
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-600+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-950+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - 1189+ Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/ For more translations from 1-1671+, join the discord server: https://discord.gg/qzaJ6ztt4a

Bagel_Seeds · Eastern
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756 Chs

Chapter 1553: Well, Which Side? (Part 3)

"In the end, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance made a move."

Jonglihyung carefully gauged Beopjeong. With no expression on his face, and even his eyes closed, it wasn't easy to read his emotions.

"What on earth are they thinking?"

Peng Yeop muttered with a stern face.

It wasn't only the Ten Great Sects that were exposed to Jang Ilso's blade aimed at Gangbuk. No, one could argue that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's situation was even more precarious.

Unlike the Ten Great Sects that were gathered around the vague and intangible focal point of Hubei, the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had a clear entity called Hwaeum.

They didn't know when Jang Ilso might clash with Hwaeum. In such a situation, scattering the forces from the headquarters?

This was an act that not even a fool would do.

"How much of the forces were sent to Gangbuk? Could it be just for show?"

"The Beggar's Union hasn't sent precise information yet, but... it seems like at least two-tenths of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's forces have been urgently dispatched to Gangbuk."

"Beggar's Union..."

Peng Yeop gritted his teeth.

Rather than the fact that they have moved, the part about not sending information bothered him more.

Recently, Beggar's Union had been openly discriminating between the Ten Great Sects and the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

Especially since the inauguration of the new Sect Leader.

Though it was frustrating, there was no immediate solution. If there was no response from the Beggar's Union, and considering the current situation where they can't leave Hubei, it was as if they were deaf and blind.

"Is this information about 'at least' certain?"

"Yes, it seems to be the case."

It's not even certain about 'at least,' but at least 'minimum.'

In a war, just one-tenth of troops could potentially turn the tide.

Yet, they were wasting this valuable force just to deal with the thugs of the Evil Sect.

Peng Yeop shook his head in disbelief. Jonglihyung spoke.

"It's not just once or twice that we've seen the Heavenly Comrade Alliance do something like this."

"This time is not something that can be easily dismissed as their usual behavior."

Peng Yeop replied coldly.

"Indeed, it's a fact that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has done eccentric things several times so far. However, most of them were events that would end with the destruction of one or two martial arts sects at most. No, if you think about it, it didn't even reach that level."

"...What does that mean?"

"The actions of those who moved were so flashy that they were somewhat exaggerated. However, most of what the Heavenly Comrade Alliance has done so far has not caused significant damage even if it was resolved incorrectly. Take the case of Southern Island for example."

Listening to the explanation, Jonglihyung and Beopjeong nodded simultaneously.

Indeed, when you listened carefully, it wasn't an incorrect statement. Even if there were significant issues on the way to Southern Island, from the perspective of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, it was a problem that would end with the death of around ten people at most. It was just that they drew attention due to their fame.

"But this time is different. This is a choice that could lead to the destruction of the Heavenly Comrade Alliance if not careful. Why would they do such a thing..."

Peng Yeop shook his head as if he couldn't understand.

At that moment, Beopjeong, who had been silent, opened his eyes and spoke.

"Building a waterway is a difficult task."

"Sect Leader."

"But even more difficult than that... is blocking a waterway that has already been opened."

The gaze of those gathered sank.

There was no one here who did not understand the meaning of those words.

"Given the current situation, there will be no way to avoid the consequences. Even if they admit the wrong path, there is no way to turn back now. Even if it's Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword."


Peng Yeop let out a slight groan.

It was a case of reaping what you sow. It would have been amusing to mock the Heavenly Comrade Alliance, which had been boasting so much, for falling into their own trap. However, the problem was that the aftermath was not necessarily limited to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.

If the Heavenly Comrade Alliance started making a fuss, wouldn't it the Ten Great Sects that would have to bear the burden?

"But... I thought they would at least agonize a bit."

Beopjeong muttered quietly. Peng Yeop didn't miss the faint, bitter smile on his lips.

"It's expected to stumble in the actions one has taken on oneself, but... it seems the response was unexpectedly swift."

"How do you perceive it, Peng Gaju?"

"It could be either one of two options. Either this person named Chung Myung was duller than we expected, or... he may no longer be able to control the Heavenly Comrade Alliance as he pleases."

For a moment, everyone fell into serious contemplation.

Was Chung Myung really duller than expected?

That was impossible.

Those present here didn't lack confidence in themselves, but they weren't needlessly arrogant either. At least when it comes to using their brains, they acknowledged that Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword surpassed them.

Jonglihyung replied.

"The latter then, I suppose."


"But is that possible? Considering what he has done so far, it's only natural that his influence would increase even more."

Even if Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword were to expel Hyun Jong and install himself as the sect leader, those who were ignorant or merely passing by might scoff, but those who understood the situation would nod in agreement.

"The affairs of the world don't always flow according to logic."

Beopjeong said with a touch of bitterness.

"Let's keep this discussion at this level. It's embarrassing to have such a conversation while spitting on my face."


Jonglihyung coughed awkwardly with an uncomfortable expression.

Beopjeong's words were correct. If the renowned Shaolin sect leader lost control of his sect and his disciples left Song Mountain at will, what was so signification about the young Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword control not working as well as expected?

After glancing briefly at the map showing the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's advancing route, Beopjeong opened his mouth again.

"So... how is the movement of the Evil Tyrant Alliance?"

"There isn't any significant movement yet. Although the Zhang Jia Jie continues to be active, it's not as loud as expected."

Jonglihyung was about to say, 'In fact, the Evil Tyrant Alliance might not be planning to move much,' but before he could speak, Beopjeong decisively stated.

"They will move."


However, before the question could be voiced, Beopjeong spoke firmly.

"There was a reaction, so they will move."

Beopjeong's gaze on the map was dark.

No matter how much you thought about it, the movement seen in the Evil Tyrant Alliance couldn't produce any effective moves. If there was any significance to it...

'They moved the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.'

So, the Evil Tyrant Alliance would inevitably move soon. Since the Heavenly Comrade Alliance had moved, there would definitely be a gap, and the one who pierces gaps more accurately than anyone else was Jang Ilso.

Of course, even Jang Ilso couldn't have expected that the Heavenly Comrade Alliance would move in such a naive way.

"Please inform Beggar's Union. Tell them not to take their eyes off Zhang Jia Jie for a moment from now on."

"I will convey that, but will Beggar's Union move as we wish?"

"Just convey the message. It's not like those in Beggar's Union are thoughtless, and in this situation, they won't completely ignore the Ten Great Sects. It's a matter of life and death for them."

"...Understood, Bangjang."

Jonglihyung let out a deep sigh.

Even though the Beggar's Union, which had been swelling like a bubble, had somehow come to convey such an obvious message, why did it feel like they were being watched? [idk]

"Is there still no news from the Zhuge Family?"

"They said they will join us as they finish cleaning up the surroundings. Coincidentally, thanks to the Heavenly Comrade Alliance's move, organization has become easier, so it seems they will join faster than expected."

"That's fortunate."

Beopjeong responded briefly and stared at the map with a firm gaze.


He would move. He would absolutely move.

So, Beopjeong wouldn't take a single step from this place. The principle that moving creates a gap applied not only to him but also to Jang Ilso. Beopjeong aimed to exploit that gap.


The heavy chant spread throughout the room.

It was a decisive strike. A blow delivered after enduring and enduring.

'Everything will be restored to its original place.'

The rightful, natural place where everything should have been in.

* * *

"The Heavenly Comrade Alliance has moved."

Ho Gakmyung's eyes glowed coldly.

"As expected."


Jang Ilso glanced briefly at Ho Gakmyung and lightly furrowed his brow.

"But why is your expression like that? Like someone who has a thief in their house?"

"They're moving too predictably."

A deep sigh escaped from Jang Ilso's lips.

"Haa. It seems I've spoiled you too much. I'll give you a vacation as soon as this war ends. Go somewhere nice with good air and water."

"...Thank you for your concern, but my head is perfectly fine."

'Apparently not,' thought Ho Gakmyung, looking at Jang Ilso tilting his head. 

"It goes without saying that fools like the Ten Great Sects move predictably, but the Heavenly Comrade Alliance is different. Even if we leave out Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword, the Nokrim King Im Sobyeong is by no means an easy opponent, right?" 


"He must know what we're aiming for. But to move in such an obvious direction..." 

"Are you trying to say he hid other moves?" 

Ho Gakmyung nodded heavily. 

Never underestimate the opponent. No, he couldn't. He had already confirmed that the opponent's ability was higher than his own.

So, he had to be careful in everything. 

"Yes. That's my thought." 

"Gakmyung-ah, Gakmyung-ah." 

Jang Ilso exaggeratedly shook his head. Ho Gakmyung's eyes narrowed slightly. 

"Is Ryeonju-nim's opinion different?" 

"How could it be different? It's obvious. Are those the kind of guys who move straightforwardly?" 


Then the question was not why their opinions were different but why their reactions were different.

Jang Ilso gave a strange smile. 

"It's meaningless." 


"Whether they hid another move or not is not important. The important thing is not what the move was, but the fact that they've made a move."

Even the renown strategist Ho Gakmyung found this statement hard to comprehend.

"So, does Ryeonju-nim see at the current situation in a positive light?"

"Well, which side do you think?"

Jang Ilso chuckled softly.

"There's no need to distinguish between the good and bad. The crucial point is that they made a choice."

"Perhaps that choice could be right..."

"Tsk tsk. Gakmyung, why are you so frustrating? Whether that choice is right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that they made a choice. Don't you understand?"

He didn't understand. Ho Gakmyung sighed.

But there was no need to blame Jang Ilso. Perhaps, at this moment, Jang Ilso was explaining as kindly as possible.

It's just that the listener didn't understand. 

"Our only job is to make their choice tightens their noose. And that... is just a simple task that doesn't require grand efforts." 

Jang Ilso's red lips drew a smile. Ho Gakmyung stared at his face silently. 

When did this person start picturing this situation, and how long had he been waiting for it? 

"There is no need to look at me with those eyes."

Jang Ilso smiled. 

"I'm not anything special. If you judge by ability alone, Mount Hua's Chivalrous Sword and Shaolin's Bangjang are probably no worse than me. No, their abilities are much greater in some respects." 

"You're too modest." 

Everyone would think that. However, Jang Ilso, shaking his head heavily, said, 

"I just know one thing they don't know." 

"...May I ask what that is?" 

Jang Ilso's gaze slowly turned outside the tent. 

"It doesn't matter whether it's a back alley collusion or a massive war that will burn down the entire world. The decisions for all of that are ultimately made by...humans." 

Jang Ilso's face was suddenly icy. 

As if loathing, admiring, or perhaps... fearing. 

"Now I suppose I'll have to let them know." 

Jang Ilso smiled, cleanly erasing the momentary emotion that had surfaced.

"This is enough for now. Start it. It was sooner than I thought, but what can one do? Don't rush like that. Tsk tsk." 

"Yes. I will give instructions right away." 

Ho Gakmyung turned and left. 

Jang Ilso, who was looking down at his long fingernails with a languid face, raised the corners of his mouth. 

'Still, I thought you'd show a little bit.'

There was no need to judge right or wrong in choices. 

But it was clear that this was not an interesting choice. 

"You're a kid with no social skills." 

Jang Ilso's two eyes, curved with laughter, gleamed. 

"If you don't show, I'll pull you out forcibly. Then we will definitely understand each other better." 

Like a child who started an interesting game, a bright and clear smile spread on his face for a long time.

You know, I'm curious why HCA & Ten Great Sects didn't pincer attack Jang Ilso together...they had a month, right? Beopjeong would've said yes because that would've been an obvious win...or is it because the Su Lo Chae & some of the other Evil Tyrant Alliance forces are still on the Yangtze/in Gangnam?

Bagel_Seedscreators' thoughts