
Return of the Sword God

Sword energy over 30,000 miles, a sword light cold nineteen states! A generation of incomparable sword god Lin Yi was killed by his best friend's treachery failed, a heavenly cultivation scattered, but unexpectedly returned to earth, reborn in the city of teenage years. In his previous life, he was on top of the world, overlooking all the people, and no one in the world dared to disobey him! In this life, I want to redeem all the regrets, kill the people I hate, protect the people I love, and seek a life without regrets! Now there is no one behind me... How can I fall, how dare I fall, how can I fall!

DaoistffpKnl · Eastern
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43 Chs

Chapter 15- Isolation

The moon was dark and the wind was high, deep mountains and wild forests.

  In this dark and primitive environment, Foamy's trembling voice made the crowd's scalp numb, and even the boys trembled a little at that moment.

  As for the rumors about Roadless Mountain, they were indeed aware of them.

  This suburban picnic party, the reason why to choose this mountain, a large part of the reason is to want to strengthen the courage, there are also some ideas of adventure, more heart is to want to show themselves in front of the girls.

  But really at this time in the evening, the crowd is still a little shaky.

  Just at this time, foam suddenly said this and other words, the crowd hardened, along the direction she pointed to look at, Hurray is a black silhouette, standing in the distance of the original place did not move, is looking straight at them.

  "Who ... who!" Wei Hao Ran shuddered and shouted at the top of his voice.

  Gao Gu was also a little frightened, he braced himself and shouted with the courage to use cursing words, "Fuck, who the fuck is over there pretending to be a god?!"

  The girls were already too scared to even speak, Liu Xinya unconsciously took a few steps back and pulled a boy in front of her as she passed by, the other girls weren't much better, while Tong Yao's face was pale and her spirit almost collapsed.

  Fortunately, a beating hand suddenly tapped her shoulder.

  "Ah!" Tong Yao was startled.

  It turned out to be Lin Yi, who reassuringly said, "Don't be afraid, it's all right, second young miss, your eyes are just blurry.

  Tong Yao glared at him and said, "You want to scare me to death!"

  Still, Tong Yao didn't slap Lin Yi's hand away, for some reason, maybe it was an illusion, after Lin Yi was by her side, Tong Yao wasn't as scared as before.

  Seeing that Tong Yao's complexion was gradually recovering, Lin Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at that black shadow.

  At that moment, the black shadow had suddenly disappeared!

  "Where is that person?" Lin Yi asked with a frown on his face.

  Wei Hao Ran stammered, "Gone ... gone ... after looking at us ..."

  The words fell, and the crowd shivered with cold.

  In this and other deep mountains, the place where birds do not shit, suddenly appeared a silhouette, this silhouette did not speak, also did not move, just stood in the distance silently looked at them after a glance, and then went ...

  Just think about it, this kind of scene is enough to make a person can not stand, not to mention personally happened in front of Wei Hao Ran them!

  In the suburbs of the mountains, poisonous snakes and beasts are not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is something impure.

  And the square of this kind of picture, the crowd is sure that they do not have the eye did not see wrong, even if it is the eye, it is impossible that all the people have the eye!

  "There ... are ghosts ... I want to go home ... I want to go home!" At this time, there was a girl's voice with a crying tone.

  Foamy did not move at all, she stood stupidly in place, not knowing what she was thinking about.In this situation, the crowd did not care about her, but thought about what to do for the best.

  Only Lin Yi.

  Lin Yi silently walked over to Foamy, and under the puzzled gaze of the crowd, he slapped Foamy's head and shouted, "It's done!"

  "What are you doing?" Liu Xinya rushed over and glared at Lin Yi angrily.

  Before Lin Yi could open his mouth to explain, Foamy was the one whose body shook a bit and then said with some fear, "Let's go back down the mountain, this place is too evil!

  The crowd was surprised.

  Obviously, before the foam was a bit stupid, a look of being scared silly, how suddenly the face is much better? And also took the initiative to speak?

  "Lin Yi, did you do it?" Tong Yao asked curiously, not knowing if her judgment was correct or not.

  Subconsciously, everyone was looking at Lin Yi suspiciously.

  At this moment, Lin Yi explained, "She was shocked, her mind is a bit fuzzy, if the consequences are serious, she will even go insane, I just patted her head, nothing more, to be blunt, it was to wake her up.

Hearing Lin Yi say this, the crowd was scared.

  They really didn't pay much attention to the foam, if the foam really had an accident ... I'm afraid they would regret it for the rest of their lives!

  The foam quickly thanked, "Thank you, Lin Yi!"

  "It's okay, they're all classmates, they should be." Lin Yi smiled faintly.

  Wei Hao Ran obviously didn't care, his face was extremely ugly, he said, "Everyone calm down first, we can't go down the mountain blindly, as the saying goes, it's easy to go up the mountain but hard to go down, this road down from the roadless mountain is very difficult to walk on, and it's a big night to see clearly, it's very unsafe!"

  Liu Xinya said, "But staying here is not safe either, okay! Just now, ... this

  The mountain really has those hanging things! Anyway, you guys love to do whatever, I will not spend the night in this mountain!"

  Wei Hao Ran said again, "No way! This picnic was organized and initiated by me, so I have to be responsible for it, we can't go down the mountain at this time, lest something happen, what to do! Let's camp here, everyone sleep together, and wait until tomorrow morning when it's light before we go down the mountain!"

  "That's right!"

  Gao Gu also stood up and said with approval, "Don't be afraid, four girls will sleep in one tent, four boys will sleep in one tent, leave two boys to guard, the boys will suffer a bit first, take turns to guard, soon this night will be over, when it's light we'll go back down the mountain to the school together!"

  This was a good suggestion, at least the vast majority of people didn't really want to go down the mountain either.

  The roadless mountain was too steep, if someone lost their footing and fell down, they would end up in mush, rather than take that risk, it would be better to bite the bullet and spend the night here and wait for dawn.

  Besides, ten people are together, what are they afraid of!

  Seeing everyone's agreement, Liu Xinya snorted coldly and didn't argue anymore, having reached a consensus, everyone started to get on with their lives.

  Good thing that the roadless mountain is full of dead wood, in the neighborhood pick up some can be used, as much as a few moments, the hot fire is burning up.

  It had to be said that humans were fire-dependent creatures.

  When the fire was built, everyone was not as anxious as before, and they could even talk and tell jokes.

  Seeing that the atmosphere had improved a lot, Wei Hao Ran clapped his hands and said, "Everyone has been tired for a day, compared to the stomach must be hungry, why don't we bake something to eat!"

  "Good ah good ah!" When it came to eating, Tong Yao was the first to nod her head.

  But the question came ... what to eat?

  Besides some snacks, there were only the two fish that Lin Yi had brought up the mountain in the afternoon.

  But when it comes to looking for food, the crowd can't move their feet, ever since that terrifying silhouette appeared, not to mention going to catch small prey, even the fruits as well as the mushrooms and wild vegetables, no one dares to go and collect them.

  "Forget it, let's all hold out and eat some snacks to fill our stomachs."

  Saying that, Wei Hao Ran looked at Lin Yi and said, "Lin Yi, take out the two fish, put them on the fire and fry them, we brought spices, the taste is definitely good, although the two fish are a little less, but at least each student can share some.

  Of course, Lin Yi wouldn't refuse, so he immediately handed the two fish to Wei Hao Ran.

  After Lin Yi handed over the plastic bag, Liu Xinya said in a conspiratorial tone, "Oh, so little to take enough for everyone? There are ten people here, Lin Yi, I see you catch fish so skillfully, why don't you go get some wild game now?"

  When Wei Hao Ran heard this, he quickly patted his thigh and said, "Right, Lin Yi, I trust you!"

  "Right, Lin Yi, everyone is starving, you won't refuse, right?" Gao Gu stared at Lin Yi with a grin.

  Tong Yao couldn't bear to look at him anymore, her eyes widened as she hurriedly said, "No way! Why should everyone stay here and let Lin Yi go alone? It's only right for everyone to go together!"

  Liu Xinya sarcastically said, "He's a child from a poor family, he's grown up and knows more about this than we do.


  Tong Yao suddenly exploded, the holy second young lady directly burst into foul language, hatefully saying, "What's wrong with being from a poor family? Just because he's poor, should we bully him? All people are the same, why should he be treated so unfairly!"

  Although they were only in their third year of high school, they were all adults who had reached the age of eighteen, and with good family backgrounds, they had to understand the social truths much earlier than their peers.

  The real society, never fair!

  Just as everyone saw that they were about to argue, Lin Yi took the initiative to stand up and said, "It's okay, I'll go as long as I go.

  "No way! I'll go with you if you want to go!" Tong Yao pulled Lin Yi along.

  It had to be said that Lin Yi was a little touched, he hadn't felt this feeling of being treated kindly for a long, long time.

  But Lin Yi stubbornly shook his head and said, "No, you just stay here with everyone, I'll go and come back.

  Saying that, Lin Yi didn't care what happened to Tong Yao and left immediately.

  Tong Yao was a little angry, so angry that she immediately jumped up and shouted at Lin Yi's back, "Lin Yi, you're just a fool! Just a fool! Stupid!!!"

  Lin Yi, who had turned his back on Tong Yao and the others, had a smile on his face at that moment.

  "Pretending to be a god on this shitty mountain in the middle of the night? Interesting... ..."

  Lin Yi held the back of his head with his hands and walked leisurely down the mountain road, muttering to himself, "I'd like to see what kind of sneaky things you people are doing on this roadless mountain ..."