
Return Of The

Luo Fan

GravityKunG · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 | God Of Healing

shortly after Qin Yuehua went to meet with Divine Doctor Tie Lu.

"Doctor, can you heal my poison?"

Doctor Tie Lu also took a look at the symptoms. and the doctor found This poison surpassed his medical technique so much that it couldn't even be compared.

"I can't heal. This poison is absolutely insane. His medical abilities were not enough to heal at all. It's impossible."

The sad Qin Yuehua thought of Luo Fan's words and made a final bet with him.

Qin Yuehua followed the appointment and met Luo Fan who was sitting at the pavilion and playing a flute that was meticulously made of wood.

In that scene, Qin Yuehua thought in his heart, Is there such a beautiful place in the world?

"I've come for an appointment and I don't know if Master really has a way to cure me or not."

"The poison in you is the poison from Denming, the 3rd land inhabited by humans."

She thought in her heart that Did she meet the madman?

I gazed with pity and thought that human beings now have not reached the Golden Age of Cultivation. In 10 years, there will be an era in which spirit energy overflows, people can develop rapidly and can climb.

"The poison in you has been around for about 5 years. In the first 2 years, your cultivation will start to get stuck like your soul force can't be absorbed normally. Three years later, you will feel pain in the dantian, and it hurts like a soul being stabbed by thousands of knives every month, right?"

She had a shocked expression and thought that this was something that even she couldn't explain it properly. people the same age as us How can you have this ability?

"Please help me. No matter what, I surrender, physically, mentally, or even being a slave for the rest of my life."

"Okay, you made a spirit contract with me. I will heal Ready to be a teacher to teach you things and to take you on a journey to the top."

She made a decision with certainty and willingness that What if it could make the pain go away? No matter what I have to do, I agree

I raised my hand the sky is full of rain clouds But again, there was no drop of water. The sky began to have a golden lightning, and as it slashed down at me, Qin Yuehua appeared, a spirit contract appeared. In the contract stated

This contract is similar to a slave contract because The contracted person cannot refuse. Whatever the lord commands, even do what is shameful. or kill yourself It can not be contradicted, and if the person who contracted this betray the boss will be burned to the soul

She didn't think much. and answer immediately

"I agree"

The contract in the form of light flew into the central body of the soul and the primal soul.

I thought *I'm really lucky to have such a beautiful female servant, and if I teach her well, I might get 1 more important and trustworthy person.*

"Walk to me and take off your clothes, turn around if you don't want me to see."

She was surprised because even if she was a doctor, Luo Fan was the same age. will not care about the body of a beautiful woman like me?

Qin Yuehua took off all the clothes above and walked away, thinking that if I get treatment, I'll test to see if Luo Fan will **** her if she tries to seduce Luofan.

"You sit and gather your Qi and try to find the five powers that I have sent in and absorb them. I will turn the poison into Poison resistance to you."

"After this, you are my people. If you get poisoned again, you will have a defense. Even if you eat a bucket of poison, it won't affect anything."

I let the spirit energy into her, during which she made a strange sound softly.

Qin Yuehua thought Who is this person? He's the same age as me. But the spirit energy was stronger than the strongest elder. that she had ever met

She continued to think So embarrassing, she moaned because of his spirit energy. His power was so powerful that it was terrifying.

after 1 hour

"The treatment is complete. My spirit power is almost exhausted."

Luo Fan was focused on his words. I just felt that she had fallen asleep. It was a side effect of taking too much spirit energy.

After that, I sat and gathered my spirit energy and broke through the 1 level of Mortal Core Realm.