
Return of the Mount Hua Sect Ch. 889+

Continuation of "Return of Mount Hua Sect" web novel. Fixed some of the earlier chapters. If you notice a chapter that's really rough or needs updates, contact my discord (see last chapter). Where to read earlier chapters: 1-700+ Official Translation by Sky Demon Order (god-tier translation): https://skydemonorder.com/projects/3801994495-return-of-the-mount-hua-sect 83-1120+ Fan translation by a blogger (it’s very good): https://mylasted.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-13th-generation-disciple-of-great.html?m=1 950 - ongoing Fan translation by another...blogger? (it's also very good, better than this): https://maehwasup.wordpress.com/

Bagel_Seeds · Eastern
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756 Chs

Chapter 1388: Thinking Lightly Of People (Part 3)


Jo Gol, his eyes filled with bloodshot veins, tried to say something, but before he could, someone grabbed his shoulder so forcefully it felt like it might break.

Turning around, he saw Yoon Jong, with a stern face, tilting his head. Seeing that expression, Jo Gol bit his lips tightly.

This was neither a request nor a negotiable opinion. It was an order given to them in the name of the Deputy Sect Leader. Ever since 'excommunication' was mentioned in the first place, there was no room for compromise. Jo Gol knew it. He knew.


"Is this really necessary?"

Unable to hold back, the words came out. Baek Cheon nodded firmly once again.

"Do not confuse what you want to do with what needs to be done. It is clear what we must do now."

Jo Gol's gaze darkened.

"Then, even if it's me..."

"I would have said it."

Baek Cheon didn't bother listening any further. His face was stern.

"There is no dissent. If you are a disciple of Mount Hua, follow my orders. If you truly want to go, leave the plum blossom carved on your chest."

Jo Gol clenched his fist in anger at the icy voice.


"I will accept the order of the Deputy Sect Leader."

But before Jo Gol could resist further, Yoon Jong spoke.

"Jo Gol, step forward and clear the way."



Jo Gol alternately glanced at Yoon Jong and Baek Cheon. Then, without a word, he turned and moved forward. Yoo Iseol and Tang Soso, who had been silently watching them, followed him.

"Move aside! You bastards!"

Shouting with resentment, Jo Gol swiftly subdued those blocking the way, and the group that had momentarily hesitated began to move forward at a rapid pace.

With a kick on the ground, Baek Cheon turned to look at Yoon Jong.

"Help Jo Gol."


"...Thank you for calming him down."

"No need for such words. Following the orders of the Deputy Sect Leader is only natural."


"Besides, I don't think Sasuk's decision was wrong. The moment of our intentions conflict, everyone will perish. Even if it's the wrong direction, won't we be able to open up even the most precarious path if we stick together until the end?"

Baek Cheon nodded. Yoon Jong accurately grasped the basis of his judgment.

And, more than anything, Chun Myung would not want them to go rescue him.

Putting everything aside and rushing to see the despairing face of that brat was something Baek Cheon didn't want to do.


At that moment, Yoon Jong's voice came a bit late. Baek Cheon turned to look at Yoon Jong.

"I try to follow the Way with my heart, but my body is just human, so it's tough. I understand that now."


"Even if Sasuk's decision is right, if, by any chance, Chung Myung dies while we step on Gangbuk unharmed, I will never forgive Sasuk for the rest of my life."


"Even if that's wrong."

It was a statement bordering on a curse. However, Baek Cheon's expression remained unchanged. As he ran ahead, Yoon Jong left behind words that could be heard as admiration or mockery.

"So, you've become a Deputy Sect Leader, Sasuk."

Left alone, Baek Cheon closed his eyes for a moment. His eyelashes trembled faintly. But when he opened his eyes again, there was not even a hint of hesitation in his expression.

"You two, take charge of the left and right."

In response to his calm order, Hye Yeon and Namgung Dowi sent him looks that were hard to accept. However, after a moment, they sighed and nodded, splitting to the left and right.

Now, only Baek Cheon and one other person remained.

"Good decision."


"I was worried that the Deputy Sect Leader might make a reckless decision, but it seems my concerns were unnecessary."

"Nokrim King..."

"Yes, I'll observe the situation from the rear. Well then."

Im Sobyeong stepped back, muttering as if it could be heard or not.

"But still, I thought Deputy Sect Leader might make a different decision."

Baek Cheon didn't respond. He was just trying to suppress the overwhelming anger that seemed to burst out at any moment. He took a deep breath, so deep that it wouldn't be visible to others. He clenched his teeth.

'Damn bastard...'

Blood seeped from the tightly clenched fist that seemed about to burst. His nails were digging into the flesh of his palm.

But Baek Cheon hid that hand inside his sleeve. From his expression alone, no one would know what he was feeling right now.

"Hurry up. Let's go to Yangtze at once! Faster!"

* * *

Chung Myung raised his head slightly to scan the enemies coming from all directions.

"Hmm. Looks like there's no need to press."

Judging by the situation of the enemies rushing in, it seemed they didn't consider the other side at all. It meant there was nothing to worry about.

Although he had secretly worried that Baek Cheon might not overcome his emotions and make a suicidal decision, fortunately, it didn't seem like he was that much of a fool.

After all, if he was someone who would make such a choice, Chung Myung wouldn't have let him become the Deputy Sect Leader. All of Chung Myung's actions were based on his perfect trust in Baek Cheon.

Even without saying it in words, he was confident that he would never make a foolish choice.

Chung Myung smiled faintly.

'How long has it been?'

Even without explaining it one by one, someone would know his intentions and act according to his actions. It was not the person's brilliance but a belief in the person itself.

The face of one person came to his mind.

The face of the one who always harassed and scolded him but always believed in him.

"Ah, what a ridiculous thought. No way."

Chung Myung chuckled and raised his sword. Although he was pretending, in fact, the situation was not one where he could afford to be complacent. The fact that Baek Cheon made the right choice ultimately meant that the obstacles for the numerous Myriad Man Manor guys targeting only him had disappeared.

No matter how much he was Chung Myung, it wouldn't be easy to overcome this situation.

"Well, still..."


After knocking down the enemy from Myriad Man Manor with one blow, he swiftly cut off the neck. Hot blood spurted from the severed carotid artery. At the same time, Chung Myung, who was sent flying, consecutively deflected the opponent's flying sword targeting his throat.

"Just because it's not easy doesn't mean it can't be done!"

If he had to die surrounded, if he had to yield because the enemy was aiming only for him, he would have died twenty times over in his past life.


Above his head, enemies dressed in red military uniforms rained down like a shower.

"Plum Blossom Sword Demon, don't miss him!"

"Plum Blossom Sword Demon?"


Chung Myung, who tightly gripped the sword handle until it broke, swung the sword towards the sky. In an instant, he knocked away the falling tips one after another, revealing their upper bodies clearly.

"If you're going to call me something, call me a sword master, you idiots. How can you give such a mean name to an elderly person? Die!"

Chung Myung, who spat out the blood that had risen in his mouth, turned back slightly.

'Not yet.'

A little more. Just a little longer.

His goal was not to escape from here or run away.

If he ran away too quickly, the enemy's forces would be divided. In that case, the ones left behind would likely choose to pursue the main force rather than chasing after him.

To prevent that, he needed to draw as many enemies as possible deeper into the enemy lines. To make sure they never took their eyes off him.

Then, during that time, Mount Hua and Southern Island could cross the river. Across the river, there were various sects, including Shaolin, making it difficult to chase them in a tangled and complex situation.


It was somewhat amusing.

Giving up on the side he wanted to save for the sake of others. It was a choice imposed on him by Cheon Mun for the sake of many in the past. And Chung Myung never forgave Cheon Mun until the moment of his death.

He still admired and cherished him but never managed to unravel that resentment until the end. Perhaps Cheon Mun regretted that fact until the moment of his death.

But now, it was none other than Chung Myung who was forcing that cursed decision on Baek Cheon. Similar to what Cheon Mun had done to him in the past.

'If I meet Sahyung in the afterlife, I guess I should apologize.'

If they ever met again, he was ready to start complaining. If he had known it would come to this, he would at least have said he understood when slicing the neck of that Heavenly Demon bastard. At least make that statement.

Would Baek Cheon resent him? Just like he had resented Cheon Mun in the past?

It could be possible.

But he had to endure. And he could endure. Because he was more than enough to become the Deputy Sect Leader of Mount Hua. He would have to make countless such choices in the future.

Just like the great Cheon Mun.

"Now, what's left is..."

Chung Myung watched the enemies flooding like a tide.

"Chase him! He's alone! Don't give him a moment to rest!"

"...Thinking lightly of people."

What a great thing it was to be alone.

Although Tang Bo was no longer guarding his back, Chung Myung had become stronger than his past self.

Even though Cheon Mun, who had tried to protect him, was no longer there, he had become someone who could protect others.

The past him was someone who could never become an adult, but now he understood what was most important.

"So there's no need for sentimentality!"

Chung Myung drew a plum blossom with the tip of his sword and tore the charging people to pieces in one go, then rushed through the bushes like a darting snake.



The black venom scattered in front of him.

Holding his breath for a moment, Chung Myung lowered his body even more and passed through the poisonous powder.

Chains of sickles flew menacingly from all directions after the black smoke, but Chung Myung cut through all of them with a single stroke.

For a moment, it felt like the sensation of the past was imbued in his body. It seemed like he could do anything and pierce through anything. So, at least this much...!

"There you are, you stupid bastard! Who told you to fight alone?"

Chung Myung, who opened his eyes wide, turned his head.

But there was nothing where he turned his head.

Jo Gol, who was running towards him with anger, Baek Cheon, who looked at him as if he would kill him, Yoo Iseol with an expressionless face, and the crying Tang Soso... None of them were there.

Chung Myung chuckled.


Chung Myung, who pounded the ground, shot forward rapidly.

The leaves hanging alone at the end of the branch swayed in the sluggish wind. Even when the wind subsided and the world returned to silence, the solitary leaves continued to sway and sway.