
Return of the Dragon Son-in-law

Lei Cheng is only twenty-five years old but has already tasted the sorrows and bitterness of the world. He comes from a wealthy family and should have had a flowery childhood, but he fell victim to the interests of his family. At the age of six, he was expelled from his family, and on his way to meet his enemies, Lei Cheng's parents were both killed trying to protect him. In his memory, Lei Cheng did not know what he had done wrong to have such a miserable encounter. Afterwards, Lei Cheng was taken in by the kind-hearted orphanage director, and on the day he became an adult at the age of eighteen, he was brought by a mysterious old man to an organization called Shadowland, unaware that from that day on his fate had changed.

Daoist1Sn6m0 · Urban
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68 Chs

Successful swipe

Jiang Xueyu looked at Lei Cheng's deeply affectionate look and almost shook his eyes. This man is really, since when learn to tease the girl, this are burning eyebrows, still say such words.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into.

Jiang Yutong can not care to see her sister and Lei Cheng show love, she firmly believes that this waste of money man where there will be what money and the pot-bellied man in front of her compared.

Thinking of this, she frowned and went to Lei Cheng's side and whispered, "I said, this is what time, you still pretend what to pretend, so many years I still do not understand you, where you will have any money, or quickly shut up."

Looking at his sister-in-law full of distrust, Lei Cheng bitter smile, can not blame her, it is really his own "performance" in the past three years is really poor, so he now want to make up for the deficit to Jiang Xue Yu.

"I say young man, you'd better listen to this little sis, or else you'll lose a lot of face and I'll see how you'll end up?" The big-bellied man said with a dejected face.

The sexy girl looked up and down at Lei Cheng, and secretly thought that this man looks pretty good, but unfortunately, he is a poor man, look at the whole outfit, it is estimated that from head to toe even 300 yuan, this is not her dish, tsk, what a pity!

"Hey, I said the waiter, you still do not quickly drive out these people who affect me, if this lady's mood is really bad, just bought things are null and void." The sultry girl said nonchalantly.

The shopper immediately panicked, she did not want to lose such a big customer, otherwise her bonus will be lost.

For the sake of her wallet, the shopper looked at Lei Cheng and others with disgust and said, "I say, you'd better leave quickly, our place is not suitable for you."

"Waiter you pack all the clothes here for me, but I now ask you to drive these two eyesores out, they also affect my shopping mood." Lei Cheng said with a cold smile.

Jiang Xueyu was shocked to hear that Lei Cheng wanted to pack all the clothes here, my goodness, how much money would it cost, did he really have so much money?

"Lei Cheng, what are you confused ah, every single piece of clothing here is worth a lot of money, the whole store together do you know how much it will cost?" Jiang Xueyu whispered.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The big-bellied man looked at Lei Cheng and laughed: "Good, boy, since you are so bold, then I will fulfill you, as long as you really buy all the clothes in this store today, I will get out of here how?"

The sultry girl immediately also laughed sarcastically, just now I thought this man was good-looking, but I did not think that the brain is so bad, this really want to face live to suffer, wait and see how he made a fool of himself?

The shopper naturally did not believe the words of the man dressed in a stall goods, because in such places to work, see a lot of rich people naturally, she took a look at the eyes to know that this man must be bragging and pretending to be himself, it is estimated that they do not want to let themselves lose face in front of the two women, so to say it.

"You said you want to buy it all, well, I happened to do an inventory today, our store's clothes are a total of 480,000 and 600 dollars, because you are also a big customer, you can make a discount, that six hundred dollars can be exempt, so now please pay it." The shop assistant looked at Lei Cheng with a smile on her face and said.

"I still have one more sentence to finish, the performance of the clothes I bought today are all counted on her." Lei Cheng did not pay attention to the shopper in front of him, he pointed his finger at another attendant in the corner and said.

The shopper Lei Cheng referred to was the only one who did not show any look of contempt for their behavior from the beginning to the end.

After the words, Lei Cheng walked towards the cashier, while Jiang Xueyu and Jiang Yutong incomparably nervous standing in place, while the pot-bellied man and the demon woman saw Lei Cheng so crisp and sharp behavior, the heart also secretly some regret, is this man really have money to buy, their own words just now is not a little too full, not even a back way.

I go! Just remembered, the bank card in Yang Xinghai's hand!

Looking at Lei Cheng frozen in place, the pot-bellied man could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the arrogant look on his face was nakedly revealed again.

"Oops, now it's over, this blowing skin but blowing big, is not to say they forgot to bring their wallets, such lame reasons I advise you not to say, because outdated, ha ha ...." The pot-bellied man said loudly with a mocking face.

The sultry woman was even happier on the side, she said in a gloomy voice: "What a loser, I think you'd better get lost quickly, save yourself the embarrassment of being here."

Jiang Yutong's face was red as she gently pulled the corner of Jiang Xue Yu's coat and muttered, "Sister, we'd better go, you're with this loser man, it's all his fault, otherwise we wouldn't be so down."

Jiang Xue Yu looked at Lei Cheng with some doubts, according to her understanding he absolutely can't just say this for bragging rights, but now this situation is also really very embarrassing.

Jiang Xue Yu walked to Lei Cheng's side and asked softly, "Did you not bring your wallet?"

Lei Cheng is also very embarrassed, he looked chagrined slapped his forehead, how would such a thing to forget, now do not know how Xue Yu look at themselves!

Hearing the words of Jiang Xueyu, the pot-bellied man immediately laughed again: "Aigoo, embarrassed to say it yourself, now let a woman help you say it, this lame reason who believes it?"

Jiang Yutong was so angry that she really wanted to kick this pot-bellied man a few feet, but she was more angry with this nominal brother-in-law, just now the sister said he had changed or something, now it seems to have changed, become more pretentious, she really wanted to leave at this time, but she could not leave her sister alone here, let her bear all this alone.

"Sister, otherwise let's go, let him clean up such a mess by himself, anyway, the words are his alone." Jiang Yutong took Jiang Xueyu's hand and wanted to walk out.

"I say this gentleman, if you really don't have any money, just leave quickly, so as not to hinder our business." The guide really despises such a person, is a poor man, and really thinks he is a person.

Just when Lei Cheng face tangled, suddenly a young man sweating rushed into the store, he came directly to Lei Cheng, hands handed a bank card and respectfully said: "Mr. Lei, your card I have brought you."

Lei Cheng was surprised to look at the young man, the card in his hand is exactly what he gave to Yang Xinghai, it seems that the other party must have asked him to send it.

The big-bellied man also wanted to continue a few sarcastic words, but when he saw an unfamiliar young man give Lei Cheng a card, on the spot, he was stumped.

He went to get together today specifically to participate in the auction of the villa in the center of the water color bright light, and the young man in front of him he had seen, it was him and another man together to auction the most expensive and luxurious villa in all of Nanfu City, and the price spent a full 100 million.

He also remembered that this man said that he was shooting for his boss behind the scenes, and this boss behind the scenes became a mysterious tycoon that people were talking about for a while.

Big-belly man is also some brain, he saw the young man to Lei Cheng so respectful, the identity of the mysterious buyer naturally guessed a few points, can not this man is?

At this point, the pot-bellied man where there is just arrogance, his legs are shaking, a figure of 100 million in his eyes is not even dare to think about, you can imagine how deep the background of this young man.

The big-bellied man had only one thought left at this time, that is, to leave this place quickly, because such a big man is not able to provoke himself.

"Let's go." The big-bellied man said quietly to the demon lady.

The demon lady was very facetious, she did not know Lei Cheng's true identity, naturally she would not believe that any money could really be swiped from this bank card, but it was all just the other party playing games, she did not even hear the words of the big-bellied man in her ears.

The woman sneered and said: "Go? I want to see how much money he can get out of this card."

The big-bellied man wanted to strangle this stupid woman to death, dare to provoke Lei Cheng unhappy, what is the difference between that and looking for death? You're really tired of living!

When Lei Cheng handed over the bank card to the cashier, Jiang Yutong felt her forehead start to sweat, and Jiang Xueyu was no better, she was inexplicably nervous too.

"Sir, please enter your password." The cashier carefully handed the POS to Lei Cheng, such a large order, she encountered for the first time, naturally vaguely a little excited.

"Xue Yu, you enter the password!" Lei Cheng suddenly stopped the action in his hand, turned his head to look at Jiang Xueyu and said with a smile.

"Ah, I? But I don't know the password, how can I lose it?" Jiang Xueyu asked inexplicably.

Lei Cheng smiled and did not say, or raised his hand insisted that she try, at this time Jiang Xue Yu looked at Lei Cheng a moment to think of a number, that is their wedding anniversary.

"I say, you also really, you own shame even if it is, why also pull my sister?" Jiang Yutong did not wait for Jiang Xue Yu to respond, then said in an exasperated voice.

Jiang Xue Yu looked at the POS and pressed out the numbers that came to her mind one by one.

The input is correct, the card is successful!

The shopper who had been sarcastic Lei Cheng just now looked at all this in front of her with a dumbfounded face, this ... This is really a successful payment?

For such a result, I'm afraid the scene only belly man did not show any unexpected look, because the other party even a hundred million spent, then a few hundred thousand that is still a fart ah!

The sultry girl looked at Lei Cheng incredulously, this man really has the money to pay the bill, impossible ah, she was waiting to see the other party joke, did not think that they became a joke.

"Sister, how do you know the password?" Jiang Yutong widened her eyes, she was also a bit baffled at this time, this waste really has money, and their own sister is not not know the password, how a press on the card success?

Jiang Xueyu said with a red face, "I lost is our wedding anniversary."

The first time Jiang Yutong heard it, it immediately dawned on him, looking at Lei Cheng's eyes also slightly changed, this man is quite thoughtful, looking at his sister's face happy look, she looked at Lei Cheng again also feel smooth some.

"Who just said, to roll out from here?" Lei Cheng put away his bank card and said leisurely.

The big-bellied man and the demon man just wanted to quietly slip away, Lei Cheng's words rang out at the right time, the two people immediately stopped in their tracks and stayed in place not knowing what to do.

"You have money, we also have money to pay the bill, it is you in front of us, why should I get out!" The sultry girl said with a resigned face.

Lei Cheng just smiled and looked at these two people, and did not say a word.

But such a look in the eyes of the big-bellied man, that body shivered, he knew that if he did not do as he said before today, then Lei Cheng will not let himself go.

This kind of hand is a hundred million people, where is their own can offend up.

Big belly stomped his feet, he retraced his steps to the store, and once his eyes were closed he shrunken his body really like a meatball and rolled towards the store door.

"I'm sorry, just now it was my mouth, you just take it all as a fart, don't see eye to eye with me." The big-bellied man said with trepidation.

The demon woman did not expect the pot-bellied man really rolled out, she felt her face all lost, and then angrily yelled: "Are you crazy, he told you to roll you really roll, you think you are a dog?"

The big-bellied man's eyebrows flashed a stern look, he raised his hand and fiercely threw the woman a loud slap "You bitch, what are you yelling at, you're even worse than a fucking dog."

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