
Return of the Legendary Goalkeeper Helder Xerxes

Goal is the festival of football, the striker creates happiness, the goalkeeper is the defeatist, the game breaker. Eduardo Galeano It was a few seconds before Heldar Xerxes died. All he had in mind was football ... He was born with football, lived with football, and died with football. However, when he opened his eyes again, he encountered something unexpected ...

Gomatsu_Gomatsu · Sports
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52 Chs

Chapter 34: Lee Long, New Owner Of Brest Club, And The Future Of The Team! 12 Players Were Out Of The Squad!

Lee Long spoke sentences that surprised the whole world at his meeting with journalists.

The following sentences were crossing the minds of many world-famous club presidents who watched this meeting.

"He lives in the realm of dreams."

"Does he think the football industry is easy?"

"Welcome to Hell."

Nobody was giving him a chance.

Not just other club presidents, even many football fans found Lee Long's purchase of the Brest club absurd and stupid.

But who knew what would happen in the future and that everyone would be even more surprised?


It had only been a day since Lee Long bought the club.

And the first job he did was fire all of the club employees.

He also immediately paid the compensation of all the personnel who were fired.

The Brest club had many years of staff, but for Lee Long, that didn't matter much.

The team he dreamed of had to be re-created!

Everyone, from his manager to his cleaner, would change.

But except for one person.

When Lee Long read the reports about the club, he noticed that the club's secretary Abella was doing great.

"Oh, so there is someone of unknown value in this club." he thought.

He allowed him to continue as the club's secretary.

Currently, the club facilities included Lee Long, Lee Long's assistant Ricardo, bodyguards, Abella, and Helder, the only A-team footballer living inside the facilities.

Actually, this was chaos.

There wasn't even a new manager.

What was his purpose really?

Why did he do so many unexpected things in 1 day.

"Sir, are you ready to meet the team?" said Ricardo, Lee Long's assistant.

"Of course I'm ready." Lee Long said.

It was noontime.

The two of them left the room together.

Ricardo looked stressed out.

"Why do you look so stressed, Ricardo? Soon we will meet everyone on the team. You have to look confident. " Lee Long said, smiling.

"Sir, can you really do it? The dream you mentioned is unfortunately impossible to do ... "

Lee Long kept smiling.

And yes it was a tracksuit!

"You can't live without dreams, my friend Ricardo." Lee Long said.

Lee Long paused as he walked down the aisle.

"I think this must be the room where he is staying." he thought.

It was 15 minutes before he met the team.

"Other players may have already arrived at the facilities, but someone living inside the facilities should still be in their room." he continued to think.

He knocked on the door.

And bingo!

Door opened.

It was Helder who opened the door.

Helder was confused.

But he would be even more surprised after what he would hear in a moment.

"So the captain of our team is still in his room…" Lee Long said with a grin.

"What team captain? I guess you're confusing me with someone else. " Helder said.

"Hahahahahah…" Lee Long laughed.

"How long has it been since we laughed so much, Ricardo?"

"That's a long time, sir." said Ricardo.

"You will understand everything in 15 minutes, Captain Helder." Lee Long said.

"Understanding everything? Is it the captain? This man must be as crazy as they say. " Helder was thinking.

"Let's go, Ricardo, I'm so excited to meet the team." said.


15 minutes later…

The whole team was ready to wait.

Helder was sitting in the back row.

He could not understand what was happening.

Lee Long kept smiling.

"Wow… how is everybody looking at me…" thought Lee Long.

And he started talking to everyone ...

"As of today, contracts for all players over the age of 30 have been terminated. The agents of the football players were also contacted and they were all understood. "

There was a deep silence in the environment.

Zebina suddenly jumped to his feet.

"What do you mean? I don't know anything! "

"Take it easy, ex-captain. After this meeting, your agent will speak to you. " Lee Long said.

"And neither of you should worry. When the contract offered twice the termination price, no football player's agent objected. When the agents arrive, they will be signed and you will no longer be a player of the club. "

"It means twice as much money… I guess being rich should be like that…" Helder thought.

But Zebina still objected.

"Almost all of the football players over the age of 30 are squad players. What you do is no different from suicide. I can not accept this!"

"Yes, I know, ex-captain. We will terminate our contract with exactly 12 players. "

"You guys are crazy. I am 30 years old and my contract will be terminated too? " said midfielder Culma nervously.

"Yes, ex-assistant captain. Your contract will be terminated even if you are 30 years old. "

There was a lot of objection.

"I also want to say this to anyone who objects to it. What happened when you all played in all the matches so far? I can't even see 1 point at the end of the 5th week… Too bad. Your objection is in vain. " said.

What was Lee Long's purpose?

All players over the age of 30 were angry.

But Lee Long was sadly right.

"Sir, the agents of the dissolved players have arrived."

"Can you deal with Ricardo agents and footballers in my place? What I have to say here is not over yet. " said.

"As you wish, sir."

Ricardo rounded up all the players over the age of 30 and left the meeting room.

Some of them could not hold back tears.

"Transfer season is over. What are we really going to do? " one of them said.

"This is your problem and your agents. It does not concern us. " said Ricardo.

He was sure of himself.


"Hmm, when 12 people go, of course, I see a lot of decreases." Lee Long said.

"But don't worry, I'm sure our team captain Helder knows how to motivate you all." he said with a smile.

What, Helder?

"Where did a hired footballer be a captain? You guys are really crazy. " one of the defenders said.

"Life sometimes requires being crazy." Lee Long said.

Nobody could understand what was happening.

Was this young captain, both on loan and 16 years old?

"I hope this crazy guy doesn't give me any trouble…" Helder thought.

"That's all I have to say for now." Lee Long said.

He was about to leave the meeting room when he stopped for a moment.

"Oh I forgot." it was said.

He turned towards the team.

"The new manager of the team will come tomorrow. I hope you get along well with him. "

"Who will be the new manager of the team?" Abella said, watching quietly what had happened so far.

"You'll all see it tomorrow…" Lee Long said.

"Oh what an interesting day. What should I do to get more excited? " he was saying to himself.

And he left the room ...

Helder had become the new captain of the team in an unexpected situation.

Was this the decision of Lee Long or the new manager?

And who would be the new manager?

Helder was unaware of the fate that awaited him ...

I'm just as excited as Lee Long considering what Helder is going to experience in the future ^^ Helder is the captain of the team again! Let's see what time will show us? Who will be the new manager of the team? Thank you all for reading and commenting ^^

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