

What would you do if you met a person who’s identical to you in every detail? Johan Reed is a homeless, a wanderer, and a spiteful cynic with a big heart. Stripped of everything he once held dear, the young man have no hopes for the future, but he never gave up. As fate would have it, Johan’s life take a wild turn when he bumps into Erick Vaughn. A rich young man who looks just like him. The two of them know nothing about each other, and yet, Erick still says the words that will change Johan’s life forever. “Do you want to switch places with me?” What Johan doesn’t know, however, is that this offer is nothing but a ticket to a hell he could never even begin to conceive. A world of money, power, influence, and fists. But will Johan be able to survive this world? Or will he return turned into someone, or something else...? Read it and find out... Obs: The first chapters act like as the foundation of the whole drama, which means that it'll feel like a slow burn at first, but it's just the gears shifting until we get into the real deal! Chapters updated twice a day.

MrBoness · Urban
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129 Chs

Ch57. Curiosity

When Lauritz was out of the Purgatory again, he was approached by Allen in the guards' cafeteria, and the man looked seriously troubled.

"What's going on, Allen?" Lauritz frowned.

"There's a message for you, from the outside."

However, Allen looked more concerned than it seemed possible for just a regular message.

"Did anything happen at my home?"

Allen shook his head.

"I don't know what you're hiding, kid." Allen sighed, stepping towards Lauritz and crouching to get to his eye level. "But whatever it may be, I don't think warden Ridge would like to know that one of his men is carrying business outside Hollowood."

Lauritz squinted his eyes, raising his head and staring at Allen with a complicated expression, that soon turned into a mischievous smile.