
Return Of The Princess : Kim Hyo Ra

Kim Yoora is one of the most famous writers in the Capital. She has printed a lot of books with the Thriller and Horror genre. Thought that is broad and open, taking her too deep into the world which is very stressful and always makes the heart of the reader racing. One time editor Kim Yoora wanted a fantasy story with a royal setting. This is indeed a challenge for Kim Yoora. She has never written a single story about this genre. To hone Kim Yoora's skills, she said yes to her editor's words. To create a fantasy story with a royal setting. Until one day, when she was on vacation with her editor Han Soo Lee, and looking for references for her new story. Kim Yoora even felt that her body was pulled by a whirlpool and made herself into another world. A world where everyone still uses a stretcher and horse as a means of transportation. She becomes the main character in the story she made by herself. How is the story of Kim Yoora, can she return to modern times, or even live to death in the kingdom? NB: Support my story' with comments, add to the library, and give me a power stone. Thank you.

AgathaQuiin20 · Fantasy
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162 Chs


"Miss, remember not to throw a tantrum," Yoona reminded.

Kim Yoora just glanced annoyed and chose to leave the room. First she took a broom to clean the yard of this big house. Waiting for some dry leaves to fall. Until she sees Joon Woo again, sleeping on a tree branch. I don't want to ignore the man. Kim Yoora immediately left, just one step away she was about to leave Kim Yoora's eyes instead stared at a blood splattered near the tree, and the direction of this blood was instead leading to the tree where Joon Woo was sleeping.

"Is he hurt?" Kim Yoora muttered quietly. "Eh really care!! Want to get hurt or not, he's equally annoying!!" Kim Yoora grumbled and chose to leave.

It's also just a few steps Kim Yoora left. She instead turned around again, and threw stones at Joon Woo. Until the man was disturbed in his sleep. He lowered his head, and looked at Kim Yoora who was below him.

"What's wrong? Want to get me into another debate?" exclaimed Joon Woo.