
Return Of The Z-Class Hunter

"Wait, is that him?" Bruno was not expecting the so-called Z-class hunter to be a Movie Star. "Yes. After he quit hunting, he began to pursue his love for the Theater Arts." Raphael couldn't help but flash out a grin while staring at the screen. His figure was the same without the mask, but only a select group of hunters could still recognize him. "Are you sure?" The film wasn't particularly good, but his chemistry with the female lead was alright. Given that the genre was romance, and he was beaten to a pulp at the beginning of the film in a very pathetic manner, Bruno couldn't bring himself to believe that the guy he grew up idolizing was a pretty boy who mostly did romantic films. "Don't be fooled by his appearance When he gets serious, no one stands a chance."

Avid_Alma · Action
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Whispers in the Night

"Good evening to all the viewers joining us from their homes. I, Natasha Kilman, am reporting live from the red-carpet event of Romeo Brandt's highly anticipated film premier of Whispers in the Night. You can feel the intrigue and excitement of the fans and celebrities alike that are making their way into the Edison theatre here in Central City to witness the first public screening of this highly anticipated movie."

The splendor of the event had started to reach its peak. Well-known personalities posed for the cameras and waved at the fans, talking to the reporters about their expectations as well as the craze surrounding the movie.

"When you get an invitation from Romeo, you can't afford to ignore it."

One of the Veteran Movie stars said while linking arms with a woman who was probably 30 years younger than him.

"Happy to be here to support my brother! Mark my words. This film is going to break all of his previous records!"

A dashing young man with blonde hair, predominantly known for his roles as an action hero, commented. He had a film coming next month, so this was probably nothing more than a publicity stunt.

"The movie is good and all, but I am just here for the wine. Romeo never cheaps out on his liquor."

An established female comedian displayed the extent of her wits with the help of a light joke.


A black sports car stopped a few meters away from the red carpet. Everyone simultaneously moved their head in its direction, Natasha being the first to recognize the silhouette of the person inside of it.

"Here he is. The man of the moment. The guy whose smile makes the hearts of millions flutter with excitement."

'Romeo! Romeo!'

As the fans' screams grew louder, the remaining stars on the red carpet abandoned their poses and rushed towards the theater, not wanting their spotlight to be stolen by the man of the day.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Romeo Brandt!"

Natasha herself couldn't stay composed. The excitement of his arrival got the better of her. Her eyes stuck to him as the door slid upwards. Just like always, his attire wasn't gaudy. It would appear simple at first, but a keen eye could tell that it was probably worth a fortune. He stepped out of the car onto the ground, wearing a gentle smile on his face. As he strode forward with his graceful gait, his natural elegance shone through and all eyes turned to him, drawn by his commanding presence.


Amidst the throng of paparazzi, he caught sight of her and walked towards her purposefully. She snapped out of her stupor and said,

"Romeo. You have finally arrived."

This wasn't reporter talk. She had forgotten the question she was supposed to ask.

"You are looking as beautiful as ever."

His complement was meant to fluster her even more, but she finally asked him,

"Look at all the noise they are making for you. How does it feel?"

He averted his eyes and looked towards the fans.

"I owe everything I have to their love and their support."

One couldn't think that the screams could get louder, but the crowd continued to prove everyone wrong.

"I hope that with this film, I have met their expectations and delivered a project that they can enjoy."

He looked back at her, gave her a playful wink, and walked towards the cameras to have his photos taken. The charm in his voice resonated within her heart and made her want to reach out for his figure as he moved away. Fortunately, she controlled herself before it was too late.

"This can't be real."

Within the crowd, there were two men trying their level best to blend in, even with their tall, muscular frames. The shorter one was the one that voiced his disbelief, while the taller one remained quiet.

"Even an A-Class hunter would have sensed our presence immediately. See, even his guard isn't up."

The shorter guy could see at least 10 openings with a casual glance. He was sure that this man was just a normal civillian.

"Father? Is he really the guy?"

The taller man started to move out of the crowd.

"I don't have time to answer such a foolish question. You will get a chance to meet him soon. Then you can confirm whether he is the real deal or not."

The shorter one sighed and said,

"Fine. Are we going to watch the movie?"

Even if he wasn't impressed by his awareness as a hunter, the son was still a casual fan that enjoyed Romeo's films.

"We are."

The father flashed two tickets for the premier. Unbeknownst to the son, his father was actually a hardcore fan.

Grammar is Hard


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