
Return Of The Rejected Luna

After getting rejected by her mate, Hayley finds herself in the arms of the most feared Alpha in the Kingdom. He claims her as his mate, and she is taken away to his kingdom to become his bride. However, upon arrival, she discovers that her newly found mate was nothing like the stories foretold. With his help, Hayley is able to find herself, and her history. And now she returns to the land that had once rejected her to claim what is rightfully hers. Will she show mercy to the people that once trampled on her happiness? Or will this new Heiress bring destruction to her enemies?

thehonoredone · Fantasy
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85 Chs



I nodded, accepting Damian's decision for now, though it left a bitter taste in my mouth. Being cooped up inside wasn't what I had envisioned, especially after the harrowing experience I had just been through. I knew things would be different, but I had expected him to tell me more about the kingdom, things to do, where to avoid and where to be. I was the queen now, and it was impossible for me to remain inside at all times. But his concern was genuine, and I could see the worry etched into his features.

Miranda smiled at me reassuringly. "Don't worry, Hayley. We'll find ways to keep you entertained. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint, and I couldn't help but feel a bit more unease. Her kind was feared from where I was raised, and I wasn't sure I could trust her. She seemed kind, but at the same time something about her seemed off to me.

Damian squeezed my hand gently. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Try to rest, okay?"

I nodded, trying to muster a smile for him. "Be careful, Damian." I whispered before finally managing to muster a smile.

He returned the smile and kissed my forehead before turning to leave. Ethan followed him out, casting a concerned glance back at me before shutting the door. Just like me, Ethan wasn't exactly comfortable with Miranda's presence, but he didn't say anything. The room suddenly felt quieter the moment they left, more intimate, and awkward.

Miranda took a seat beside my bed, her demeanor shifting from professional to more relaxed. "So, Hayley, tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?"

I hesitated for a moment, still wary of the witch sitting before me. But her genuine curiosity and friendly manner started to chip away at my defenses. "I used to love reading and painting, but I haven't had much time for those lately."

Miranda nodded thoughtfully. "Reading and painting are wonderful ways to escape reality, even for a little while"

I stared at her as though she had read my mind. It was the exact reason why I read or drew in my free time. I liked to imagine that one day my life as a slave would end. I even used to paint myself as royalty. However, I lost interest when Emily discovered my sketchbook and ridiculed me in front of everyone. I never touched a brush since that day, and as for reading, I gave it up as well. Dwelling in fantasies only hurt me more than they helped me..

"What about you, what do you like to do?" I returned, hoping to contribute to the conversation. If we were going to be friends, or at least enjoy the company of one another, then it was crucial to contribute every once in a while.

Miranda leaned back in her chair, a wistful smile on her lips. "I enjoy many things, but if I had to choose, I'd say exploring the hidden corners of our world and discovering ancient magic are my true passions. There's something exhilarating about uncovering secrets that have been buried for centuries."

I couldn't help but feel a flicker of interest. "Ancient magic? Like what?"

She grinned, clearly pleased by my curiosity. "Oh, there are many kinds. Enchantments to protect and heal. But my favorites are the ones that connect us to the spirits of the past. They have so much wisdom to share, if you know how to listen."

I shivered slightly at the thought. Magic was something I had always been wary of, but after hearing that one could connect with the spirit of the past, my curiosity was suddenly piqued. There were a lot of things that I wanted to know, starting from why my parents had abandoned me. Why did they leave their little girl to suffer so much? What happened to them? Were they even alive or dead? There were a lot of questions that needed answers, and perhaps only the dead could answer them.

I pondered her words, realizing there was more to this witch than I initially thought. Perhaps there was more to learn from her than I had anticipated.

"Would you teach me?" The words slipped out before I could stop them. I immediately felt a surge of embarrassment and threw my face away from her eyes. I was worried that she might laugh at my request, but she didn't.

"Not everyone can harness the power we wield. Some people are born with this power, while the others have strong affinity towards nature." Miranda explained.

My expectations fell almost immediately. In summary, to use magic, one had to be born special, and being special was not an attribute I possessed. If anything, I was well below average.

"I understand." I replied with a forced smile which Miranda mirrored. We both sat in silence for a moment, and after a minute, Miranda finally brought up another question, one that had me spiraling mentally.

"So tell me, Hayley, how do you feel about the Alpha."

I froze for a while, unsure of what to say. It was the last question I had expected, and it completely caught me off guard.

I blinked, trying to gather my thoughts. "The Alpha? You mean Damian?" I asked, stalling for time as I tried to formulate an answer.

Miranda nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, Damian. You two have a unique bond, but I'm curious about your feelings."

The question was simple, yet it felt loaded with layers I wasn't sure I was ready to unravel. Damian was the best thing that had happened to me, and while I completely adored him with all my heart, it was difficult to say that I was in love.

"I... I care about him," I began cautiously. "He's been kind to me, and I appreciate everything he's done. But it's all so new. I'm still trying to understand my place here, and how I feel about him is part of that process."

Miranda smiled sheepishly at my words before giving me a soft pat. "I understand, you barely know him..."

I nodded, relieved that she seemed to understand. "What about you?" I asked, wanting to steer the conversation away from my confusing emotions. "Do you have someone special in your life?"

She laughed softly, shaking her head. "I do have my eyes on someone, but let's not discuss that for now." She said in a rather dismissive tone. I didn't pry further even though my curiosity was overwhelming. She seemed like a nice lady, and I was certain she had her eyes on a good man. I wanted to know who it was, but for now it was best to leave her the privacy she wanted.