
Return Of The Princess : Kim Hyo Ra

Kim Yoora is one of the most famous writers in the Capital. She has printed a lot of books with the Thriller and Horror genre. Thought that is broad and open, taking her too deep into the world which is very stressful and always makes the heart of the reader racing. One time editor Kim Yoora wanted a fantasy story with a royal setting. This is indeed a challenge for Kim Yoora. She has never written a single story about this genre. To hone Kim Yoora's skills, she said yes to her editor's words. To create a fantasy story with a royal setting. Until one day, when she was on vacation with her editor Han Soo Lee, and looking for references for her new story. Kim Yoora even felt that her body was pulled by a whirlpool and made herself into another world. A world where everyone still uses a stretcher and horse as a means of transportation. She becomes the main character in the story she made by herself. How is the story of Kim Yoora, can she return to modern times, or even live to death in the kingdom? NB: Support my story' with comments, add to the library, and give me a power stone. Thank you.

AgathaQuiin20 · Fantasy
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162 Chs


Entering the palace, Kim Yoora felt very foreign. She was blocked by two soldiers who looked directly at Kim Yoora with research. The woman immediately said if she wanted to meet with Min Young Jae, or not she wanted to meet with Min Jun Ryun to inquire about Min Young Jae's whereabouts. Just making sure that Min Jun Ryun knows where Min Young Jae is.

"Sorry Miss, but the person you are looking for doesn't exist. In this palace there is no such thing as Min Young Jae. Maybe you got the wrong address." said the soldier and made Kim Yoora even more confused.

"But if it's Crown Prince Min Jun Ryun, is he there?"

Of course if the Crown Prince is always in the palace. It's just that, if you meet the Crown Prince, you must make an appointment first. Because not everyone can meet the Crown Prince. But Kim Yoora's arrival was only to find out information about Min Young Jae, Kim Yoora also asked the two soldiers to take Kim Yoora if they didn't believe it. Because after meeting Crown Prince Min Jun Ryun, Kim Yoora would immediately leave this palace.


"I beg you, just a few minutes. After that I will go. I will take responsibility if the Crown Prince and the Emperor are angry."

The soldiers looked at each other then nodded to each other. Not only one soldier will escort Kim Yoora into the palace, but two soldiers at once. Tracing every inch of this palace, Kim Yoora intends to go to the main palace just in case she can meet Min Jun Ryun there. However, Kim Yoora was instead taken to a study room. It was said that almost every day Min Jun Ryun was in this room, to study the royal documents. His hand touched the door of this room and was about to open it, hearing something falling from his right made Kim Yoora immediately turn around quickly. Saw a maid who fell with a teapot filled with hot tea.

Immediately, Kim Yoora helped the maid and also picked up the teapot filled with hot tea. "Are you okay?" asked Kim Yoora worriedly.

"I--" The maid stopped her words when she saw Kim Yoora standing in front of her. His eyes blinked a few times at the two soldiers behind Kim Yoora. Immediately the waiter fled from Kim Yoora's presence and made the woman look at him in surprise.

"Why did she run away? Is there something wrong with me?" Kim Yoora asked the two soldiers.

Of course not. Maybe the waiter was busy, or maybe he forgot to do something. So when she wanted, she immediately left quickly.

"Maybe yes." muttered Kim Yoora.

On the other hand the maid immediately lifted her hanbok up high and went to the practice room. Where Mun Jun Ryun and Seo Jun are, they are training their swords so that when they return to war. Min Jun Ryun and Seo Jun were able to defeat the enemy well. Even though the war is called Min Jun Ryun, he has never lost at all.

"Crown Prince ..," shouted the servant.

Min Jun Ryun turned his head quickly, threw his sword at Seo Jun and approached the maid earlier. "What is it? Why did you scream when you called me?" Min Jun Ryun said casually.

"I'm sorry, Crown Prince. But I have come with bad news."

"What news?"

Before telling the story, the maid took a deep breath. She also tells that Princess Kim Hyo Ra came to the palace to look for Min Young Jae. This is just the servant's thoughts, if Princess Kim Hyo Ra had time to come to the house that had been vacated for three days. Not finding Min Young Jae, she comes to meet Crown Prince Min Jun Ryun, to ask where Min Young jae is. And Princess Kim Hyo Ra was in the study room of Min Jun Ryun's room. Even if the woman doesn't find Min Jun Ryun, it's clear that the two soldiers will take Kim Hyo Ra to the practice room.

And sure enough, Min Jun Ryun had not yet answered a word of what the waiter said. His gaze accidentally caught Kim Hyo Ra walking towards this practice room. Min Jun Ryun looked at himself while wearing a layered shirt, which was where Seo Jun should have worn this shirt. No time left, Min Jun Ryun asked the maid to prevent Kim Hyo Ra from coming to the practice room. Meanwhile, he will change positions with Seo Jun first. If Min Jun Ryun drops something, then the maid can let Kim Hyo Ra meet Min Jun Ryun. But if nothing has fallen, the maid is strictly forbidden to allow Kim Hyo Ra to meet Min Jun Ryun.

The waiter nodded in understanding, she turned her body to leave. Meanwhile, Min Jun Ryun immediately pulled Seo Jun into a quiet room. Take off the clothes that Seo Jun was wearing as quickly as possible. He shouldn't waste too much time on trivial matters. And what is clear is that Kim Hyo Ra must not know who the real Min Jun Ryun is.

"Crown Prince, what are you doing? Why did you take off my clothes so rudely." Seo Jun tried to dismiss Min Jun Ryun's thoughts violently. It didn't matter if the one in front of him was the Crown Prince, who had a higher throne than himself. "Crown Prince please don't do this. I still--"

"I want to meet Crown Prince Min Jun Ryun. Tell him Kim Hyo Ra wants to meet him. And this is important." said a voice from outside and made them both stop their actions.

"You heard yourself didn't you? If Hyo Ra comes to the palace and wants to meet me. Quickly take off your clothes, Seo Jun."

"But Crown Prince, what if Crown Prince Appa finds out about all this, won't he be angry? And soldiers as well as uninvolved ladies and gentlemen will find it strange."

Seo Jun doesn't need to think about it, Min Jun Ryun will take good care of it. The important thing now is that Seo Jun takes off his clothes, so that Min Jun Ryun can wear them. After that, Min Jun Ryun will ask the servant to tell Eomma if Kim Hyo Ra comes to the palace. To be careful and silence everyone in the palace about Min Jun Ryun as well as Soo Jin.

"The Crown Prince should be telling the truth, so it doesn't have to be like this." snorted Seo Jun.

"Talkative!! Just do what I want, if she knows who I am, she doesn't necessarily want to be with me. Even then, if you want, it must be because of the throne."

"Not all women view it as the Crown Prince. There's also a--"

Min Jun Ryun hissed and asked Seo Jun to be quiet. He doesn't want to talk about this now, the important thing now is that Min Jun Ryun dropped an object on the floor and then he opened the door of this room and pretended to be surprised.

"Hyo Ra you are here."

-To Be Continued-