
Return of the lord

This is a world with the core of magical energy During the Mythology period. Due to species racism, the great war began between all species even god too There was a powerful demon who killed even gods and holy species like spirits, and angels and took up the people feared to overcome his enemies.. and created a Realm All species feard of him and called him a Demon Lord Powerful Species Envied him and made a deal with his most loyal 4 knights are guta, Alcord, Tharaa, and Sindhura. They gave that knight to knock the lord holy dangerous poison called Visham. They mixed it with the food which was going to eat the demon lord. holy Visham has an ability that No One Can find out it. It's a holy gift that was given to the gods by the creator of all universes Vishnu. So Even The Demon Lord Didn't find out and he ate the food after (few seconds) suddenly he collapsed blood came from his mouth nonstop. Within his 5 hearts, 4 of them stopped but his black heart is still beating Little by little. And then 4 Swords ripped his body. He kneeled and turned around there are 4 members' feet he saw and heard loud laughs. He lifted his head and his knights are talking about how much we can divide from this kingdom and he said that he will return and kill all gods, the demons who envied planned betrayed him and it was his last breath. By The Way... His Name Was "Ravana" The War Ended Because of the death of the most powerful demon. The gods and humans who worship them won and Now all Species are under the control of gods the gods became holy and most powerful Species all over the universe. And They divided the worlds into 4 Realms1). Swargam ("this realm is above the 3 lands in the sky and it's being with golden palaces, holy things, powerful weapons and a great and holy in all over the lands "Amrutham" its liquid type which will give immortality by drinking it) That's where holy god's lives all-powerful holy gods drank"Amrutham" and became Immortals. 2). Akhiram (It's the realm below Swargam and above Earth. It's the land where all Angel, Spirits, and the soldiers of god's) Angel's work under the orders of god's there work is to entertain god's. Spirits and low Angel gives power and guidance to humans to entertain gods and to prepare human's fight among themselves and with other species to entertain gods and angels. 3). Earth (It's the realm where humans and lowly animals live) after the war some humans got powers of spirit with blessings. Slowly humans grew their system it's been called technology. 4). Narakam (it's the realm where demons and evil creatures live) after the death of demon lord Ravana the 4 knights spread fake news that demon king Ravana is dead with a disease. Due to dealing with god, the knights got "Amrutham" and became Immortals The demon's believed it and worshipped that 4 knights are gods to them and divided it into 4 land each land are ruling by each knight as demon kings. After the war 5,000 years….. Later...

Shivkun7 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

2. First Day at Academy

<p>To get revenge I need to regain the powers and skills of my past life. but I am just a kid now I need a grown body that can maintain the stability of magic. until my youth, I just need to wait and learn the things that are changed in the past 5,000 years. <br/><br/>10 Years passed (Ravan completed middle school)<br/><br/>wake up Ravan you have an entrance test today.. pulls. Ravan.. scroll down and fall on the ground. <br/>aaa opens eyes slowly... geez you're so lazy ravan if you are going to be like this you can't get into the " magical Academy of demons ". <br/>ok ok mom, please leave I will go don't worry <br/>brushes. and sees himself in the mirror it's been 15 years been the reincarnation I need to develop my strength and kill those motherfuckers to get stronger I need to know this World more for that I am going to I will get into that magical academy. mom: are you ready now? Ravan: yes I am going, mom good luck with your test ok <br/>Ravan(walking on the road.) a thief, robbed an old woman and runs away in front of Ravan ( old woman: Please... someone catch him ) Ravan hears and uses a magical chant that can levitate a person.. thief is suddenly shocked by floating in the air (levitation chants is only for masters normal people can't use it)<br/>the people there catched that thief and looked all the way like who used that chant they saw ravan and ignored him because a teenager can't be mastered that skill ravan realised that he's getting late to the test runs fastly into the gate of the academy<br/>ravan made it in time but he saw a beautiful girl behind the closed gate used a small chant to open the gate without knowing anyone the girl came in and looked all the way that who helped her then she saw a old man at the gate and thanked him for allowing her ravan felt bad for not recognising him and gone to the hall way where all students who came for test waiting over..<br/><br/>As Ravan entered the hallway filled with aspiring students, he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for not recognizing the old man who helped him. Determined to make amends, he scanned the room for any sign of the man, but he was nowhere to be found.<br/><br/>Taking a deep breath, Ravan focused his attention on the task at hand. He needed to pass this entrance test to gain admission to the Magical Academy of Demons, where he hoped to unlock the secrets of his past life's powers and skills.<br/><br/>The test began, challenging the students with various magical tasks and questions. Ravan's mind raced as he tackled each task with determination and focus. Despite his nerves, he managed to impress the examiners with his knowledge and quick thinking.<br/><br/>As the test came to an end, Ravan couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. However, his thoughts kept drifting back to the old man who had helped him earlier. Determined to find him and express his gratitude, Ravan made a mental note to search for him after the test.<br/><br/>As the students filed out of the examination hall, Ravan spotted the old man standing by the entrance. Without hesitation, he approached him and bowed respectfully.<br/><br/>"Thank you for your kindness earlier," Ravan said sincerely. "I am truly grateful for your assistance."<br/><br/>The old man smiled warmly and placed a hand on Ravan's shoulder. "You have a good heart, young one. Remember, true strength comes not just from magic, but from kindness and compassion as well."<br/><br/>Ravan nodded, taking the old man's words to heart. With a newfound sense of purpose, he walked away, ready to embark on his journey at the Magical Academy of Demons, where he would not only hone his magical abilities but also strive to become a better person.</p>