
Return of the Sword God

Sword energy over 30,000 miles, a sword light cold nineteen states! A generation of incomparable sword god Lin Yi was killed by his best friend's treachery failed, a heavenly cultivation scattered, but unexpectedly returned to earth, reborn in the city of teenage years. In his previous life, he was on top of the world, overlooking all the people, and no one in the world dared to disobey him! In this life, I want to redeem all the regrets, kill the people I hate, protect the people I love, and seek a life without regrets! Now there is no one behind me... How can I fall, how dare I fall, how can I fall!

DaoistffpKnl · Eastern
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43 Chs

Chapter 13 - Catching Fish

Roadless Mountain, one of the more unusual mountains on the outskirts of town.

  Why is it special?

  From the name it is not difficult to see the clue, the mountain name Roadless, many years ago this name, after the old generation of people warned that this mountain is best not to go to climb, as for the reason, but did not say, the origin of the name is also not known, so generations down, the mountain is called Roadless, are so called.

  Cab master seems to be very scrupulous about this place, the speed of the car on the national highway to drive very fast, just arrived at the point, the master got the money a foot accelerator turned around and left, for fear of attracting what impure things.

  "Is it so scary?"

  After getting out of the car, Tong Yao mumbled, she unconsciously raised her head to look at this deep mountain, but found that there is no difference with other mountains, "There is no special place".

  Saying that, Tong Yao walked over to the side of the students who had arrived long ago and greeted them, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time, the traffic jam in the city, I'm late!"

  "It's okay, it's still early, not too late." Among the seven or eight classmates, the person who spoke was the inch-haired boy Wei Hao Ran.

  These people Lin Yi knew, except for Wei Hao Ran who had clashed with him yesterday and some of his good friends, the other three were female classmates, also from the same class, but what surprised Lin Yi was that Liu Xin Ya was actually among them!

  By this time, Lin Yi had already walked over, and they also just realized that Lin Yi had come!

  The crowd was surprised.

  What surprised them was not only why Lin Yi would attend this suburban picnic, but what was even more unbelievable was why he would come with Tong Yao!

  Why would he come with Tong Yao!

  Tong Yao's face was also a bit embarrassed, she snorted and said, "I met Lin Yi on the way here and invited him, it's okay, right?"

  Wei Haoran was obviously embarrassed, but he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, we're all in the same class.

  Hearing this, the crowd side-eye one after another, they know, Wei Haoran and Lin Yi is a contradiction between, but now Wei Haoran is so relieved, this kind of gentleman's heart, but let the crowd secretly have a good feeling.

  Especially those few girls, looking at Wei Haoran's gaze became completely different, even Tong Yao also slightly raised her eyebrows.

  Seeing this, Wei Haoran secretly sneered, "Lin Yi, I won't forget what happened yesterday, just wait, first I'll let you fool around, later I'll eat your good bitter head!"

  Of course, he wouldn't say that out loud.

  "Alright, everyone get ready, we'll go up the mountain later!" A tall male student said, and Lin Yi remembered that Wei Haoran and the others called him Gao Gu.

  It was still early in the day, it was less than two o'clock in the afternoon, choosing to go up the mountain at this time meant that they were aware that the mountain was difficult to climb, so much so that they had to get ready an hour or two in advance.

  With Wei Haoran and Gao Gu at the head of the two, the crowd began to unfold some movements.

  Lin Yi noticed that except for himself and Tong Yao, who were empty-handed, everyone else was carrying a backpack with snacks, mineral water, and other tools commonly used for picnics, as well as colorful and tasty condiments.

  Everyone's hands were busy with something, except for Tong Yao and Lin Yi.

  Perhaps feeling a little embarrassed, Tong Yao said with some embarrassment, "Sorry, I came in too much of a hurry, I didn't bring anything ..."

  "It's okay!"

  Wei Haoran, who was busy distributing food, smiled and said, "Tong Yao, come over here and distribute everyone's water sources one by one."

  "Good!" Tong Yao walked over.

  Among the students present, Lin Yi was the only one who stood still, having nothing to do.

  Wei Hao Ran and Gao Gu and the others secretly exchanged glances and laughed coldly, seeing Lin Yi isolated, scared, and embarrassed was the kind of feeling they were most happy to see.

But to their disappointment, Lin Yi's face remained unchanged, as if nothing had happened, not feeling embarrassed at all, but rather taking it for granted.

  "This guy, is he that thick-skinned?" Wei Haoran's face was a bit ugly.

  At this time, Gao Gu secretly snorted coldly and said at the top of his voice, "Student Lin Yi, right? Everyone is working and you are the only one without anything to do, isn't that right?"

  The crowd glanced sideways and looked at Lin Yi with cold eyes.

  With so many pairs of eyes staring at him, Lin Yi didn't panic and calmly and politely asked, "May I ask what you want me to do, classmate?

  Gao Gu and Wei Haoran looked at each other and winked, Wei Haoran laughed and said, "Let's put it this way, everyone didn't bring any food, most of it is some small snacks, that won't be enough, we always need to eat some hearty wild food at night, I see that there is a river over there, why don't you go and catch some fish, so that you won't be able to find any fish when you go up to the mountain later? "

  Upon hearing these words, the boys in Wei Haoran's group laughed coldly, while the girls were on the verge of screaming in shock.

  Catching fish?

  What a joke!

  The fish in this kind of wilderness were the most difficult to catch, let alone trying to catch fish with empty hands and no fishing equipment.

  The depth of the river, although they do not know, but at least certainly not shallow, if the creek then that can hardly go to try, after all, clear bottom, the water is not deep, easy to catch a little, but this is a natural river in the wilderness,....

  Tong Lei is a little unable to sit still, she said with slight concern, "Don't, it's very dangerous!"

  However, Liu Xinya jumped out at this time and said in a conspiratorial manner: "Just a small river.

  What's so dangerous about it? If everyone is so afraid of wolves and tigers, what's the point of having a picnic?

  "That's right, Lin Yi, don't worry, nothing will happen." Gao Gu said.

  Wei Haoran secretly sneered, in his opinion, Lin Yi had better have some kind of accident, drowning is the best, as far as these classmates present, including himself, the identity of each of them is not easy, the family can talk, and heard people say, Lin Yi, this new loser has no father and no mother is a wild seed, then even less need to be afraid of anything.

  As far as Wei Haoran was concerned, even if he died, no one would care about such a social remnant.

  Lin Yi didn't say anything and his expression didn't change much, so it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

  But the other Lin Yi was surprised, Tong Yao even stepped forward at this time, hesitated for a bit before gathering the courage to say, "No ... no way! If I want to go, I'll go with him!"

  Looking at Tong Yao, who had a strong look of worry and anxiety on her face, Wei Haoran and Gao Gu several people were stunned.

  As for the other few girls, the way they looked at Tong Yao and Lin Yi became extraordinarily different, Liu Xinya's face was even more ugly as she looked at Lin Yi jealously and then secretly looked at Tong Yao resentfully.

  Among these people, they all knew Tong Yao's identity, it could be said that Wei Hao Ran's life was not even a fart in front of Tong Yao!

  The boys were puzzled as to why Tong Yao was looking at Lin Yi, while the girls were looking at Lin Yi with eyes that understood each other, seemingly with some ... envy?

  Lin Yi didn't think much about it, he thought about it before he said, "No need, Tong Yao, you follow them, I'll go and come back."


  Tong Yao almost lost her breath and said with some anger and gambling, "Then you get out of here! I don't care if you are dead or alive!"

Originally, they were still overwhelmed by Tong Yao's interference and didn't know what to do, but Lin Yi himself broke his own back, this rash and stupid move, but it almost made them laugh out loud!

  Gao Gu held back his laughter and said, ''Lin Yi, I believe you can catch the fish, right? If it were me, I wouldn't have the face to come back if I couldn't even catch a fish! Men, I know you!"

  Upon hearing this, Wei Hao Ran silently gave Gao Gu a thumbs up.

  This stinging tool could not be called ruthless!

  Now, even if Lin Yi can't catch any fish and wants to come back, even if he catches one or two small fish, it will definitely be several hours later, Gao Gu and Wei Hao Ran can't wait for him and take all the disciples to the mountain, so he won't be able to find anyone in the group!

  It was simply a double whammy!

  However, Lin Yi didn't even notice that something was wrong, not only that, he also asked rashly, "Is there a bag or something like that? To hold the fish."

  "I'll give you a bag!" Wei Hao Ran stifled his laughter and handed over a large plastic bag.

  Lin Yi took it and inspected it before walking away without looking back.

  As soon as Lin Yi left, the crowd started preparing again, Wei Haoran and Gao Gu tried to wait for an hour at the most, and when an hour passed, they immediately went up the mountain, not waiting for Lin Yi at all!

  While they were busy preparing, Tong Yao seemed to be a bit distracted.

  While cleaning up her snacks, she muttered under her breath, "Stinky Lin Yi, evil Lin Yi, piss me off!"

  While cursing in a low voice, Tong Yao took out her anger on the snacks.

  Thinking about it, Tong Yao had another layer of worry float up to her heart, "This river has such a fast current, it must be very deep ..."

  Once this idea surged to the heart, how can it not dissipate, Tong Yao several times almost dazed, did not hear the words of other students in the ear.

  "No, I have to go and take a look!"

  Tong Yao put down the things in her hands, stood up, and was about to go look for Lin Yi when she saw a silhouette coming from the distance.

  At this time, the others also noticed that the person who had returned was clearly Lin Yi!

  Wei Hao Ran was slightly angry and said in a bad tone, "Didn't I tell you to go catch fish? Why did you come back so quickly? Is it because you didn't even know where the river was?"

  Gao Gu was about to reprimand him as well, but then he heard Lin Yi say in the distance, "Huh? What? I caught a fish!"


  There had to be a certain amount of bragging, okay!

  If you can't catch it, you can't catch it, and even though it's a bit humiliating, it's still better than blowing that kind of bull, right?

  "Hehe!" Gao Gu, Wei Haoran, and Liu Xinya sneered contemptuously.

  Lin Yi scattered his hands, threw the plastic bag in his hands to the ground, some strange embarrassment, "This river is not very good to catch, I can only catch so much, I am really sorry ..."

  The crowd laughed coldly, just when they plan to open their mouths to make fun of, there was a movement in the plastic bag.

  And this sound of movement is not big in general!

  Could it be that he really caught a fish!

  The crowd with doubtful eyes, towards the grass to see, this does not look okay, a look, everyone is dumbfounded!

  Fish jumping around on the grass, classification varies, there are male fish have grass carp, there are even two bighead carp, each have five or six pounds only weight, a careful count, and the number of people present!

  Actually ... there are ten whole fish!