
Return Of The Fallen Knight

Fantasy, a world of fiction, a world for imagination to take hold and breathe new life. Stories of which many creatures we know today are based from, Such as Dragons, Elves, Dwarfs, Demons, Angels, Etc. However that’s all they were, nothing more than ‘Fiction’. Ray Wells, a 19 year old man who dropped out of college to help tend to his sickly mother, found himself tasked with all kinds of responsibilities. After his older sister ‘Nya Wells’ disappeared 3 Years ago, he found himself resenting her for abandoning their very sick mother. But after coming home one day to a package sent from the very same sister who disappeared, Secrets are unveiled, truths are hard to swallow, and a grim determination is brought to life. inside the package laid an old family photo stained in blood next to a letter addressed to Ray, His sister ventured off to another world, to find a cure for their mothers sickness only to meet her untimely demise in this unknown realm. And all that was left of her, was a letter explaining what had happened to her, A black armored uniform adorned with red accents in it, as well as the coordinates to get to the other world. Ray ends up vowing vengeance upon his sister’s murderers, and to obtain the cure to their mothers sickness. thus venturing off, to this very same realm of unknown possibilities.

kidislost · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Sins Of The Fallen

February 1st, 2019



As I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of a horn echoing out. I quickly awoke from my sleep, rubbing my eyes.


Looking around to find my barrings, I ended up realizing where I was. On a bus, on my way home from working late. Looking out the window of the public bus, I noticed a large group of people gathering to get on the bus.


As I exhaled, I stood up from my seat. Managed to squeeze my way through the crowded mash of people who couldn't find a seat, and somehow I managed to get off through the exit point of the bus.

"Ugh…finally off"

Turning back to the bus, I noticed how many people began to crowd and fill the bus. The bus driver seemed a bit agitated, trying his best to organize the row of people bumping and crashing into one another.

Pulling out my phone, I checked to see how far I was from my house.

"Huh, I'm only about two blocks away. That's good enough, needed to stretch my legs anyways after sitting for so long"

After a moment of stretching, I began my walk home. I made sure to call my mother ahead of time to see if she was okay.

Mother: ["Oh I'm fine sweetheart, don't worry too much now"]

Ray: ["Sigh, mom you know I don't have the luxury to not worry. Besides, if I don't who will?"]

Mother: ["My dear old friend Susan will, hehe"]

I paused for a moment but smiled. Hearing my mother in high spirits brings me nothing but satisfaction, she doesn't let her being sick hold herself back from having fun.

But, at the same time that worries me the most.

Mother: ["Oh, right! A package was delivered here not long ago"]

Ray: ["What? A package?"]

Mother: ["Yes, at first I was surprised too. But it says it was addressed to you!"]

Once more I paused for a moment, haunting my walk to process what I just heard. Taking a short breath I began to speak once more.

Ray: ["To me? Are you sure?"]

Mother: ["Chuckles, Yes! I may be old and feeling under the weather. But my eyesight is just fine son"]

Hearing her honest voice, I nodded. After brief exchanges over the phone, I hang up.

I began to walk again, thinking about what the package may hold. Was it something I ordered and forgot about? Maybe it's one of those sweepstake prizes that I entered a couple of months ago, all I could do was speculate.


After a while, I made it to the walkway leading up to the front porch of my home. And to my surprise, my mother stood there in the doorway waving her hands gleefully.

A smile broke out on my face, waving back. But at the same time, I felt a bit agitated and couldn't help but ask her aloud.

"Mom, did you forget about your health? Sigh, you're gonna end up hospitalized again at this rate.."

My voice carried a sense of dread and exhaustion. However, my mother only gave me an arm-wearing smile and opened her arms for a hug.

Both happily and reluctantly, I gave in and hugged her.

"Yes yes, I know. But I'm not getting any younger, and I wanna be able to greet my son who's been working hard every single day to provide for both of us.."

"…yeah I know, but I'm just worried is all.."

My mother chuckled, giving me a small kiss on the forehead. She smiled handing me the package she told me about over the phone.

"Here, I haven't opened it yet. I know better than to peep into my sons' private life"

She gave me a wink, nudging my arm in an attempt to fluster me.

"Mom, I'm pretty sure this isn't from a woman. You know I haven't been dating since high school"

"Chuckles, Mhm sure, but you never know. You might have a secret admirer at work"

Sighing, I merely gave my mom a drafted smile, giving in to her teasing. Maybe she was right, her intention about these types of things was spot on half of the time.

Deep down, I kinda got a little excited. I felt like I was in high school again, receiving a love letter for the first time.

"I'll be up in my room, let me know when you are about to start dinner, ill help!"

"No it's fine Mom I got-"

She gave me a quick and sharp glare, I stopped talking smiled at her, and nodded a bit nervously.

Her smile came back, as she hummed happily as she alkendup the stairs to her bedroom.

"Guess there's just something that won't go my at him?"

Looking down at the package, I couldn't help but feel intrigued to open it right away. Walking over to the kitchen counter, I managed to grab one of the knives from the drawers.

After cutting off some of the scotch taps, I opened the box. What was inside shocked me and left me both speechless and completely still.

What lay inside was a piece of paper, and underneath the paper, was a pitch black slim looking armor adorned with intricate red accents. And next to the both of them, was a photo, it had dry blood on it.

I stood there in the kitchen looking into the box frozen, for what seemed like hours. Until I finally regained my breath, the first thing I did was grab the letter.

Unfolding it, the first sentence I ended up reading was both a Date and Year, July 10th, 2017. The year my mom's daughter, my older sister, 'Nya Wells' abandoned us.

The letter itself was straightforward, there was no doubt in my mind that this was my sister's handwriting, her thoughts, her feelings. Apart from me wanting to rip the piece of paper to shreds…after three whole years, she suddenly sends me a letter…expecting me to 'forgive and forget'?

But, after reading the letter. As the words began to grow longer and longer, all the sentences she left off the word, I'm sorry.


July 10th, 2017.

Dear, Ray & Mom.

[Hi Ray, knowing you. I'm sure you'd be the first to find this letter, or rather I'd want you to be the first to find and read this letter. You might hate me, no rather I know you'll hate me, for leaving both you and Mom. But now my intentions were nothing but pure, I wanted to help Mom, I wanted to find a way to help her cure her sickness so badly, I prayed day and night for it.

Day after day, having to see mom's condition worse, having to see her out on a brave face for the both of us. You might not have seen it due to being occupied with school, but I sure did. One day I got desperate, and I ended up using the college fund money Dad left for me in his will after he died, to get favors for any medication that may help Mom and prolong the worsening symptoms of her heart disease.

In time I found one that temporarily helped her, the capsules she is taking now will only last for the next three years. And I knew after that time was up, so would her time. After knowing that, I had to do something more for her, I had to look for another way to help Mom.

That's where I found it, after digging around. I found a place that could help provide the cure for Mom's illness. I'm currently on my way there now, if I don't get back in time. Please know that I tried, for both Mom and you.]


August 13th, 2017

Dear, Ray.

[Hey Ray, this is my first note to you after a month in this strange place. You may not believe me, but this place- no rather this world I am in, is like those fantasy movies we used to watch with mom. I've met a good group of people while I'm here, and they're so nice to me.

I've told them my situation, and they've agreed to help me find the cure I'm after for Mom. I know with their help I can get things done a bit faster now, it is only a matter of time. So please, both of you wait for me]


January 6th, 2018

Dear, Ray.

[Hey little brother, it's been nearly an entire year since I wrote to you. And I'm sorry for that, these last couple of months have been pretty rough, me and my friends have been going through our fair share of struggles. And get this, I managed to fight an elf!

You know, these pointed-eyed human-like individuals in those fantasy stories and movies? Honestly, it was a tough fight, 'Magic' is a thing I'm still getting used to. As well as the existence of these abilities that are called 'skills'.

But I haven't forgotten my goal through all of this, I'm still looking for the cure to help Mom and her illness, so please keep an eye on her, help her, and make sure she's doing okay. For my sake, please. I know you must feel bitter towards me still, I understand that, but please believe me when I say, things will change.

I promise]


May 20th, 2018

Dear, Ray.

[Hey…Ray, sorry for the late note. I'm currently going through a bit of a dilemma right now. Two of the friends I had mentioned previously died in a raid we were on, me and the others aren't taking it too well.

We've decided to take a break and think of a way to move forward after burying the two that had died. I'm currently trying not to fold under the pressure, the others are keeping it together as well as best as they can.

I still haven't forgotten my promise, I'm gonna get that cure if it's the last thing I do, I swear]


The more I read, the more my feelings began to change. From anger to pity, from pity to worry, from worry to fear, until finally from fear….to sadness.

Every sentence, every moment, every emotion she had written on this lengthy piece of paper, documenting her journey to find a cure for our mother before the due date of the capsule meds she bought for her, ran out.

Became more and more painful to read as time seemed to slowly pass, my mind felt numb, my eyes were glued to the letter, and my body felt cold.

The setting sun that illuminated the kitchen I was standing in, slowly began to fall behind the ocean tide cascading the kitchen into darkness as night began to fall. Already bringing a more gloomy atmosphere to the kitchen.

As I read the letter once more, the last paragraph left me with a mix of feelings that I cannot express with just mere words…


December 25th, 2018.


[S… sorry…I'm…..so.. try…I tried…Ra..y….I tried to get the cure…my friends…..my..par..tner…we all tried…..they all died…for my goal….for mom….o…h..god….im sorry….sorry..m…om…tell mom…I…. I'm…sorry…]


As I looked at the bloody prints of dried blood in the last paragraph my sister wrote, it was clear as day that something happened to her.

Her friends, her partner, and she wish to help her mom. All of it, gone in her final moments….my heart felt cold, my eyes fixated on the paragraph. Reading it over and over again, till my eyes felt irritated for not blinking for so long.

As I turn my face a little to peer into the box once more. I grabbed the bloodied photo that was framed in a small black material I hadn't seen before.

It was a photo, of Me, Mom, Dad, and Nya. A bloody dry hand print was plastered over the photo, its shape small and firm, feminine to the point of the nails and palm. This handprint belonged to Nya, my now-dead sister.

…and what was left of her? A letter stained in her blood, a photo stained in her blood. Narrowing my eyes in the box again, I saw the black slim armor with red intricate accents on it again.

As I placed the letter back into the box, I closed it back up. I ended up placing the box in a small corner of the living room.


After a moment, I found myself sitting on the couch, lost in my thoughts over the vast amount of information, and story over my sister's disappearance. As I sat there, I looked over at the photos lying on the living room's small table.

A bitter sense of sadness began to well up inside me, and a tear nearly formed in my eye. This moment of silence and weakness was interrupted by my mother.


The sound of the light switch being turned up caught my attention.

"Ray? Why are you striking down here in the dark son?"

She asked me with a confused yet worried face and tone.

"I'm fine Mom, just thinking about something"

I said with a tired voice. Mom looked a bit worried, her eyes gazed over me like a wave, and then her eyes fixated on the small framed photo on the small table.

Almost immediately, I sprung from the couch and grabbed the photo. My mother's eyes widened at my sudden action and looked at me with curiosity and confusion.

"Son, what's on that photo?"

"Nothing, just….a group photo of me and my co-workers"

This was the first time, I ever lied to my mother. And to be honest, I didn't like it at all.

"Hm, well okay then. But did you have to move so quickly to cover it up?"

"Yes, it's a really bad photo…"

My mom narrowed her eyes a bit, but after a minute she shrugged her shoulders. Quickly giving up on the subject, and walked over to the kitchen.

"Well if that's all it is then, I'll leave it at that. Come help me make dinner though, it's getting late"

"Wha- Sigh, no Mom I'll cook just sit and relax please?"

I said with a pleading voice, despite her insistence to ant to help cook, she inevitably gave in and sat on the couch watching TV while cooking dinner.

Though, throughout the night I couldn't help but continuously think about Mom's health in a whole different light, now after reading that letter.


After finishing making dinner, I sat at the dining room table, only fiddling with my food. My stomach felt like it was in knots after what I now know as the truth.

My appetite was seemingly less and less appealing, only allowing my food to get cold. The one to break this sudden change in my mood was none other than my mother.

"Son, be honest with me. Something's bothering you, it's clear as day"

She spoke with a soft voice. At first, I wanted to say something, opening my mouth to speak, but the words just don't come out.

I sat on the chair a bit lost for words, twisting the fork in my hand a bit, thinking and thinking, until nothing. Just nothing, that was what was going on in my head.

Once again, my mother spoke to me this time in a more straightforward manner.

"Ray, please tell me what's wrong. I'm all ears, and if it's lady troubles I have a question preferable amount of advice"

She gave a wink at me with a playful smile. She somehow managed to get a chuckle out of me, I smiled and gave a slow yet understandable nod.

"Well, to be honest. It's about nya mom"

"Hm? What about your sister?"

She tilted her head a bit curious and intrigued. I gathered up the courage to try and tell her about the letter, but suddenly the dread I felt from reading the letter she wrote, especially in her final moments made my stomach churn again.

I didn't want to experience that same nauseous feeling again, but I also really didn't want Mom to know what had happened…at least not yet.

"..she's been gone for almost three years now. She's left us in a time of need, and I've always wondered this"


"…did you ever resent your daughter for leaving?…"

My voice came out shaky and a bit hesitant when speaking those words. Mom looked at me wide-eyed but quickly regained her composure, her face went through a whirlwind of emotions.

Her eyes seem to narrow, displaying a sort of deep thought-feeling. Her face churned, displaying a feeling of sadness, and then finally her face began to soften into a gentle smile, displaying a feeling of warmth and kindness.

"No, I've never once resented your older sister for leaving. Not even for a second, I knew she had her own choices, her own life, her own free will to do as she pleased"

She spoke with a gentle smile, turning her head over towards a large picture frame, mounted on the wall. The picture showed her and Anya hugging at her graduation ceremony.

"She had the freedom to choose, and I wasn't going to take that way from her"

"… What if something bad were to happen to her mom?..how would you feel?"

I spoke in a low tone. She took a minute to process my question, her face once more looking at the mounted picture on the wall, her face began to change into a sad expression.

"I'd feel nothing but regret and sorrow, knowing my child was in a situation that put her life in danger. And I as her mother, was powerless and too far away to have done nothing…"

She spoke in a sad and low voice. My heart ached to see her make that kind of face, despite Anya leaving, despite her being out of her life for so long. Mom never hated her child, she just couldn't bring herself to do such a thing.

"If I could do anything, anything at all to ensure both you and your sister were safe, and could live peaceful lives. I'd even go as far as to lay down my own life if that's what it would take"

She spoke, her words conveying nothing but the truth and a large amount of pride. Suddenly, as if by magic. The pain, the bitterness, the doubts. All of it, all that I had for my sister, just vanished.

Seeing and hearing my mom talk so highly of Nya despite everything that's happened, made my decision that much easier. I thought once more, looking down at my plate of food, my appetite slowly returning.

"Thank you, mom"

"Hm? For what?"

She asked curiously. I smiled and shook my head gently, and began to eat my food.


Later on that night, I began to pack things up for my journey. If what Nya wrote in the letter is true, then those capsules mom is taking are only gonna last her six more months.

'Mom's illness will begin to come back and worsen over time. Meaning, I'll be on a time frame, I need to get that cure before then'

I thought inwardly. I grabbed my backpack, storing a couple of bottles of water in the front and back zippers. I managed to pack a couple of protein bars as well, along with the army knife Dad left me.

The last things I grabbed to take with me, were the letter Nya wrote, and the black slimed armor she left me.

'I guess she knew I'd go this far, huh? In the end, she was still thinking about me and Mom'

My face saddened, but quickly became a face of anger. Remembering the last paragraph of the letter she sent, my expression became even darker.

'..Who murdered her?…who killed Nya…'

My thoughts began to be shrouded with questions and darker thoughts began to emerge. But as fast as these thoughts came, I quickly composed myself.

'No, don't think like this yet Ray. Not until you find the bastards that tormented your sister..'

After packing away the Black slimed armor, as well as the note. I grabbed my black cap, putting it on the hide my face.

Walking out of my bedroom, I found myself in the hallway, my footsteps echoing out. I found myself staring at my mother's bedroom.


Slowly opening the door, the sound creaking causing a bit of nervousness to seep in. I got worried that it might wake my mother, but it didn't, she was surprisingly a heavy sleeper.

"Goodbye for now Mom.."

I said, my voice barrier audible only coming out as a mere whisper. I closed the door to her room gently, making sure I didn't cause any more disturbances.

And made my way downstairs to the front door, as I reached to open the door, I took one last glance over my shoulder to see the house I grew up in one last time.

A memory popped up in my head, Nya sat on the couch watching TV with Mom, Dad was in the kitchen making dinner for everyone, and I came downstairs, smiling happily at the sight of my family.

As fast as this memory came, it slowly subsided like a wave in the back of my mind, the smile I had faded, and my expression became more serious.

Turning back towards the front door I slowly began to turn the knob and open the door.

"I'll be back, I promise"

I said, not taking a moment to look back. As I stepped through the doorframe to exit the house, I'd close the door behind me ready to start this new chapter in my life.


The sounds of the door echoed into the dark midnight sky.

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