. If you really can't manage that, helping me hold her hands will do as well.

As long as you make me happy, you'll naturally reap the benefits."

Jiang Xue had never imagined a person could stoop so low. Mr. Cao's gaze felt like slimy insects crawling over her skin, making her nauseous.

She couldn't stay another second and turned to leave, but her wrist was grasped.

She whirled around, staring at Xiao Ming incredulously and in panic, "What… what are you doing?"

"What else? Of course, I'm helping out the young master!"

Cao Bangxi stood up, laughing, "Miss Jiang, although you're not savvy to the situation, you did marry a husband who knows the score, haha…"

Jiang Xue's pretty face turned ashen in an instant, tears rimming her eyes, her lips trembling, unable to utter a word.

Xiao Ming looked on, feeling both heartache and helplessness, he sighed and said, "I admit I've been terrible these past two years, causing you a lot of pain, but I can't say I've sunk to the level of a beast, right?

Don't be afraid. Just watch quietly. With me here, no one can hurt you."

With that, he let go of Jiang Xue and turned to walk toward Cao Bangxi.

Cao Bangxi then realized he had misunderstood, "You, what are you doing? Stop!

I warn you, I've already notified the bodyguards downstairs, they could come in at any moment."

"I've met your bodyguards; none of them are any good."

Xiao Ming advanced swiftly toward Cao Bangxi, gripped his neck, and with a loud bang, slammed him against the floor-to-ceiling window.

"In fact, this isn't our first meeting.

I've killed you once, and I'd be more than happy to do it again!"