
Return of The Possessed Villain

Once a third-rate villain. Then, the greatest. Yet, in the end, someone possessed him. After having his body taken away by the Author, Sorath has to spend his life inside the soul realm. While spending his life there, he found out he is a character inside a novel. Seven years later, he witnessed the death of his possessor, his creator, the Author. With the help of the Guardian who has accompanied him for 7 years in the soul realm, Sorath returns to the real world with a flame of revenge for the death of his creator. his fate in the novel, and his past lives. === So, if you expected the MC to be a heartless, cold-blooded, and emotionless villain then you're in a wrong place. However, if you're looking for a cunning, full of scheme, psy war, multi-faceted villain. Then please, be my guest.

Overseer_ · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Solo Trial Clear (3)

After completing the Velniz Temple a minute before the time limit ended, Sorath entered the gate for the third trial immediately. 

Luckily, this time, he didn't need to wait for the time to finish its countdown because, by the time he finished the second trial, the third trial had unlocked already.

The third trial was quite simple and fun, actually. The candidates were teleported to the center of the great maze, and their objective was to escape from that place.

However, they could move forward only if they answered the quizzes correctly. Every correct answer would give them an action. And if they managed to answer them in a row, it would be increased.

For example, if someone got the correct answer, they received one action, which was to move one step forward. Then, if they answered correctly for the next question, they received two actions instead, and so on.

But if they failed to answer in the given time or gave a false answer, they moved backward instead. 

One reverse action if they didn't have the bonus action. However, if they had, they would move backward half of the additional steps they got. 

Let's say someone had 10 extra actions. Then, they would take 5 steps back. 

What if they had 20? Well, 10 steps backward, it is.

This fun concept of the third trial lasted for three days. If a candidate failed to escape from the maze within that period, they would be disqualified from this year's Awakening Phase.

For the record, turning around when a candidate chooses the path with a dead end would consume one action point.

This trial was the easiest since it also had a loophole.

In Sorath's case, he would always take a big step forward while a small one if he had to move backward. However, since Sorath answered all the questions flawlessly, he didn't need to do that.

Moreover, he started to answer the questions when the countdown was only a day left. Even with that handicap, Sorath escaped the maze within six hours. Meanwhile, it took one to two days for the average candidate.

Hell, for the candidates who failed. Maybe they should learn and read books more for the next Awakening Phase.

With that, the third trial ended within three days.

[You have finished the third trial!]

[Report! 517 candidates have completed their first trial.]

[Report! 42 candidates have failed the trial.]


Next was the fourth trial!

It was another simple yet frustrating concept, which was a roleplay. Depending on the role a candidate would receive, it could be an easy swoop or challenging that might lead to their failure.

Many found that being a hunter or a forager was easier, as it mainly involved hunting monsters and gathering herbs to complete their trials.

Sorath, however, found that boring and unchallenging. In his opinion, a role involving scheming was the most fascinating. 

But he did admit that, if he could, he would rather be a hunter or a forager for a guarantee of success.

Unfortunately, he became neither a hunter who lived his life by hunting and selling monster parts nor a minister who had to deal with plots and problems lurking in the city, but a gambler.

"Well, it's gonna be fun."

As soon as he received his role, Sorath checked the objectives for the trial as a gambler.

[You are a gambler who's seen your fair share of ups and downs. Born into a struggling family in the heart of the city, you learned early on that life could be a high-stakes game. With limited opportunities, you turned to the world of gambling as a way to escape your circumstances. 

Over the years, you honed your skills at various games. However, that wasn't enough. You've faced more than your share of crushing losses, leaving you teetering on the edge of poverty.]

[Trial Objective: Go to the gambling den and win a total of 10,000 gold. Current winning gold 0/10,000]

Sorath chuckled when he read the objective.

"Only 10000 golds? Isn't that too easy?"

Sorath was confident he could collect that much gold in a day. So he decided to take it slow for the first three days as he waited for the 4-day countdown of the next trial and the availability of this floor as a hangout place to end.


Three days later...

Sorath, the gambler, arrived in front of the gambling den that screamed prosperity and wealth. 

Coincidentally, the grandiose casino, "The Silver Chalice," hosted a high-stakes gambling event today, drawing nobles, merchants, and rogues alike. 

The gambler, dressed in a foreign, ragged fashion, stepped into the building and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Sorath didn't falter under the scrutinizing eyes of elite people. He was instead displaying a full expression of confidence.

Without wasting time, he began his first gambling game after idling for the last three days.

Sorath started at the poker table, reading opponents like a seasoned detective, skillfully bluffing and calculating odds.

With a royal flush, he cleaned up at poker, leaving stunned faces behind his shadow. Next, Sorath glided over to the roulette wheel, predicting the ball with incredible precision. Cheers erupted as the wheel landed on his chosen number twice.

Moving to the blackjack table, Sorath outsmarted the dealer. The chips piled up, forming a mountain of wealth.

As the night progressed, word spread of the foreign gambler and a hushed reverence settled over the casino. Sorath's winnings grew to a staggering sum, enough to rival the elites in the city.

With the first light of dawn on the horizon, Sorath discreetly cashed in his chips, leaving the casino with an air of quiet satisfaction.

And as the city woke to a new day, Sorath vanished.

Thus, it concluded his smooth journey for the third and the fourth trial. If the Tower was so kind as to create a leaderboard, Sorath would no doubt be the person who scored the highest place.

[You have finished the fourth trial!]

[Report! 113 candidates have completed their fourth trial.]

[Report! 10 candidates have failed the trial.]

[Report! 394 candidates are currently participating in the fourth trial.]